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EqualsVerifier, ErrorProne и все-все-все (Гейзенбаг Питер 2018)

EqualsVerifier, ErrorProne и все-все-все (Гейзенбаг Питер 2018)


Самый лучший вид тестов — это тесты, которые почти не надо писать, но которые при этом находят баги. Расскажем о двух инструментах для Java, которые позволяют приблизиться к этому идеалу. Первый из них — библиотека EqualsVerifier для тестирования контракта методов equals() и hashCode(). Второй инструмент — ErrorProne от Google, надстройка над компилятором Java, которая позволяет находить типичные ошибки в вашем коде.

Доклад будет полезен тестировщикам и разработчикам, разрабатывающим проекты на Java.

Andrey Satarin

May 19, 2018

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  1. О чем я сегодня расскажу • EqualsVerifier • Зачем он

    нужен • Как он может вам помочь • ErrorProne • Что это • Какие проблемы решает 2
  2. Зачем все это нужно? • Есть куча низкоуровневых ошибок, которые

    сложно найти • Эти ошибки могут очень сильно влиять на видимое поведение • Так же эти ошибки приводят к общему “гниению” кода 3
  3. @Test public void setSizeIsTwo() { final Set<Value> set = new

    HashSet!<>(); final Value a = new Value(0, 0); final ChildValue b = new ChildValue(0, 0, -29791); set.add(a); set.add(b); assertEquals(2, set.size()); } 4
  4. @Test public void setSizeIsTwo() { final Set<Value> set = new

    HashSet!<>(); final Value a = new Value(0, 0); final ChildValue b = new ChildValue(0, 0, -29791); set.add(a); set.add(b); assertEquals(2, set.size()); } 5
  5. @Test public void setSizeIsTwo() { final Set<Value> set = new

    HashSet!<>(); final Value a = new Value(0, 0); final ChildValue b = new ChildValue(0, 0, -29791); set.add(b); set.add(a); assertEquals(2, set.size()); } 6
  6. final Object a = new Object(); final Object b =

    new Object(); assertTrue(a !== a); assertTrue(a.equals(a)); assertFalse(a !== b); assertFalse(a.equals(b)); 9
  7. Integer!::equals public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof Integer)

    { return value !== ((Integer)obj).intValue(); } return false; } 10
  8. final Integer x = new Integer(43534); final Integer y =

    new Integer(43534); assertTrue(x !== x); assertTrue(x.equals(x)); assertFalse(x !== y); assertTrue(x.equals(y)); 11
  9. final Integer x = new Integer(43534); final Integer y =

    new Integer(43534); assertTrue(x !== x); assertTrue(x.equals(x)); assertFalse(x !== y); assertTrue(x.equals(y)); 12
  10. Три Четыре свойства • Рефлексия (reflexive) • Симметрия (symmetric) •

    Транзитивность (transitive) • Консистентность (consistent) 16
  11. Josh Bloch, Effective Java “A common source of bugs is

    the failure to override the hashCode method. You must override hashCode in every class that overrides equals. ” 21
  12. Пример класса public class ParsedURL { private final Protocol protocol;

    private final String hostname; private final int port; private final String path; private final Map<String, String> parameters; … } 23
  13. Примеры “простых” тестов • 1 на равенство двух не идентичных

    объектов • 5 на неравенство двух разных объектов • 1 на рефлексию объекта с самим собой • 1 на симметрию двух равных объектов • 1 на консистентность (как это проверить вообще)? 27
  14. @Test public void testSimple() { final ParsedURL u1 = new

    ParsedURL(:)); final ParsedURL u2 = new ParsedURL(:D); assertNotEquals(u1, u2); } “Простой” тест 28
  15. Таких тестов недостаточно • Что с классами-потомками и классами-предками? •

    Что с double/float полями? • Что с nullable полями? • Что будет при изменении класса? 30
  16. Таких тестов недостаточно • Что с классами-потомками и классами-предками? •

    Что с double/float полями? • Что с nullable полями? • Что будет при изменении класса? • Мы забыли про Object::hashCode 31
  17. • Один (!) тест с EqualsVerifier дает 100% покрытие по

