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Data classes and parsing JSON - A story about...

Data classes and parsing JSON - A story about converting Models to Kotlin

Since the announcement of official Kotlin support at Google I/O we can be sure that Kotlin is here to stay and you can already feel the boost this language is getting. At Kitchen Stories we love this uprise and we are migrating our code base gradually to leverage the new features this language provides us.
In this session, I want to take you along the journey on how and why we migrated all our POJOs to POKOs. You will learn how Kotlins data classes, constructor default values and non-nullability can enable a more robust JSON parsing and how you can improve parsing with Moshi.

Some more context to the slides can be found here:

The Live-Code-Example is available here:

Stefan Medack

October 25, 2017

More Decks by Stefan Medack

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  1. Data classes and parsing JSON - A story about converting

    Models to Kotlin Stefan Medack Zonic03
  2. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) How

    to make your PO happy What we have: ▸ API that can not be (easily) changed ▸ JSON can be different (to your expectations) What we want: ▸ Less content related crashes ▸ get rid of tedious, nested null checks ▸ filter „broken“ content
  3. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) {

    "id": "article_1", "title": "Data classes and parsing JSON", "subtitle": "A story about converting Models to Kotlin", "cell_image": { "url": "https://images.kitchenstories.de/example.jpg" }, "author": { "username": "Stefan Medack" }, "comments": [ ... ], "content": [ ... ] ... }
  4. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) public

    class Article { public String id; public String title; public Image cell_image; public User author; public Video video; public String subtitle; public List<Content> content; public int like_count; public List<Comment> comments; public Date published_at; // Constructors, Getters, Setters, ... }
  5. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) data

    class Article( val id: String, val title: String, val cell_image: Image, val author: User, val video: Video? = null, val subtitle: String = EMPTY_STRING, val content: List<Content> = listOf(), val like_count: Int = 0, val comments: List<Comment> = listOf(), val published_at: Date = Date(0) )
  6. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) data

    class Article( val id: String, val title: String, val cell_image: Image, val author: User, val video: Video? = null, val subtitle: String = EMPTY_STRING, val content: List<Content> = listOf(), val like_count: Int = 0, val comments: List<Comment> = listOf(), val published_at: Date = Date(0) )
  7. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) data

    class Article( val id: String, val title: String, val image: Image, val author: User, val video: Video? = null, val subtitle: String = EMPTY_STRING, val content: List<Content> = listOf(), val likeCount: Int = 0, val comments: List<Comment> = listOf(), val publishedAt: Date = Date(0) )
  8. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) data

    class Article( val id: String, val title: String, @Json(name = "cell_image") val image: Image, val author: User, val video: Video? = null, val subtitle: String = EMPTY_STRING, val content: List<Content> = listOf(), @Json(name = "like_count") val likeCount: Int = 0, val comments: List<Comment> = listOf(), @Json(name = "published_at") val publishedAt: Date = Date(0) )
  9. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) data

    class Article( val id: String, val title: String, val image: Image, val author: User, val video: Video? = null, val subtitle: String = EMPTY_STRING, val content: List<Content> = listOf(), val likeCount: Int = 0, val comments: List<Comment> = listOf(), val publishedAt: Date = Date(0) )
  10. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) data

    class Article( val id: String, val title: String, val image: Image, val author: User, val video: Video? = null, val subtitle: String = EMPTY_STRING, val content: List<Content> = listOf(), val likeCount: Int = 0, val comments: List<Comment> = listOf(), val publishedAt: Date = Date(0) )
  11. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) data

    class Article( val id: String, val title: String, val image: Image, val author: User, val video: Video? = null, val subtitle: String = EMPTY_STRING, val content: List<Content> = listOf(), val likeCount: Int = 0, val comments: List<Comment> = listOf(), val publishedAt: Date = Date(0) )
  12. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) data

    class Article( val id: String, val title: String, val image: Image, val author: User, val video: Video? = null, val subtitle: String = EMPTY_STRING, val content: List<Content> = listOf(), val likeCount: Int = 0, val comments: List<Comment> = listOf(), val publishedAt: Date = Date(0) )
  13. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) data

    class Article( val id: String, val title: String, val image: Image, val author: User, val video: Video? = null, val subtitle: String = EMPTY_STRING, val content: List<Content> = listOf(), val likeCount: Int = 0, val comments: List<Comment> = listOf(), val publishedAt: Date = Date(0) )
  14. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) data

    class Article( val id: String, val title: String, val image: Image, val author: User, val video: Video? = null, val subtitle: String = EMPTY_STRING, val content: List<Content> = listOf(), val likeCount: Int = 0, val comments: List<Comment> = listOf(), val publishedAt: Date = Date(0) )
  15. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) data

    class Article( val id: String, val title: String, val image: Image, val author: User, val video: Video? = null, val subtitle: String = EMPTY_STRING, val content: List<Content> = listOf(), val likeCount: Int = 0, val comments: List<Comment> = listOf(), val publishedAt: Date = Date(0) )
  16. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) JSON

