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A New Tool to Support Mungbean Growers and Advi...

A New Tool to Support Mungbean Growers and Advisers in the Fight Against Powdery Mildew

Powdery mildew, caused by the fungus Podosphaera xanthii, commonly occurs across Australian mungbean (Vigna radiata) production areas, and is more common in mungbean fields which are planted near the end of season (January – February). Crop losses from the disease are effectively managed using fungicides. Currently two fungicides, Folicur® and Veritas®, are labeled for use in mungbean to control powdery mildew. Trials conducted over several years in Queensland have shown that up to 39% (or 0.65 t/Ha) of yield can be saved due to fungicide applications. For optimum control of the disease a single fungicide application should be made at first sign of powdery mildew, with a second application two weeks later. In order to assist advisers and growers identify the critical timeframe to make management decisions for this high-value crop, a new decision support system (DSS) app has been developed and tested in southern Queensland. The app is designed to be used in the paddock on tablets. To use the app, users provide basic information on the crop, disease progression, anticipated yields, input costs and forecasted weather conditions. A summary table, and graphs, are returned describing the cost-benefit of spraying, the expected impact of the disease on yield and a probable range for the net yield return for both management with fungicide and without. The app should not only inform users when fungicide should be used, but also when a spray will not result in yield saving. This approach will help manage the pathogen population to avoid the development fungicide resistance due to unnecessary fungicide applications. The new app will be publicly available as a mobile application for Android and iOS for users to install after testing is completed.

Adam H. Sparks

July 10, 2019

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  1. CRICOS QLD 00244B | NSW 02225M TEQSA: PRV12081 A New

    Tool to Support Mungbean Growers and Advisers in the Fight Against Powdery Mildew A/Prof Adam H. Sparks, Dr Art Diggle, Ms Jean Galloway, Ms Lisa Kelly, Dr Paul Melloy, Mr Duncan Weir
  2. DAW00228 - National pathogen management modelling and delivery of decision

    support DAW1810 - Disease epidemiology and management tools for Australian grain growers
  3. Fungus, Podosphaera xanthii, (inoculum not limited) Weather is a key

    predictor Risk -> Fungicide use or planning
  4. PER82104 Permit Version 4 Page 1 of 3 PERMIT TO

    ALLOW MINOR USE OF AN AGVET CHEMICAL PRODUCT FOR THE CONTROL OF POWDERY MILDEW IN ADZUKI BEANS, MUNG BEANS AND NAVY BEANS. PERMIT NUMBER – PER82104 This permit is issued to the Permit Holder in response to an application granted by the APVMA under section 112 of the Agvet Codes of the jurisdictions set out below. This permit allows a person, as stipulated below, to use the product in the manner specified in this permit in the designated jurisdictions. This permit also allows any person to claim that the product can be used in the manner specified in this permit. THIS PERMIT IS IN FORCE FROM 01 NOVEMBER 2016 TO 30 NOVEMBER 2022. Permit Holder: PULSE AUSTRALIA LIMITED 30 Coronga Street KILLARA NSW 2071. Persons who can use the product under this permit: Persons generally. PER13979 Permit Version 3 Page 1 of 3 PERMIT TO ALLOW MINOR USE OF A REGISTERED AGVET CHEMICAL PRODUCT FOR THE CONTROL OF POWDERY MILDEW IN MUNG BEANS PERMIT NUMBER - PER13979 This permit is issued to the Permit Holder in response to an application granted by the APVMA under section 112 of the Agvet Codes of the jurisdictions set out below. This permit allows a person, as stipulated below, to use the product in the manner specified in this permit in the designated jurisdictions. This permit also allows any person to claim that the product can be used in the manner specified in this permit. THIS PERMIT IS IN FORCE FROM 3 FEBRUARY 2014 TO 30 JUNE 2020. Permit Holder: PULSE AUSTRALIA LIMITED Level 10 Farrer House 24-28 Collins St MELBOURNE VIC 3000 Persons who can use the product under this permit: Persons generally. Custodia Folicur
  5. Decision Support Systems A long history “Dutch Rules” van Everdingen