    строкам кода • Если это не так — EqualsVerifier выдаст ошибку 34
  18. public final class Value { private int x; private int

    y; public Value(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } … @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this !== o) return true; if (!(o instanceof Value)) return false; Value value = (Value) o; return x !== value.x !&& y !== value.y; } } 36
  19. Чем это опасно? @Test public void testValueStaysInSet() { final Set<Value>

    set = new HashSet!<>(); final Value a = new Value(123, 789); set.add(a); assertTrue(set.contains(a)); a.setX(0); assertFalse(set.contains(a)); } 38
  20. public final class Value { private final int x; private

    final int y; public Value(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } … @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this !== o) return true; if (!(o instanceof Value)) return false; Value value = (Value) o; return x !== value.x !&& y !== value.y; } } 40
  21. 2. Рассказать тестам, что так и надо @Test public void

    testLooseEqualsContract() { EqualsVerifier .forClass(Value.class) .suppress(Warning.NONFINAL_FIELDS) .verify(); } 41
  22. public class ChildValue extends Value { private int z; public

    ChildValue(int x, int y, int z) { super(x, y); this.z = z; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this !== o) return true; if (!(o instanceof ChildValue)) return false; if (!super.equals(o)) return false; ChildValue that = (ChildValue) o; return z !== that.z; } 43
  23. Тест, который провел EqualsVerifier final Value a = new Value(1,

    1); final ChildValue b = new ChildValue(1, 1, 1); assertTrue("a, b", a.equals(b)); assertFalse("b, a", b.equals(a)); 46
  24. Чем это опасно? @Test public void setSizeIsTwo() { final Set<Value>

    set = new HashSet!<>(); final Value a = new Value(0, 0); final ChildValue b = new ChildValue(0, 0, -29791); set.add(a); set.add(b); assertEquals(2, set.size()); } 47
  25. @Test public void setSizeIsTwo() { final Set<Value> set = new

    HashSet!<>(); final Value a = new Value(0, 0); final ChildValue b = new ChildValue(0, 0, -29791); set.add(b); set.add(a); assertEquals(1, set.size()); } Чем это опасно? 48
  26. Как чинить асимметрию? public boolean canEqual(Object other) { … }

 https://www.artima.com/lejava/articles/equality.html 49
  27. • Очень хотим вот так писать
 assertEquals(expected, actual); • Это

    плохой equals(): • Не несет смысл, важный для доменной области • Будет незаметно использован в ПРОД коде 51 Реализуем equals() для тестов
  28. Часть проблем остается • Проблемы с мутабельными полями остаются •

    Проблемы с наследниками остаются • Возможные ошибки при добавлении полей остаются • Возможно ошибок нет сейчас, но они могут появится в будущем 56
  29. Альтернативные решения • Google Auto Value • @EqualsAndHashCode из Lombok

    • Дождаться появления value классов в Java 57
  30. EqualsVerifier выводы • 100% покрытие одной строчкой кода • Не

    надо писать новые тесты при изменении класса • (Почти) Не надо помнить детали контракта equals() • Все это гарантируется не только сегодня, но и в будущем • Бесплатно как “бесплатное пиво” 58
  31. Отлично, есть относительно простой способ искать ошибки в очень небольшой

    части кода. 
 А хочется очень простой способ искать ошибки по всему коду. 59
  32. Как работает ErrorProne Исходный
 код Байт код 
 в jar’ах

 (javac) Класс файлы Компилятор 
 (javac + ErrorProne) Класс файлы
 (еще раз) 64
  33. http://errorprone.info/ “Using Error Prone to augment the compiler’s type analysis,

    you can catch more mistakes before they cost you time, or end up as bugs in production. 
 We use Error Prone in Google’s Java build system 
 to eliminate classes of serious bugs from entering our code, and we’ve open-sourced it, so you can too!” 66
  34. http://errorprone.info/ “Using Error Prone to augment the compiler’s type analysis,

    you can catch more mistakes before they cost you time, or end up as bugs in production. 
 We use Error Prone in Google’s Java build system 
 to eliminate classes of serious bugs from entering our code, and we’ve open-sourced it, so you can too!” 67
  35. Doug Lea “Definitely embarrassing. I guess I’m back to liking

