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Building a Valid Threat Library for Cloud Based...

Building a Valid Threat Library for Cloud Based Applications

Learn more about securing your Azure environment here: http://bit.ly/azure-security-versprite

Tapping the power of various inherent cloud monitoring and log components in order to build a dynamic threat library that can substantiate your threat model is very possible. In this presentation, we look at both Azure and AWS components to leverage when adding threat context and ultimately an amazing threat library to your application threat model. We also look at exemplifying these techniques across mission critical infrastructure in Energy and Transportation.

VerSprite, Inc

April 25, 2019

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  1. Leverage a Threat Model to Guide DevSecOps 1. Threat Modeling

    activities lend well to DevSecOps stages ▹ Threat Library builds context of applicable menaces to Cloud application based upon industry, data model, and technology footprint ▹ Blueprints attack patterns to test, vulns to check, controls to configure 2. Correlating Threat Libraries to build as many security controls in DevOps is possible Threats ➜ Attacks ➜ Vulns ➜ Affected Components ➜ Controls for Automation 2. Fosters security automation in Build, Test, Release, Deploy, & Operate phases ▹ Threat Modeling (PASTA S1-S4) ➜ Plan stage ▹ Risk based Countermeasure Development (PASTA S7) ➜ Code, Build, Deploy ▹ Vulnerability Analysis (PASTA S5 ➜ Deploy (Configuration), Operate ▹ Threat Analysis (PASTA S4 ➜ Operate (Monitoring), Plan) Source: Metalop.com
  2. @ t0nyuv LinkedIn.com/tonyuv Tony UcedaVélez CEO/ Founder, VerSprite VerSprite.com -

    Global Security Firm • OWASP Atlanta Chapter Leader (past 10 years) • Author, “Risk Centric Threat Modeling – Process for Attack Simulation & Threat Analysis”, Wiley June 2015 • Passionate global, threat modeling evangelist • Dreams of bankrupting #infosec with intelligent, threat inspired DevSecOps automation
  3. Threat Considerations & Misinterpretations Basic Tenants of Threat Libraries in

    Cloud Threat Models “Cloud security automation can leverage threat models as blueprints; threat libraries that leverage both threat intel & data help kickoff evidence based DevSecOps security workflows”
  4. Problem & Resolutions on Today’s Threat Models Cloud, Threat Confusion,

    Misuse Impairs Ability to Model Threats Proposed Resolution: Help Substantiate Your Threat Model with Threat Data and Customer Threat Intelligence • Important to substantiate your threats for your Cloud threat models • Threat intelligence provides outside, industry threat perspectives • However - threat data provides security events incidents that may support threat claims in a threat model • Threat data can substantiate underlying attack patterns in a threat model • SME/Security Champion conducting threat modeling can leverage threat intel and data Problem Statement: Threat Models Are Not Addressing Cloud Related Threats • Many threat modeling activities are foregoing the inclusion of threat considerations. • Vulnerabilities ≠ Threats; DFDs ≠ Threat Models • Since vulnerabilities do map to exploits, many equate exploits or attack patterns to threats • Practitioners compelled to only look outwardly to threat intel vs. leveraging threat data • AWS & Azure both provide centralized ‘dashboard’ of security threats, however, still overwhelming to look at • Azure Security Center (now Hybrid) facilitates alerts per tenant • Means Energy, Transportation sectors dependent on SaaS vendors for efforts between threat identification to mitigation
  5. Clarifying Threat Terms Use & Abuses Threats Against Cloud Castles

    – Key Threat Modeling • Threat modeling should represent “Model of Threats” ◦ Threat model can serve as blueprint for DevSecOps efforts across the FULL Cloud stack • Remember Cloud can be SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, CaaS; Cloud is not just serverless apps, containers, or VMs • Today, threats are often inferred from Attack Surfaces or Vulnerabilities • Threats should point to viable attack patterns that can automated via automated testing ◦ Example: Crypto mining threat (aka cryptojacking) via priv escalation attack to instantiate new EC2 instance • “Threat Hunting” has completely perversed the use of Threat Intelligence ◦ Reboot & refactor needed to iteratively feed threat models • Threat Data may represent lessons learned from prior battles/ attacks logged in Cloud management logs, VMs, serverless apps
  6. Define the Objective Define the Technical Scope Decompose the Application