    <-> Data Class ▸ Kotson ▸ Jackson ▸ Moshi
  17. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) How

    to setup Moshi implementation „com.squareup.moshi:moshi:1.6.0“ // Version A) implementation „com.squareup.moshi:moshi-kotlin:1.6.0“ // adds kotlin.reflect library !
  18. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) How

    to setup Moshi implementation „com.squareup.moshi:moshi:1.6.0“ // Version A) implementation „com.squareup.moshi:moshi-kotlin:1.6.0“ // Version B) Kapt „com.squareup.moshi:moshi-kotlin-codegen:1.6.0“
  19. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) How

    to setup Moshi val moshi = Moshi.Builder() // "... here be adapters# .build()
  20. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) How

    to setup Moshi - with reflection val moshi = Moshi.Builder() // "... here be adapters# .add(KotlinJsonAdapterFactory()) //constructor default values$ .build() https://github.com/square/moshi/issues/315
  21. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) How

    to setup Moshi - with code generation data class Article( val title: String, val image: Image, // … ) val moshi = Moshi.Builder() // no Kotlin Adapter needed .build()
  22. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) How

    to setup Moshi - with code generation @JsonClass(generateAdapter = true) data class Article( val title: String, val image: Image, // … ) val moshi = Moshi.Builder() // no Kotlin Adapter needed .build()
  23. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) How

    to setup Moshi - with code generation @JsonClass(generateAdapter = true) data class Article( val title: String, val image: Image, // … ) val moshi = Moshi.Builder() // no Kotlin Adapter needed .build() Step 3) use Moshi with Retrofit https://proandroiddev.com/a69c2621708b
  24. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) Let’s

    test https://github.com/stefanmedack/MoshiKotlinExample
  25. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) Let’s

    test ▸ What is Date ! -> Crash & ▸ Not all mandatory fields are present? ! -> Crash & ▸ There can be nulls in non-nullable lists? ! -> Crash &
  26. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) val

    moshi = Moshi.Builder() // "... here be adapters# .build()
  27. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) val

    moshi = Moshi.Builder() .add( Date::class.java, Rfc3339DateJsonAdapter().nullSafe() ) .build()
  28. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) Let’s

    test ▸ What is Date ! -> Successful ✅ ▸ Not all mandatory fields are present? ! -> Crash & ▸ There can be nulls in non-nullable lists? ! -> Crash &
  29. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) Let’s

    test ▸ What is Date ! -> Successful ✅ ▸ Not all mandatory fields are present? ! -> Crash & ▸ There can be nulls in non-nullable lists? ! -> Crash &
  30. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) @JsonClass(generateAdapter

    = true) data class Article( val id: String, val title: String, val image: Image, val author: User, val video: Video? = null, val subtitle: String = EMPTY_STRING, val content: List<Content> = listOf(), val likeCount: Int = 0, val comments: List<Comment> = listOf(), val publishedAt: Date = Date(0) )
  31. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) class

    DefaultOnDataMismatchAdapter<T> private constructor( private val delegate: JsonAdapter<T>, private val defaultValue: T? ) : JsonAdapter<T>() { @Throws(IOException::class) override fun fromJson(reader: JsonReader): T? = try { delegate.fromJsonValue(reader.readJsonValue()) } catch (e: Exception) { Timber.w("Wrongful content - could not parse delegate $delegate") defaultValue } @Throws(IOException::class) override fun toJson(writer: JsonWriter, value: T?) { delegate.toJson(writer, value) } companion object { @JvmStatic fun <T> newFactory(type: Class<T>, defaultValue: T?): JsonAdapter.Factory { return object : JsonAdapter.Factory { override fun create(requestedType: Type, annotations: Set<Annotation>, moshi: Moshi): JsonAdapter<*>? { if (type != requestedType) { return null } val delegate = moshi.nextAdapter<T>(this, type, annotations) return DefaultOnDataMismatchAdapter(delegate, defaultValue) } } } } } https://gist.github.com/stefanmedack/719fd8d905c6be982e1b4f807cbda3fa
  32. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) class