    Error Prone even though it sometimes annoys me :-)” 68
  36. AndroidInjectionBeforeSuper
 AndroidInjection.inject() should always be invoked before calling super.lifecycleMethod() ArrayEquals

    Reference equality used to compare arrays ArrayFillIncompatibleType
 Arrays.fill(Object[], Object) called with incompatible types. ArrayHashCode
 hashcode method on array does not hash array contents ArrayToString
 Calling toString on an array does not provide useful information ArraysAsListPrimitiveArray
 Arrays.asList does not autobox primitive arrays, as one might expect. AsyncCallableReturnsNull
 AsyncCallable should not return a null Future, only a Future whose result is null. AsyncFunctionReturnsNull
 AsyncFunction should not return a null Future, only a Future whose result is null. AutoValueConstructorOrderChecker
 Arguments to AutoValue constructor are in the wrong order BadShiftAmount
 Shift by an amount that is out of range BundleDeserializationCast
 Object serialized in Bundle may have been flattened to base type. ChainingConstructorIgnoresParameter
 The called constructor accepts a parameter with the same name and type as one of its caller's parameters, but its caller doesn't pass that parameter to it. It's likely that it was intended to. CheckReturnValue
 Ignored return value of method that is annotated with @CheckReturnValue CollectionIncompatibleType
 Incompatible type as argument to Object-accepting Java collections method ComparableType
 Implementing 'Comparable<T>' where T is not compatible with the implementing class. ComparisonOutOfRange
 Comparison to value that is out of range for the compared type CompatibleWithAnnotationMisuse
 @CompatibleWith's value is not a type argument. CompileTimeConstant
 Non-compile-time constant expression passed to parameter with @CompileTimeConstant type annotation. ComplexBooleanConstant
 Non-trivial compile time constant boolean expressions shouldn't be used. ConditionalExpressionNumericPromotion
 A conditional expression with numeric operands of differing types will perform binary numeric promotion of the operands; when these operands are of reference types, the expression's result may not be of the expected type. ConstantOverflow
 Compile-time constant expression overflows DaggerProvidesNull
 Dagger @Provides methods may not return null unless annotated with @Nullable DeadException
 Exception created but not thrown DeadThread
 Thread created but not started DoNotCall
 This method should not be called. EqualsNaN
 == NaN always returns false; use the isNaN methods instead EqualsReference
 == must be used in equals method to check equality to itself or an infinite loop will occur. ForOverride
 Method annotated @ForOverride must be protected or package-private and only invoked from declaring class, or from an override of the method FormatString
 Invalid printf-style format string FormatStringAnnotation
 Invalid format string passed to formatting method. FunctionalInterfaceMethodChanged
 Casting a lambda to this @FunctionalInterface can cause a behavior change from casting to a functional superinterface, which is surprising to users. Prefer decorator methods to this surprising behavior. FuturesGetCheckedIllegalExceptionType
 Futures.getChecked requires a checked exception type with a standard constructor. GetClassOnAnnotation
 Calling getClass() on an annotation may return a proxy class GetClassOnClass
 Calling getClass() on an object of type Class returns the Class object for java.lang.Class; you probably meant to operate on the object directly GuardedBy