    Analyze the Threats Analyze the Vulnerabilities Analyze the Risk and Impact Model the Attacks • Stage IV correlates relevant threat patterns. Threat intelligence and threat data fed. (Key focus of talk) • Stage V & VI – “proof” stages; prove viability; allow for integrated security testing in threat-led DevSecOps efforts • Stage VII – Rationale for countermeasure development based upon residual risk can be incorporated into Design & Build phases of DevSecOps lifecycle • Model is fed by Operate & Monitor phases in DevSecOps • PASTA applies to the full stack, not just the App tier • Stage I sets tone of importance around Cloud use cases, particularly in Energy sector where use cases can be baselined in Cloud Apps/Management APIs • Stage II defines technical scope of app components; essentially can provide attack surface across full stack in CSP • Stage III maps use cases to actors/worker processes and data sources in Cloud. Helps in IAM Cloud policy configuration via Cloud Mgt APIs. PASTA Methodology Applied to Cloud
  7. Tiered Approach to PASTA DevSecOps Adoption Scoping Cloud API PUTS

    & GETS Supports Evidence Driven Model Blind Threat Model • Industry ‘Best Practice’ Applied to app components • Maps key goals of app or service and correlates to clear technical standards for architecture, hardening of server/ service, app framework, containers • Applies Stage 1 & Stage 2 of PASTA Evidence Driven Threat Model • Integrate threat log data analysis • Focus on logs that support attack vector w/ greatest motives (e.g. – TLS MITM vs. Injection based events) • Correlate threat evidence for substantiating threat trends of attacks for target apps. Full Risk Based Threat Model • Ability to run statistical analysis/ probabilistic analysis on threat data & attack effectiveness • Consider non-traditional attack vectors, still supporting threat motives. • Conduct probabilistic analysis on threat data and attack sequences from pen testing efforts.
  8. Collaboration in DevSecOps Carnegie Mellon TMM November 2016 Study “Developed

    at DePaul University, the Persona non Grata approach makes threat modeling more tractable by asking users to focus on attackers, their motivations, and abilities. Once this step is completed, users are asked to brainstorm about targets and likely attack mechanisms that the attackers would deploy.” Source: Cyber Threat Modeling: An Evaluation of Three Methods • PnG (Persona non Grata) reflected least false positives • PnG reflected consistent threats across multiple teams conducting threat analysis • PASTA focuses on: ◦ Substantiating models with real threats ◦ Supporting threats via real attack patterns that can be tested (DevSecOps test cases) ◦ Supporting vulns that map to attack patterns (e.g. – CWE/ CVE: CAPEC mapping) ◦ Collaborative amongst various constituents  https://insights.sei.cmu.edu/sei_blog/2016/11/cyber-threat-modeling-an-evaluation-of-three-methods.html
  9. Objectives in Building a Threat Library Incorporate • Prioritized top

    threats based upon assumed impact • Threats serve as top nodes in attack tree Analyze • Select most relevant threats • Consider timing of threat info • Attack patterns ≠ threats Research • Threat Data • Threat Intelligence • Industry Reports & Trends Learn to Substantiate Your Model • FUD perceptions do not constitute valid threat patterns • Threats help contextualize probability of threat occurrence for assets at risk • Provides realistic considerations to real threats affecting critical infrastructure (i.e. – Transportation/ Energy) • Threat patterns provide a top level hierarchy context to organize underlying attacks, vulnerabilities around crucial infrastructure being threat modeled Role of the Threat Library • Provides ‘living’ body of content around viable threats • Should be revisited monthly to see if an evolving threat landscape warrants changes to the threat library • Provides a list of threats that shape the pinnacle node of attack trees • An exhaustive list is not the objective; a quality list is
  10. Industry Incidents to Threat Considerations Reported incidents against CI best

    form of auto-checking or adding to threat libraries Security Media Can Have Worst Threat Info Vulnerability reports masquerading as threat information Function + Dysfunction Threat Mashup • Collaboration between those that understand functional use + creative, threat driven approaches can easily kickstart a great threat library • For Critical Instructure government resources provide good insight to the function of key industries and associated systems • [ENERGY] European Commission (EC), Energy Expert Cyber Security Platform (EECSP) Expert Group • [TRANSPORTATION] PT-ISAC (U.S) Public Transportation Info Sharing & Analysis Center • Transit And Rail Intelligence Awareness Daily (TRIAD) replaced daily PT-ISAC report Break Bad Threat Consumption Habits Importance of Consistency in Good Threat Information
  11. Threat Modeling + DevOps in Energy Sector Opportunities for Security

    Automation via Evidence Supported Threat Modeling A brief case study on Cloud adoption in Oil & Gas and how an evidence supported library can be the cornerstone to a good threat model and foster security automation.
  12. Building a Threat Library for Oil & Gas DevSecOps Threat

