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Understanding and using AI for an effective int...

Understanding and using AI for an effective international SEO strategy - SEO CAMP Day Strasbourg 2023

Alizée Baudez

February 10, 2023

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  1. #seocamp SEO CAMP Day Strasbourg 2023 Hi, I’m Alizée 👋

    2 SEO Consultant Independent International Based in Strasbourg I love specialty coffee, I hate artichokes Today I'm going to talk about artificial intelligence, hedgehogs, automation, porcelain, chewing gums and python. alizeebaudez.com - @AlizeeBaudez
  2. #seocamp SEO CAMP Day Strasbourg 2023 What is AI? 4

    A set of theories and techniques used to create machines capable of simulating human intelligence. Source : Larousse
  3. #seocamp SEO CAMP Day Strasbourg 2023 L’IA c’est quoi? 5

    Des solutions de résolution de problèmes qui utilisent des algorithmes, de la logique mathématique. J’englobe volontairement dans ce terme tout ce qui est machine learning, deep learning etc.
  4. #seocamp SEO CAMP Day Strasbourg 2023 Generative AI 6 “L'intelligence

    artificielle (IA) générative décrit des algorithmes (tels que ChatGPT) qui peuvent être utilisés pour créer du nouveau contenu, notamment de l'audio, du code, des images, du texte, des simulations et des vidéos. Les récentes percées dans ce domaine ont le potentiel de changer radicalement la façon dont nous abordons la création de contenu.” Source : https://www.mckinsey.com/featured-insights/mckinsey-explainers/what-is-generative-ai
  5. #seocamp SEO CAMP Day Strasbourg 2023 C’est pour ca que

    ChatGPT, entre autres, est tendance 8 Nouveau Facile d’accès Conversationnel -> moins de friction Effet wouaouh
  6. #seocamp SEO CAMP Day Strasbourg 2023 I told you we

    would talk about hedgehogs! 9 ChatGPT-3 175 billion parametres Source : https://www.sciencefocus.com/future-technology/gpt-3/
  7. #seocamp SEO CAMP Day Strasbourg 2023 Limits 11 Only text

    for now No recent data Potential bias … Source : https://www.sciencefocus.com/future-technology/gpt-3/
  8. #seocamp SEO CAMP Day Strasbourg 2023 One more tool in

    our toolbox 12 Able to rough out the work, not do it for us (well, not completely) Source : The Recipe for SEO Success podcast by Kate Toon https://therecipeforseosuccess.com/chatgpt-friend-or-foe-learn/
  9. #seocamp SEO CAMP Day Strasbourg 2023 ChatGPT is not alone!

    13 LaMDA Jasper.ai Copy.ai Frase DALL•E etc.
  10. #seocamp SEO CAMP Day Strasbourg 2023 hreflang 18 Generates hreflang

    tags to be included in pages targeted at the <country> in <language>, <country> in <language> and <country> in <language>... Source : https://www.aleydasolis.com/en/search-engine-optimization/chatgpt-for-seo/ 👍
  11. #seocamp SEO CAMP Day Strasbourg 2023 Schema 20 Generates the

    Schema markup of the FAQ page for the following questions and answers: <question> <answer> ... Source : https://www.aleydasolis.com/en/search-engine-optimization/chatgpt-for-seo/
  12. #seocamp SEO CAMP Day Strasbourg 2023 Schema 21 Generates the

    Schema markup of the FAQ page for the following questions and answers: <question> <answer> ... Source : https://www.aleydasolis.com/en/search-engine-optimization/chatgpt-for-seo/ 👍
  13. #seocamp SEO CAMP Day Strasbourg 2023 Translations 23 Maybe… But

    not necessarily the most suitable option.
  14. #seocamp SEO CAMP Day Strasbourg 2023 Translations 24 Example :

    “The Astonishing Transformation of Austin My town, once celebrated for its laid-back weirdness, is now a turbocharged tech megalopolis being shaped by exiles from places like Silicon Valley” Source : https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2023/02/13/the-astonishing-transformation-of-austin Deepl
  15. #seocamp SEO CAMP Day Strasbourg 2023 Traductions 25 Exemple :

    “The Astonishing Transformation of Austin My town, once celebrated for its laid-back weirdness, is now a turbocharged tech megalopolis being shaped by exiles from places like Silicon Valley” Source : https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2023/02/13/the-astonishing-transformation-of-austin Google Translate
  16. #seocamp SEO CAMP Day Strasbourg 2023 Traductions 26 Exemple :

    “The Astonishing Transformation of Austin My town, once celebrated for its laid-back weirdness, is now a turbocharged tech megalopolis being shaped by exiles from places like Silicon Valley” Source : https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2023/02/13/the-astonishing-transformation-of-austin ChatGPT
  17. #seocamp SEO CAMP Day Strasbourg 2023 Result 27 A bit

    wonky, and sometimes loses a lot of the meaning, especially for texts with figurative speech. 👎
  18. #seocamp SEO CAMP Day Strasbourg 2023 31 “Alors que Sarah

    venait à peine de fermer à clé la porte de sa maison, et alors qu’elle se dirigeait vers sa voiture, un moustique l'interrompit en se posant sur son bras. Agacée, elle s’agita tellement qu’elle faillit en avaler son chewing-gum.” En québécois : Fermer à clé 👉 Barrer la porte Chewing-gum 👉 Gomme Moustique 👉 Maringouin Chanson 👉 Toune Voiture 👉 Char
  19. #seocamp SEO CAMP Day Strasbourg 2023 Result 33 Not very

    relevant, especially when cultural differences are smaller. 👎
  20. #seocamp SEO CAMP Day Strasbourg 2023 Result 37 Prefer these

    tools for research, especially when there are major cultural differences between the two countries. Avoid for anything involving translation or adaptation of keywords, or when cultural differences are less significant. 👍
  21. #seocamp SEO CAMP Day Strasbourg 2023 GPT-3 ALT Tag Generator

    by Danny Richman 39 OpenAI + EveryPixel + RapidAPI / RegimAI Source : https://www.seotraininglondon.org/gpt3-alt-tag-generator/
  22. #seocamp SEO CAMP Day Strasbourg 2023 URL extraction 43 Based

    on the URLs of the website (ScreamingFrog extract)
  23. #seocamp SEO CAMP Day Strasbourg 2023 Script Apps to automate

    report sending 44 Time saving: 5 minutes per month ... and above all, one less item on my to-do list!
  24. #seocamp SEO CAMP Day Strasbourg 2023 Generation of meta tags

    45 Not perfect, but saves A LOT of time!
  25. #seocamp SEO CAMP Day Strasbourg 2023 Slides + resources 47

    https://alizeebaudez.com/blog/ ai-international-seo-strategy
  26. #seocamp SEO CAMP Day Strasbourg 2023 QUESTIONS 48 merci dall·e

    2 : cute robot on a road trip, vaporwave