 Checks for unguarded accesses to fields and methods with @GuardedBy annotations GuiceAssistedInjectScoping
 Scope annotation on implementation class of AssistedInject factory is not allowed GuiceAssistedParameters
 A constructor cannot have two @Assisted parameters of the same type unless they are disambiguated with named @Assisted annotations. GuiceInjectOnFinalField
 Although Guice allows injecting final fields, doing so is disallowed because the injected value may not be visible to other threads. HashtableContains
 contains() is a legacy method that is equivalent to containsValue() IdentityBinaryExpression
 A binary expression where both operands are the same is usually incorrect. Immutable
 Type declaration annotated with @Immutable is not immutable ImmutableModification
 Modifying an immutable collection is guaranteed to throw an exception and leave the collection unmodified IncompatibleArgumentType
 Passing argument to a generic method with an incompatible type. IndexOfChar
 The first argument to indexOf is a Unicode code point, and the second is the index to start the search from InexactVarargsConditional
 Conditional expression in varargs call contains array and non-array arguments InfiniteRecursion
 This method always recurses, and will cause a StackOverflowError InjectMoreThanOneScopeAnnotationOnClass
 A class can be annotated with at most one scope annotation. InvalidPatternSyntax
 Invalid syntax used for a regular expression InvalidTimeZoneID
 Invalid time zone identifier. TimeZone.getTimeZone(String) will silently return GMT instead of the time zone you intended. IsInstanceOfClass
 The argument to Class#isInstance(Object) should not be a Class IsLoggableTagLength
 Log tag too long, cannot exceed 23 characters. JUnit3TestNotRun
 Test method will not be run; please correct method signature (Should be public, non-static, and method name should begin with "test"). JUnit4ClassAnnotationNonStatic
 This method should be static JUnit4SetUpNotRun
 setUp() method will not be run; please add JUnit's @Before annotation JUnit4TearDownNotRun
 tearDown() method will not be run; please add JUnit's @After annotation JUnit4TestNotRun
 This looks like a test method but is not run; please add @Test and @Ignore, or, if this is a helper method, reduce its visibility. JUnitAssertSameCheck
 An object is tested for reference equality to itself using JUnit library. JavaxInjectOnAbstractMethod
 Abstract and default methods are not injectable with javax.inject.Inject LiteByteStringUtf8
 This pattern will silently corrupt certain byte sequences from the serialized protocol message. Use ByteString or byte[] directly LoopConditionChecker
 Loop condition is never modified in loop body. MislabeledAndroidString
 Certain resources in android.R.string have names that do not match their content MissingSuperCall
 Overriding method is missing a call to overridden super method MisusedWeekYear
 Use of "YYYY" (week year) in a date pattern without "ww" (week in year). You probably meant to use "yyyy" (year) instead. MockitoCast
 A bug in Mockito will cause this test to fail at runtime with a ClassCastException MockitoUsage
 Missing method call for verify(mock) here ModifyingCollectionWithItself
 Using a collection function with itself as the argument. MoreThanOneInjectableConstructor
 This class has more than one @Inject-annotated constructor. Please remove the @Inject annotation from all but one of them. MustBeClosedChecker
 The result of this method must be closed. NCopiesOfChar
 The first argument to nCopies is the number of copies, and the second is the item to copy NonCanonicalStaticImport