    Tuning Begins with a Solid Threat Library • Traditional threats to Oil & Gas are physical in nature • Highly competitive, capital intensive industry, depending on accuracy field data shapes future use of Cloud adoption • Cyber related threats aim to incapacitate interconnected systems ◦ piracy ◦ terrorism ◦ insurgency ◦ organized crime ◦ civil protest ◦ inter-state hostilities ◦ vandalism ◦ internal sabotage ◦ Taint Data [Integrity, Availability] Research Exploration, Operations Data ◦ Extortion via suppressing [Availability] of Cloud management panels or Cloud Energy SaaS Apps ◦ Mine Cryptocurrency on PaaS infrastructure [Integrity] ◦ Steal Secrets (e.g. - Exploration/ R&D) [Confidentiality]
  13. Authentication Components FlexTrack Multi-Tenant Energy App Targeted OSINT • Sabotage

    • Steal • Extortion Threat Library • Azure AD • Web API • Auth Panel Attack Surface • Auth Bypass • Social Eng • Injection Attack Patterns • Web Server • Web App • Human Vulnerable Assets Role Playing the Threat Actor Cloud WellSpot Application under PASTA’s Threat Analysis IV Selecting a Cloud Target in Wellhead Operations
  14. Sample Threat Model w/ Custom Oil & Gas Threat Library

    Equinor’s WellSpot Threat Model Summary Card Associated Threats Attack Surface Establish Persistence Steal Secrets Taint Data Sabotage Extortion Cryptojacking Tenant Hopping Cloud Admin Access Threat Library Threat Motives Long term, multi-faceted compromise Steal R&D Data, Wellhead locations, Well Performance Metrics Affect accuracy in reporting for more macro economic or competitive reasons Vengeance driven, corporate sabotage to largely disrupt availability of information, services Hold hostage parts or complete IT infrastructure for the purposes of using as financial leverage. Leverage compromised IT infrastructure in order to mine crypto currencies Discover other Energy providers leveraging WellSpot multi-tenant cloud application Obtain administrative access to control panel for aforementioned motives; sell access on black market. Employees/ Contractors Endpoints Web Apps/ APIs Internal Applications Domain Controllers Cloud Admin Panel/ API O365 Network Attack Patterns Vishing, Smishing, Rogue SW Drive-by-download, malware via docs, email Injection based attacks, authentication bypass Insider threats, rogue software Pass the hash cracking attempts Social Eng, Illicit Cloud Access via Auth Attacks Targeted phishing over email vector Network MITM
  15. Attack Tree Rooted by Sabotage Threat Cloud WellSpot Application under

    PASTA’s Threat Analysis IV • Attack trees provide DevSecOps automation blueprint • Oil & Gas depends on depends on accurate field data quickly; Cloud provides automation opportunity • Cyber related threats aim to incapacitate interconnected systems Taint Data [Integrity, Availability] Research Exploration, Operations Data Extortion via suppressing [Availability] of Cloud management panels or Cloud Energy SaaS Apps Mine Cryptocurrency on PaaS infrastructure [Integrity] Steal Secrets (e.g. - Exploration/ R&D) [Confidentiality]
  16. Script Mapping Countermeasures to Threat Targets Detective Control Checks to

    Automate for Exposed Redis Mapping a Detective Control to a Threat Target Again, target asset or component is supported by threat model, thereby rationalizing its prioritization as a control check Check validates FW rules in front of Redis Cache service for Cloud Energy application Detective control can be implemented during the DevSecOps environment Build process or Deploy, Operate, & Maintain cycles
  17. Script Mapping Countermeasures to Threat Targets Detective Control Checks to

    Automate for Exposed Redis Result Tracking on API Responses • Detective checks help to establish a baseline of security configuration under Monitor & Operate DevSecOps phases • Detective Open Source tools like: ◦ Scout2 https://github.com/nccgroup/Scout2 ◦ Cloud Security Suite https://github.com/SecurityFTW/cs-suite ◦ Prowler https://github.com/toniblyx/prowler
  18. Script Mapping Countermeasures to Threat Targets Detective Control Checks to

    Automate for Exposed Redis Result Tracking on API Responses • Detective checks help to establish a baseline of security configuration under Monitor & Operate DevSecOps phases • Altering or creating a new rule is also easy by simply changing http method • PUT https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/ {subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGro upName}/providers/Microsoft.Cache/Redis/{ca cheName}/firewallRules/{ruleName}?api- version=2016-04-01 • Creating new rule can be done as part of Build or Deploy phases.
  19. Script Mapping Countermeasures to Threat Targets Detective Control Checks to

    Automate for Exposed Redis Result Tracking on API Responses • Detective checks help to establish a baseline of security configuration under Monitor & Operate DevSecOps phases • Altering or creating a new rule is also easy by simply changing http method • PUT https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/ {subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGro upName}/providers/Microsoft.Cache/Redis/{ca cheName}/firewallRules/{ruleName}?api- version=2016-04-01 • Creating new rule can be done as part of Build or Deploy phases.
  20. • Detective controls against CloudTrail web API allows for detective

    audit checks. • Image on far left identifies if subnetting is present within a VPC for an AWS account. Useful for determining if subnetting perhaps needs to be present with logical ACLs applied. AWS Automation Opportunities JSON Supported Web Interfaces Facilitates Security Checks
  21. Azure Security Manager (Hybrid) Comparing & Integrating CloudSec Ops to