    DefaultOnDataMismatchAdapter<T> private constructor( private val delegate: JsonAdapter<T>, private val defaultValue: T? ) : JsonAdapter<T>() { @Throws(IOException::class) override fun fromJson(reader: JsonReader): T? = try { delegate.fromJsonValue(reader.readJsonValue()) } catch (e: Exception) { Timber.w("Wrongful content - could not parse delegate $delegate") defaultValue } @Throws(IOException::class) override fun toJson(writer: JsonWriter, value: T?) { delegate.toJson(writer, value) } } https://gist.github.com/stefanmedack/719fd8d905c6be982e1b4f807cbda3fa
  33. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) class

    DefaultOnDataMismatchAdapter<T> private constructor( private val delegate: JsonAdapter<T>, private val defaultValue: T? ) : JsonAdapter<T>() { @Throws(IOException::class) override fun fromJson(reader: JsonReader): T? = try { delegate.fromJsonValue(reader.readJsonValue()) } catch (e: Exception) { Timber.w("Wrongful content - could not parse delegate $delegate") defaultValue } @Throws(IOException::class) override fun toJson(writer: JsonWriter, value: T?) { delegate.toJson(writer, value) } } https://gist.github.com/stefanmedack/719fd8d905c6be982e1b4f807cbda3fa
  34. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) val

    moshi = Moshi.Builder() // "... here be adapters# .add(KotlinJsonAdapterFactory()) .build()
  35. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) val

    moshi = Moshi.Builder() // "... here be adapters# .add( DefaultOnDataMismatchAdapter.newFactory( Article::class.java, null ) ) .add(KotlinJsonAdapterFactory()) .build()
  36. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) val

    moshi = Moshi.Builder() // "... here be adapters# .add( DefaultOnDataMismatchAdapter.newFactory( AspectRatio::class.java, AspectRatio.unknown ) ) .add(KotlinJsonAdapterFactory()) .build()
  37. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) val

    moshi = Moshi.Builder() // "... here be adapters# .add( DefaultOnDataMismatchAdapter.newFactory( ArticlePage::class.java, ArticlePage(…) ) ) .add(KotlinJsonAdapterFactory()) .build()
  38. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) Let’s

    test ▸ What is Date ! -> Successful ✅ ▸ Not all mandatory fields are present? ! -> Successful ✅ ▸ filter general parsing errors ▸ more robust parsing ▸ There can be nulls in non-nullable lists? ! -> Crash &
  39. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) Let’s

    test ▸ What is Date ! -> Successful ✅ ▸ Not all mandatory fields are present? ! -> Successful ✅ ▸ filter general parsing errors ▸ more robust parsing ▸ There can be nulls in non-nullable lists?* ! -> Crash & *https://github.com/square/moshi/issues/331
  40. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) @JsonClass(generateAdapter

    = true) data class Article( val id: String, val title: String, val cell_image: Image, val author: User, val video: Video? = null, val subtitle: String = EMPTY_STRING, val content: List<Content> = listOf(), val like_count: Int = 0, val comments: List<Comment> = listOf(), val published_at: Date = Date(0) )
  41. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) @JsonClass(generateAdapter

    = true) data class Article( val id: String, val title: String, val cell_image: Image, val author: User, val video: Video? = null, val subtitle: String = EMPTY_STRING, val content: List<Content?> = listOf(), val like_count: Int = 0, val comments: List<Comment?> = listOf(), val published_at: Date = Date(0) )
  42. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) @JsonClass(generateAdapter

    = true) data class Article( val id: String, val title: String, val cell_image: Image, val author: User, val video: Video? = null, val subtitle: String = EMPTY_STRING, val content: List<Content!> = listOf(), val like_count: Int = 0, val comments: List<Comment!> = listOf(), val published_at: Date = Date(0) )
  43. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) class

    FilterNullValuesFromListAdapter<T : Any> private constructor( private val delegate: JsonAdapter<List<T?>> ) : JsonAdapter<List<T>>() { @Throws(IOException::class) override fun fromJson(reader: JsonReader): List<T> = delegate.fromJsonValue(reader.readJsonValue())?.filterNotNull() ?: listOf() @Throws(IOException::class) override fun toJson(writer: JsonWriter, value: List<T>?) { delegate.toJson(writer, value) } companion object { @JvmStatic fun <T : Any> newFactory(type: Class<T>): JsonAdapter.Factory { return object : JsonAdapter.Factory { override fun create(requestedType: Type,annotations: Set<Annotation>,moshi: Moshi): JsonAdapter<*>? { val listType = Types.newParameterizedType(List::class.java, type) if (listType != requestedType) { return null } val delegate = moshi.nextAdapter<List<T?>>(this, listType, annotations) return FilterNullValuesFromListAdapter(delegate) } } } } } https://gist.github.com/stefanmedack/005971818edbf56e059f121cd4908c76
  44. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) class