    (1926) based upon presence of dew at night, night-time temperature, mean cloudiness, and rainfall. Late blight within the fortnight. Mladen Cucak, University of Maynooth
  6. Crop Disease Management • Sufficiently large amounts to prevent food

    shortage • Free of diseases • Customer demand • Quarantines • Shipping and storage • Free of residues • Limit environmental harm • Profitable for grower but affordable for consumer The Dilemma
  7. Why a DSS? What does it offer? • Alternative to

    calendar spray programs • Enhance timing of fungicide sprays to disease development • Economic benefits (spray reduction) • Environmental benefits (spray reduction) • Resistance management strategy
  8. Not the first DSS for Australia grains! Howard F. Schwartz,

    Colorado State University, Bugwood.org
  9. We recommend two applications • First application at first sign

    of disease • Second application two weeks later • But what if you're not sure? Fungicides
  10. Experimental Locations Hermitage Research Station - Warwick, Qld • -28.21503,

    152.10033 (approximate GPS coordinates) • Altitude: 472.9 m • BOM Station ID: 041525
  11. Treatment No. Treatment 1 Spray at first sign 2 Spray

    at first sign and 14 days later 3 Spray when in mid-canopy 4 Control (Nil Spray) Two trials with same design Trial Design • Planting dates • 4/2/2019 • 18/2/2019 • Four treatments (each) • Six Replicates (each)
  12. Treatment Application First Sign - 05/04/2019 • Both TOS 1

    and TOS 2 were sprayed in treatments 2 and 3 • Treatment 2: Single spray • First sign • Treatment 3: Two sprays • First at first sign of powdery mildew • Second spray 14 days later
  13. • Crop Circumstances • Target yield • Grain price •

    Cost of production • Conditions • Crop growth stage • Disease observed? • Forecast rainy days next week • Average maximum temperature next week • Optimal efficacy • Spray cost
  14. Region Water availability Yield quality Potential yield (t/ha) Grain price

    (AUD/t) Southern Downs Irrigated No.1 process 2.0 1100 Southern Downs Irrigated No.2 process 0.0 800 Southern Downs Irrigated gradings 0.3 200 2 tonnes per hectare Reference: Mungbean trials reports from Hermitage 2011 – 2016: 1.6 (t/ha) – 2.31 (t/ha) Agmargins estimates 2.3 tonne per hectare: 2 tonne (No1 grade) + 0.3 tonne (gradings) Potential Yield
  15. Date Min tmp Max tmp Lower precip limit Upper precip

    limit Précis Prob. of precip 04-12 - 23 - - Partly cloudy. 20 % 04-13 13 26 - - Mostly sunny. 5 % 04-14 12 26 - - Partly cloudy. 10 % 04-15 12 26 0 0.4 Partly cloudy. 30 % 04-16 12 25 - - Partly cloudy. 20 % 04-17 13 26 0 0.4 Partly cloudy. 30 %
  16. Target Yield 2t/ha based on previous trials at Hermitage Grain

    Price $1100 AUD per tonne No.1 processing $900 AUD per tonne No.2 processing $200 AUD per tonne gradings https://agmargins.net.au/ Mungbean Irrigated Cost of Production $644/ha (Irrigated, 2018, Southern Downs) https://agmargins.net.au/ Crop Circumstances
  17. Time of sowing 1 produced an average 587 kg/ha Time

    of sowing 2 produced an average 289 kg/ha
  18. GRDC Projects ◦DAW00228, DAW1810, DAQ00186 •Paul Melloy (USQ) •Lisa Kelly

    (DAFQ) •Duncan Weir (DAFQ) •Sue Thompson (ex-USQ) •Jo White (ex-USQ) •Mal Ryley (ex-USQ) Acknowledgements
  19. •Rod O’Connor (DAFQ) •John Lehane (DAFQ) •Maurie Conway (DAFQ) •Darren

    Aisthorpe (DAFQ) •Max Quinlivan (DAFQ) •Katy Carroll (DAFQ) •Peter Agius (DAFQ) •Art Diggle (DPIRD) •Jean Galloway (DPIRD)
  20. Find out more: CRICOS QLD 00244B | NSW 02225M TEQSA:

    PRV12081 (7) 4631 1948 https://adamhsparks.netlify.com/ adamhsparks Questions?