    TM Led DevSecOps Proposed Resolution: Help Substantiate Your Threat Model with Threat Data and Customer Threat Intelligence • Important to substantiate your threats for your Cloud threat models • Threat intelligence provides outside, industry threat perspectives • However - threat data provides security events incidents that may support threat claims in a threat model • Threat data can substantiate underlying attack patterns in a threat model • SME/Security Champion conducting threat modeling can leverage threat intel and data Problem Statement: Threat Models Are Not Addressing Cloud Related Threats • Many threat modeling activities are foregoing the inclusion of threat considerations. • Vulnerabilities ≠ Threats; DFDs ≠ Threat Models • Since vulnerabilities do map to exploits, many equate exploits or attack patterns to threats • Practitioners compelled to only look outwardly to threat intel vs. leveraging threat data • AWS & Azure both provide centralized ‘dashboard’ of security threats, however, still overwhelming to look at. • Azure Security Center (now Hybrid) facilitates alerts per tenant. • Means Energy, Transportation sectors dependent on SaaS vendors for efforts between threat identification to mitigation.
  22. Azure Security Manager (Hybrid) Comparing & Integrating CloudSec Ops to

    TM Led DevSecOps Focused vs. Traditional 1. Azure provides centralized security information via Hybrid compared to 7 different AWS security product subscriptions 2. 4SubSea management of WellSpot in Azure, following a traditional approach will be largely vuln, event driven • Blind to a threat library or model • Not fueling threat data back into a threat model • Traditional approach would still be overwhelming to automate – where do you start? 3. Cloud security dashboards today are simply carrying traditional SOC data • Although Azure does great job of aggregating: ◦ WAF Alerts ◦ Policy violations ◦ VM vulnerabilities via partner scans or Azure agents - (configuration checks) • Threat context is still missing 4. For Energy sector, is your SaaS provider doing either – traditional security driven or evidence, threat model supported SaaS management? 4. Threat inspired management of Cloud events is more focused & iterative. *Azure Hybrid is per tenant
  23. The Future of Your Threat Lib & Security Automation Industry

    Perspective + Adversarial Tendencies “Understanding a range of threat scenarios provides the basis for security readiness and opportunity for security automation.”
  24. Sound Technologists Hacker Global Economic / Business Mindset to Build

    Future Threat Libs Business + Hacker + Technologist = Good Threat Lib Attack patterns, vulns, and countermeasures will largely be technical. Knowing how they work and how to automate places an important role. Hacker or criminal mindset is helpful in emulating the psych needed to circumvent barriers for the purposes of achieving threat objectives to a criminal or criminal group. Business perspective keeps understanding in terms of what are ultimately business threats, not necessarily security threats.
  25. European Commission on Energy Sector CybSec in Energy Sector https://ec.europa.eu/energy/sites/ener/files/docume

    nts/eecsp_report_final.pdf DOE (U.S) Assessment of Electricity Disruption Incident Response Capabilities https://www.energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2018/05/f51/E O13800%20electricity%20subsector%20report.pdf PT-ISAC :: Transportation (U.S) TRIAD is the Transit & Rail Intelligence Awareness Daily replaces daily PT-ISAC reports. Email based. ISACs in general reflect prior incident information with limited IOC data. (except: FS-ISAC) Industry Leaders (GE), Data Command, & OEM leaders and their sector reports on data reliance for operations Twitter, Google News Alerts C- A+ A- A+ B+ Resources & References | Grading Online Threat Information Sources Threat Libraries Are Simple, Useful, Informative
  26. Closing Remarks & Future Outlook Threat Libs Contextualizing Security Info

    & Automation Standardization, Correlation Key to Automation in Cloud 1. “Cloud” encompass management PaaS/ IaaS layer that has exposed APIs and web UI interface 2. “Cloud” also encompasses the full tech stack within your SaaS. Agent or traditional agentless scans from within the Cloud remain. 3. Left Sided Security opportunities begin w/ a Threat inspired Threat Model helps define security objectives in PLAN, CODE, & BUILD efforts 4. External threat intelligence feeds are noisy. TAXII services still need to evolve and follow a schema that can easily map CAPEC, CVEs, CWEs 5. Threat to Countermeasure to Threat Re-Learning automation will come from the private sector. 6. Lessons from SCAP shortcomings in mass adoption 7. STIX, TAXII MITRE divestiture; OASIS schema changes 8. Web supported interfaces facilitate greater automation via workflows Source: Metalop.com