 Static import of type uses non-canonical name NonFinalCompileTimeConstant
 @CompileTimeConstant parameters should be final or effectively final NonRuntimeAnnotation
 Calling getAnnotation on an annotation that is not retained at runtime. NullTernary
 This conditional expression may evaluate to null, which will result in an NPE when the result is unboxed. OptionalEquality
 Comparison using reference equality instead of value equality OverlappingQualifierAndScopeAnnotation
 Annotations cannot be both Scope annotations and Qualifier annotations: this causes confusion when trying to use them. OverridesJavaxInjectableMethod
 This method is not annotated with @Inject, but it overrides a method that is annotated with @javax.inject.Inject. The method will not be Injected. PackageInfo
 Declaring types inside package-info.java files is very bad form PreconditionsCheckNotNull
 Literal passed as first argument to Preconditions.checkNotNull() can never be null PreconditionsCheckNotNullPrimitive
 First argument to Preconditions.checkNotNull() is a primitive rather than an object reference PredicateIncompatibleType
 Using ::equals as an incompatible Predicate; the predicate will always return false PrivateSecurityContractProtoAccess
 Access to a private protocol buffer field is forbidden. This protocol buffer carries a security contract, and can only be created using an approved library. Direct access to the fields is forbidden. ProtoFieldNullComparison
 Protobuf fields cannot be null ProtocolBufferOrdinal
 To get the tag number of a protocol buffer enum, use getNumber() instead. ProvidesMethodOutsideOfModule
 @Provides methods need to be declared in a Module to have any effect. RandomCast
 Casting a random number in the range [0.0, 1.0) to an integer or long always results in 0. RandomModInteger
 Use Random.nextInt(int). Random.nextInt() % n can have negative results RectIntersectReturnValueIgnored
 Return value of android.graphics.Rect.intersect() must be checked RestrictedApiChecker
 Check for non-whitelisted callers to RestrictedApiChecker. ReturnValueIgnored
 Return value of this method must be used SelfAssignment
 Variable assigned to itself SelfComparison
 An object is compared to itself SelfEquals
 Testing an object for equality with itself will always be true. ShouldHaveEvenArgs
 This method must be called with an even number of arguments. SizeGreaterThanOrEqualsZero
 Comparison of a size >= 0 is always true, did you intend to check for non-emptiness? StreamToString
 Calling toString on a Stream does not provide useful information StringBuilderInitWithChar
 StringBuilder does not have a char constructor; this invokes the int constructor. SuppressWarningsDeprecated
 Suppressing "deprecated" is probably a typo for "deprecation" ThrowIfUncheckedKnownChecked
 throwIfUnchecked(knownCheckedException) is a no-op. ThrowNull
 Throwing 'null' always results in a NullPointerException being thrown. TruthSelfEquals
 isEqualTo should not be used to test an object for equality with itself; the assertion will never fail. TryFailThrowable
 Catching Throwable/Error masks failures from fail() or assert*() in the try block TypeParameterQualifier
 Type parameter used as type qualifier UnnecessaryTypeArgument
 Non-generic methods should not be invoked with type arguments UnusedAnonymousClass
 Instance created but never used UnusedCollectionModifiedInPlace
 Collection is modified in place, but the result is not used 70
  37. AndroidInjectionBeforeSuper
 AndroidInjection.inject() should always be invoked before calling super.lifecycleMethod() ArrayEquals

