bubble tea for the first time in Taiwan Thank you Stan(@_st0012). He is very kind. He guided me to bubble tea I drink different taste every day It's taste terrific. I love it. I love this tea.
iris.group_by(:label).groups.each do |label, index| records = iris.row[*index] series records[:petal_length].to_a, records[:petal_width].to_a, label: label[0] end xlabel "Petal Length" ylabel "Petal Width" end scatter.render('pyplot.png')
iris.group_by(:label).groups.each do |label, index| records = iris.row[*index] series records[:petal_length].to_a, records[:petal_width].to_a, label: label[0] end xlabel "Petal Length" ylabel "Petal Width" end scatter.render('gruff.png')
number of graph types that can be output. When we want to add a graph to support, we often implement Pyplot first as a reference implementation. After that, we will implement other libraries.
were implemented by a pull request that "I'd like to use if this library is supported by the back end of Charty" If there is a real User and Real-world use case exists, it depends on the priority with other work, but consider support for a new backend. At the moment we are developing that way
Grant 2018 this is my proposal at the time If you are interested, You may wish to apply for the Ruby Association Grant 2019 :) (Application for 2019 has not started yet)
mainly introduced back-ends that output graph images. Recently, we introduced Charty in our production environment of Web Application, which is our job. This Web Application is a common Rails Application. At that time, we were asking for Charty to output json, not the image. Here is an example using plotly.js (demo)
as a Charty backend. this case, Charty returns HTML includes javascript code to need. This is an experimental implementation, but I would like to have features abstracted according to the use case.