bundle update aws-partitions cssbundling-rails debug jsbundling-rails \ selenium-webdriver sequel tailwindcss-rails --conservative https://bundler.io/man/bundle-update.1.html Use bundle install conservative update behavior and do not allow indirect dependencies to be updated. 7つのgemをupdateすると、事象が再現した
do ... snip ... # Custom types defined in this database. # Note that some types may not work with other database engines. Be careful if changing database. create_enum "mood", ["happy", "ok", "sad"] end create_enum メソッド第2引数のarray要素の順序が違う assert output.include?('create_enum "mood", ["sad", "ok", "happy"]'), output
https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/43371/files query = <<~SQL SELECT type.typname AS name, - string_agg(enum.enumlabel, ',') AS value + string_agg(enum.enumlabel, ',' ORDER BY enum.enumsortorder) AS value FROM pg_enum AS enum JOIN pg_type AS type ON (type.oid = enum.enumtypid) これでこのテストはgreenとなった 背景をもう少し見てみましょう
NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pg_type t WHERE t.typname = 'mood' ) THEN CREATE TYPE "mood" AS ENUM ('sad', 'ok', 'happy'); END IF; END $$; SELECT type.typname AS name, string_agg(enum.enumlabel, ',') AS value FROM pg_enum AS enum JOIN pg_type AS type ON (type.oid = enum.enumtypid) GROUP BY type.typname;
',') AS value FROM pg_enum AS enum JOIN pg_type AS type ON (type.oid = enum.enumtypid) GROUP BY type.typname; name | value ------+-------------- mood | sad,ok,happy (1 row)
',') AS value FROM pg_enum AS enum JOIN pg_type AS type ON (type.oid = enum.enumtypid) GROUP BY type.typname; name | value ------+-------------- mood | happy,ok,sad (1 row)
AS name, string_agg(enum.enumlabel, ',') AS value FROM pg_enum AS enum JOIN pg_type AS type ON (type.oid = enum.enumtypid) GROUP BY type.typname; QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HashAggregate (cost=75.85..76.82 rows=78 width=96) Group Key: type.typname -> Hash Join (cost=2.75..75.26 rows=78 width=128) Hash Cond: (type.oid = enum.enumtypid) -> Seq Scan on pg_type type (cost=0.00..67.71 rows=1071 width=68) -> Hash (cost=1.78..1.78 rows=78 width=68) -> Seq Scan on pg_enum enum (cost=0.00..1.78 rows=78 width=68) (7 rows)
does not exist, skipping Cannot run integration tests for queue_classic. To be able to run integration tests for queue_classic you need to install and start postgresql.