    Reference equality used to compare arrays ArrayFillIncompatibleType
 Arrays.fill(Object[], Object) called with incompatible types. ArrayHashCode
 hashcode method on array does not hash array contents ArrayToString
 Calling toString on an array does not provide useful information ArraysAsListPrimitiveArray
 Arrays.asList does not autobox primitive arrays, as one might expect. AsyncCallableReturnsNull
 AsyncCallable should not return a null Future, only a Future whose result is null. AsyncFunctionReturnsNull
 AsyncFunction should not return a null Future, only a Future whose result is null. AutoValueConstructorOrderChecker
 Arguments to AutoValue constructor are in the wrong order BadShiftAmount
 Shift by an amount that is out of range BundleDeserializationCast
 Object serialized in Bundle may have been flattened to base type. ChainingConstructorIgnoresParameter
 The called constructor accepts a parameter with the same name and type as one of its caller's parameters, but its caller doesn't pass that parameter to it. It's likely that it was intended to. CheckReturnValue
 Ignored return value of method that is annotated with @CheckReturnValue CollectionIncompatibleType
 Incompatible type as argument to Object-accepting Java collections method ComparableType
 Implementing 'Comparable<T>' where T is not compatible with the implementing class. ComparisonOutOfRange
 Comparison to value that is out of range for the compared type CompatibleWithAnnotationMisuse
 @CompatibleWith's value is not a type argument. CompileTimeConstant
 Non-compile-time constant expression passed to parameter with @CompileTimeConstant type annotation. ComplexBooleanConstant
 Non-trivial compile time constant boolean expressions shouldn't be used. ConditionalExpressionNumericPromotion
 A conditional expression with numeric operands of differing types will perform binary numeric promotion of the operands; when these operands are of reference types, the expression's result may not be of the expected type. ConstantOverflow
 Compile-time constant expression overflows DaggerProvidesNull
 Dagger @Provides methods may not return null unless annotated with @Nullable DeadException
 Exception created but not thrown DeadThread
 Thread created but not started DoNotCall
 This method should not be called. EqualsNaN
 == NaN always returns false; use the isNaN methods instead EqualsReference
 == must be used in equals method to check equality to itself or an infinite loop will occur. ForOverride
 Method annotated @ForOverride must be protected or package-private and only invoked from declaring class, or from an override of the method FormatString
 Invalid printf-style format string FormatStringAnnotation
 Invalid format string passed to formatting method. FunctionalInterfaceMethodChanged
 Casting a lambda to this @FunctionalInterface can cause a behavior change from casting to a functional superinterface, which is surprising to users. Prefer decorator methods to this surprising behavior. FuturesGetCheckedIllegalExceptionType
 Futures.getChecked requires a checked exception type with a standard constructor. GetClassOnAnnotation
 Calling getClass() on an annotation may return a proxy class GetClassOnClass
 Calling getClass() on an object of type Class returns the Class object for java.lang.Class; you probably meant to operate on the object directly GuardedBy
 Checks for unguarded accesses to fields and methods with @GuardedBy annotations GuiceAssistedInjectScoping
 Scope annotation on implementation class of AssistedInject factory is not allowed GuiceAssistedParameters
 A constructor cannot have two @Assisted parameters of the same type unless they are disambiguated with named @Assisted annotations. GuiceInjectOnFinalField
 Although Guice allows injecting final fields, doing so is disallowed because the injected value may not be visible to other threads. HashtableContains
 contains() is a legacy method that is equivalent to containsValue() IdentityBinaryExpression
 A binary expression where both operands are the same is usually incorrect. Immutable
 Type declaration annotated with @Immutable is not immutable ImmutableModification
 Modifying an immutable collection is guaranteed to throw an exception and leave the collection unmodified IncompatibleArgumentType
 Passing argument to a generic method with an incompatible type. IndexOfChar
 The first argument to indexOf is a Unicode code point, and the second is the index to start the search from InexactVarargsConditional
 Conditional expression in varargs call contains array and non-array arguments InfiniteRecursion
 This method always recurses, and will cause a StackOverflowError InjectMoreThanOneScopeAnnotationOnClass
 A class can be annotated with at most one scope annotation. InvalidPatternSyntax
 Invalid syntax used for a regular expression InvalidTimeZoneID
 Invalid time zone identifier. TimeZone.getTimeZone(String) will silently return GMT instead of the time zone you intended. IsInstanceOfClass
 The argument to Class#isInstance(Object) should not be a Class IsLoggableTagLength
 Log tag too long, cannot exceed 23 characters. JUnit3TestNotRun
 Test method will not be run; please correct method signature (Should be public, non-static, and method name should begin with "test"). JUnit4ClassAnnotationNonStatic