    FilterNullValuesFromListAdapter<T : Any> private constructor( private val delegate: JsonAdapter<List<T?>> ) : JsonAdapter<List<T>>() { @Throws(IOException::class) override fun fromJson(reader: JsonReader): List<T> = delegate.fromJsonValue(reader.readJsonValue()) ?.filterNotNull() ?: listOf() @Throws(IOException::class) override fun toJson(writer: JsonWriter, value: List<T>?) { delegate.toJson(writer, value) } } https://gist.github.com/stefanmedack/005971818edbf56e059f121cd4908c76
  45. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) class

    FilterNullValuesFromListAdapter<T : Any> private constructor( private val delegate: JsonAdapter<List<T?>> ) : JsonAdapter<List<T>>() { @Throws(IOException::class) override fun fromJson(reader: JsonReader): List<T> = delegate.fromJsonValue(reader.readJsonValue()) ?.filterNotNull() ?: listOf() @Throws(IOException::class) override fun toJson(writer: JsonWriter, value: List<T>?) { delegate.toJson(writer, value) } } https://gist.github.com/stefanmedack/005971818edbf56e059f121cd4908c76
  46. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) class

    FilterNullValuesFromListAdapter<T : Any> private constructor( private val delegate: JsonAdapter<List<T?>> ) : JsonAdapter<List<T>>() { @Throws(IOException::class) override fun fromJson(reader: JsonReader): List<T> = delegate.fromJsonValue(reader.readJsonValue()) ?.filterNotNull() ?: listOf() @Throws(IOException::class) override fun toJson(writer: JsonWriter, value: List<T>?) { delegate.toJson(writer, value) } } https://gist.github.com/stefanmedack/005971818edbf56e059f121cd4908c76
  47. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) class

    FilterNullValuesFromListAdapter<T : Any> private constructor( private val delegate: JsonAdapter<List<T?>> ) : JsonAdapter<List<T>>() { @Throws(IOException::class) override fun fromJson(reader: JsonReader): List<T> = delegate.fromJsonValue(reader.readJsonValue()) ?.filterNotNull() ?: listOf() @Throws(IOException::class) override fun toJson(writer: JsonWriter, value: List<T>?) { delegate.toJson(writer, value) } } https://gist.github.com/stefanmedack/005971818edbf56e059f121cd4908c76
  48. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) val

    moshi = Moshi.Builder() // "... here be adapters# .add(KotlinJsonAdapterFactory()) .build()
  49. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) val

    moshi = Moshi.Builder() .add( FilterNullValuesFromListAdapter.newFactory( Content::class.java ) ) .add(KotlinJsonAdapterFactory()) .build()
  50. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) val

    moshi = Moshi.Builder() .add( FilterNullValuesFromListAdapter.newFactory( Comment::class.java ) ) .add(KotlinJsonAdapterFactory()) .build()
  51. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) Let’s

    test ▸ What is Date ! -> Successful ✅ ▸ Not all mandatory fields are present? ! -> Successful ✅ ▸ There is null in the list? ! -> Successful ✅
  52. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) TL;FA

    ▸ Kotlin is fun ▸ Immutable, non-nullable and constructor default values ▸ Parse JSON into Data Classes with Moshi ▸ Filter „broken“ content from bottom up ▸ Workaround for List-Bug in Moshi ▸ maybe not suited for very big set of models
  53. Data Classes and Parsing JSON - Stefan Medack (@Zonic03) Links

    ▸ Blogpost: https://engineering.kitchenstories.io/caf8a599df9e ▸ MoshiKotlinExample: https://github.com/stefanmedack/MoshiKotlinExample ▸ Moshi: https://github.com/square/moshi ▸ Moshi with Kotlin: https://medium.com/square-corner-blog/fcd6ef99256b ▸ Exploring Moshi’s Kotlin Code Gen: https://medium.com/@sweers/dec09d72de5e ▸ why to include moshi-kotlin: https://github.com/square/moshi/issues/315 ▸ discussion on using kotlin-reflect: https://github.com/square/moshi/issues/307 ▸ Moshi Bug nulls in non-nullable lists: https://github.com/square/moshi/issues/331 ▸ Adapter1: https://gist.github.com/stefanmedack/719fd8d905c6be982e1b4f807cbda3fa ▸ Adapter2: https://gist.github.com/stefanmedack/005971818edbf56e059f121cd4908c76