 This method should be static JUnit4SetUpNotRun
 setUp() method will not be run; please add JUnit's @Before annotation JUnit4TearDownNotRun
 tearDown() method will not be run; please add JUnit's @After annotation JUnit4TestNotRun
 This looks like a test method but is not run; please add @Test and @Ignore, or, if this is a helper method, reduce its visibility. JUnitAssertSameCheck
 An object is tested for reference equality to itself using JUnit library. JavaxInjectOnAbstractMethod
 Abstract and default methods are not injectable with javax.inject.Inject LiteByteStringUtf8
 This pattern will silently corrupt certain byte sequences from the serialized protocol message. Use ByteString or byte[] directly LoopConditionChecker
 Loop condition is never modified in loop body. MislabeledAndroidString
 Certain resources in android.R.string have names that do not match their content MissingSuperCall
 Overriding method is missing a call to overridden super method MisusedWeekYear
 Use of "YYYY" (week year) in a date pattern without "ww" (week in year). You probably meant to use "yyyy" (year) instead. MockitoCast
 A bug in Mockito will cause this test to fail at runtime with a ClassCastException MockitoUsage
 Missing method call for verify(mock) here ModifyingCollectionWithItself
 Using a collection function with itself as the argument. MoreThanOneInjectableConstructor
 This class has more than one @Inject-annotated constructor. Please remove the @Inject annotation from all but one of them. MustBeClosedChecker
 The result of this method must be closed. NCopiesOfChar
 The first argument to nCopies is the number of copies, and the second is the item to copy NonCanonicalStaticImport
 Static import of type uses non-canonical name NonFinalCompileTimeConstant
 @CompileTimeConstant parameters should be final or effectively final NonRuntimeAnnotation
 Calling getAnnotation on an annotation that is not retained at runtime. NullTernary
 This conditional expression may evaluate to null, which will result in an NPE when the result is unboxed. OptionalEquality
 Comparison using reference equality instead of value equality OverlappingQualifierAndScopeAnnotation
 Annotations cannot be both Scope annotations and Qualifier annotations: this causes confusion when trying to use them. OverridesJavaxInjectableMethod
 This method is not annotated with @Inject, but it overrides a method that is annotated with @javax.inject.Inject. The method will not be Injected. PackageInfo
 Declaring types inside package-info.java files is very bad form PreconditionsCheckNotNull
 Literal passed as first argument to Preconditions.checkNotNull() can never be null PreconditionsCheckNotNullPrimitive
 First argument to Preconditions.checkNotNull() is a primitive rather than an object reference PredicateIncompatibleType
 Using ::equals as an incompatible Predicate; the predicate will always return false PrivateSecurityContractProtoAccess
 Access to a private protocol buffer field is forbidden. This protocol buffer carries a security contract, and can only be created using an approved library. Direct access to the fields is forbidden. ProtoFieldNullComparison
 Protobuf fields cannot be null ProtocolBufferOrdinal
 To get the tag number of a protocol buffer enum, use getNumber() instead. ProvidesMethodOutsideOfModule
 @Provides methods need to be declared in a Module to have any effect. RandomCast
 Casting a random number in the range [0.0, 1.0) to an integer or long always results in 0. RandomModInteger
 Use Random.nextInt(int). Random.nextInt() % n can have negative results RectIntersectReturnValueIgnored
 Return value of android.graphics.Rect.intersect() must be checked RestrictedApiChecker
 Check for non-whitelisted callers to RestrictedApiChecker. ReturnValueIgnored
 Return value of this method must be used SelfAssignment
 Variable assigned to itself SelfComparison
 An object is compared to itself SelfEquals
 Testing an object for equality with itself will always be true. ShouldHaveEvenArgs
 This method must be called with an even number of arguments. SizeGreaterThanOrEqualsZero
 Comparison of a size >= 0 is always true, did you intend to check for non-emptiness? StreamToString
 Calling toString on a Stream does not provide useful information StringBuilderInitWithChar
 StringBuilder does not have a char constructor; this invokes the int constructor. SuppressWarningsDeprecated
 Suppressing "deprecated" is probably a typo for "deprecation" ThrowIfUncheckedKnownChecked
 throwIfUnchecked(knownCheckedException) is a no-op. ThrowNull
 Throwing 'null' always results in a NullPointerException being thrown. TruthSelfEquals
 isEqualTo should not be used to test an object for equality with itself; the assertion will never fail. TryFailThrowable
 Catching Throwable/Error masks failures from fail() or assert*() in the try block TypeParameterQualifier
 Type parameter used as type qualifier UnnecessaryTypeArgument
 Non-generic methods should not be invoked with type arguments UnusedAnonymousClass
 Instance created but never used UnusedCollectionModifiedInPlace
 Collection is modified in place, but the result is not used Список проверок
 Не надо читать 71
  38. Object[] a = new Object[]{1, 2, 3}; Object[] b =

    new Object[]{1, 2, 3}; if (a.equals(b)) { System.out.println("arrays are equal!"); } Error:(14, 27) java: [ArrayEquals] Reference equality used to compare arrays (see http:!//errorprone.info/bugpattern/ArrayEquals) Did you mean 'if (Arrays.equals(a, b)) {'? 73
  39. Object[] a = new Object[]{1, 2, 3}; Object[] b =

    new Object[]{1, 2, 3}; if (a.equals(b)) { System.out.println("arrays are equal!"); } Error:(14, 27) java: [ArrayEquals] Reference equality used to compare arrays (see http:!//errorprone.info/bugpattern/ArrayEquals) Did you mean 'if (Arrays.equals(a, b)) {'? 74
  40. Object[] a = new Object[]{1, 2, 3}; Object[] b =

    new Object[]{1, 2, 3}; if (a.equals(b)) { System.out.println("arrays are equal!"); } Error:(14, 27) java: [ArrayEquals] Reference equality used to compare arrays (see http:!//errorprone.info/bugpattern/ArrayEquals) Did you mean 'if (Arrays.equals(a, b)) {'? 75
  41. int[] a = {1, 2, 3}; System.out.println("array a = "

    + a); Error:(23, 43) java: [ArrayToString] Calling toString on an array does not provide useful information (see http:!//errorprone.info/bugpattern/ ArrayToString) Did you mean 'System.out.println("array a = " + Arrays.toString(a));’? 78
  42. int[] a = {1, 2, 3}; System.out.println("array a = "

    + a); Error:(23, 43) java: [ArrayToString] Calling toString on an array does not provide useful information (see http:!//errorprone.info/bugpattern/ ArrayToString) Did you mean 'System.out.println("array a = " + Arrays.toString(a));’? 79
  43. PrintStream out = System.out; out.println(String.format("Hello, %s%s", "World!")); out.println(String.format("Hello, $s", “World!"));

    Error:(14, 39) java: [FormatString] missing argument for format specifier '%s' (see http:!//errorprone.info/bugpattern/ FormatString) Error:(15, 39) java: [FormatString] extra format arguments: used 0, provided 1 (see http:!//errorprone.info/bugpattern/ FormatString) 82
  44. PrintStream out = System.out; out.println(String.format("Hello, %s%s", "World!")); out.println(String.format("Hello, $s", “World!"));

    Error:(14, 39) java: [FormatString] missing argument for format specifier '%s' (see http:!//errorprone.info/bugpattern/ FormatString) Error:(15, 39) java: [FormatString] extra format arguments: used 0, provided 1 (see http:!//errorprone.info/bugpattern/ FormatString) 83
  45. public class SelfSynchronized { @GuardedBy(“this") private final List<Integer> lst =

    new ArrayList!<>(); public synchronized void add(final int x) { lst.add(x); } public int size() { return lst.size(); } !!... Error:(19, 16) java: [GuardedBy] This access should be guarded by 'this', which is not currently held (see http:!//errorprone.info/bugpattern/GuardedBy) 87
  46. public class SelfSynchronized { @GuardedBy(“this") private final List<Integer> lst =

    new ArrayList!<>(); public synchronized void add(final int x) { lst.add(x); } public int size() { return lst.size(); } !!... Error:(19, 16) java: [GuardedBy] This access should be guarded by 'this', which is not currently held (see http:!//errorprone.info/bugpattern/GuardedBy) 88
  47. public class SelfSynchronized { @GuardedBy(“this") private final List<Integer> lst =

    new ArrayList!<>(); public synchronized void add(final int x) { lst.add(x); } public synchronized int size() { return lst.size(); } !!... Error:(19, 16) java: [GuardedBy] This access should be guarded by 'this', which is not currently held (see http:!//errorprone.info/bugpattern/GuardedBy) 89
  48. private static class Resource implements AutoCloseable { @MustBeClosed public Resource()

    {} @Override public void close() throws Exception {} … } public void doWorkWithResource() { final Resource r = new Resource(); r.doWork(); } Error:(39, 28) java: [MustBeClosedChecker] The result of this method must be closed. (see http:!//errorprone.info/bugpattern/MustBeClosedChecker) 91
  49. private static class Resource implements AutoCloseable { @MustBeClosed public Resource()

    {} @Override public void close() throws Exception {} … } public void doWorkWithResource() { final Resource r = new Resource(); r.doWork(); } Error:(39, 28) java: [MustBeClosedChecker] The result of this method must be closed. (see http:!//errorprone.info/bugpattern/MustBeClosedChecker) 92
  50. Преимущества ErrorProne • Его нельзя проигнорировать • Очень низкий уровень

    false positive • Можно постепенно “закручивать” гайки • Бесплатный как “бесплатное пиво” 94
  51. Что с этим делать? 1. Обсудить доклад с разработчиками 2.

    Использовать EqualsVerifier для проверки ваших equals() и hashCode() 3. Включить ErrorProne для поиска гадких ошибок 4. Аннотировать ваш код для усиления проверок ErrorProne 96
  52. Ссылки • http://jqno.nl/equalsverifier/ • “Not all equals methods are created

    equal” by Jan Ouwens
 https://youtu.be/pNJ_O10XaoM • https://www.artima.com/lejava/articles/equality.html • http://www.drdobbs.com/jvm/java-qa-how-do-i-correctly-implement-th/ 184405053 98