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Social Media Strategy & Implementation (Compreh...

Social Media Strategy & Implementation (Comprehensive)

Here are the slides from ClearlyM's Chief Strategist Rob Bertholf from his class at University of Hawaii's Pacific New Media program.

Rob Bertholf

April 06, 2012

More Decks by Rob Bertholf

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  1. Social Media Marketing • Social Media Defined • Tools Always

    Change • Integrating Traditional & New Media • Anatomy of a Social Media Strategy • New Social Marketing Platforms TWEET IT:
  2. What is Social Media? Wikipedia: “Social media is an umbrella

    term that defines the various activities that integrate technology, social interaction, and the construction of words and pictures.” Rob Bertholf: “Taking the conversation online – extending traditional marketing methods.”
  3. Social Media is Mainstream • 65% of U.S. adults use

    social media • If Facebook were a country, it would be the world’s 3rd largest. (750 million active users 50% login daily) • Two hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every second. • 200 Million tweets sent per day (up from 65M last year) • 380,000,000 Foursquare check-ins (1 in every country) • YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world with more than 100 million videos • 80 percent of Twitter usage is on mobile devices. People are updating anytime anywhere.
  4. “I don’t understand this Social Media stuff.” • Similar to

    a business cocktail reception – No boundaries of time or space – Other people can listen in easily
  5. Business Cocktail Party Advice • Meet people and start conversations

    • Answer questions – help others • Ask questions – trust others’ advice • Be Authentic
  6. Social Media Advice • Stay focused on the goals •

    Be authentic • Worry about tools last • Focus on your plan to be social then worry about how to do social. TWEET IT:
  7. Marketing 101 • What is the goal? • Who is

    the audience? • Where is the audience? • What does the audience know? • How can I connect with my audience • How do I extend the conversation • How can I get my audience to introduce me to others?
  8. New & Traditional Tactics #1: What is the goal? Start

    with the business goal, not the communications goal. You’d think this is an obvious one… but you’d be surprised how often people skip this step.
  9. New & Traditional Tactics #2: Who is the audience? Give

    yourself some depth here. Go beyond demographics and ask yourself what do they look like, sound like and whom do they hang out with when they’re using your product? Where is their digital “watering hole”.
  10. New & Traditional Tactics #3: Where is the audience? This

    an obvious question, especially when you consider social networking platforms. But go beyond the obvious to the not-so-obvious, as in where they are in their lives. It will add a lot of depth to your analysis.
  11. Marketing Refresher #5: How can I connect with my audience?

    Don’t just define this in terms of channels. Ask yourself – from a creative, offer or conversation perspective – how can you best connect with your audience?
  12. Extending with Social Media #6: How do I extend the

    conversation? Once you’ve made that initial contact and gained permission to have an ongoing conversation, what do you plan to do next?
  13. Referrals through Social Media #7: How can I get my

    audience to introduce me to others? When was the last time you saw this section in a marketing plan overview? Don’t let that be a reason to leave it out of your plan. If you’re going to do something truly integrated, you have to think beyond the conversation to the recommendation. Recommendation is where the real money lies, so think about how you can get your customer to give you one.
  14. Social Media Strategy The umbrella plan. Usually contains multiple campaigns.

    Well executed campaign contains: • Listening & Research (Monitoring) • Content Marketing (Schedule/Responsive/Outreach) • Analytics & Measurement (KPI Tracking) • Asset Development (Design/Development)
  15. Measurement of Success • Awareness – Web Traffic – Web

    Traffic Referrals – Search Volume Trends – Followers, Fans, Friends – Social Mentions – Likes/Endorsements – Share of Voice
  16. Measurement of Success • Sales – Web Traffic – Time

    on Site – Bounce Ratio – Repeat Visitors – Followers, Fans, Friends – Social Mentions – Share of Voice – Social Connectivity in Sales Funnel
  17. Measurement of Success • Loyalty – Time on Site –

    Repeat Visitors – Followers, Fans, Friends – Social Mentions – Share of Voice – Social Connectivity in Sales Funnel – Customer Service Metrics
  18. Editorial Calendar Benefits Social media editorial calendars create a cohesive

    layer to a content strategy that bridges the benefits of: • Accountability: Put it in writing where everyone can see it, touch it and live it. • Commitment: Stamp a date on it, chances are, you will get it done. • Accomplishment: Checking it off the list feels so good and also ties back to accountability. • Planning: Big picture first, start at the year, month, week and day. • Creativity: Mapping out the topics first will help free up space for creativity and inspiration. • Trends: Tie in the topics with keyword research and boost the SEO strategy. • Measurement: Watching the results in growth and also what is popular in content via tools such as Google Analytics will give you valuable information for future editorial ideas.
  19. Twitter Tips • Setup your profile with custom background image

    • Follow people with similar interests • Get into the conversation • Don’t Spam • Update Regularly • Find the latest buzz and contribute • Help other people out • Create Relationships • Integrate Twitter with other Social Networks • Establish Online Relationships Offline #TweetUp
  20. Maximizing Twitter • Shrink your URL’s • RT = ReTweet

    • Direct Messaging • Mention with @ sign • Create/use lists • Categorize Tweets with # Topics • Share Pictures (TwitPic.com) • Get a Good Desktop Client • Go Mobile • Search for topics at http://Search.Twitter.com
  21. Vocabulary • Checking-In: The process of telling the GeoSocial App

    where you are at. • Badges: Users can ear various badges based on check-ins or tasks completed.
  22. The Attraction to Customers • Connect with Friends • Share

    / Learn Insider Tips • Save Money with Specials • Social “Gamification” – Earn Badges – Earn Points • Friendly Competition – Mark Your Territory – “Become the Mayor”
  23. The Value to Organizations • Engage Customers – Track First

    Time Check-Ins • Tips, Add Value • Offer Specials • Marketing Integration • Word of Mouth Promotion • Build Brand Ambassadors – Discover who to follow on Twitter
  24. Friends Offer Opportunity: Encourage increased party numbers. You may have

    different group size levels with increasing value.
  25. Flash Offer Opportunity: Create a sense of urgency around arriving

    at a certain time. And for those who miss the cutoff? Well, they’re already there and are unlikely to leave without ordering something.
  26. Swarm Offer Opportunity: Sense of belonging for individuals making a

    decision between locations. Swarms are visible in the searches and encourage more customers.
  27. Check-in Special Opportunity: Create specific specials to promote specific offers

    and desired behavior. For heavy tourist focus, this can be your best opportunity as it is the most accessible promotion. Don’t give away the farm, but make it special.
  28. Mayor Offer Opportunity: This offer is only available for the

    most loyal customer on Foursquare. Don’t give away the farm, but think how you would you reward your best customer? Treat your mayor right. This incentivizes competition to become the mayor and it rewards someone who is going to be evangelizing you to everyone they know.
  29. Educate Your Staff • Train your employees. Make sure they

    know and understand all of the deals available to your customers. • Set a policy where employees (and marketing consultants) may check in but are not to be the mayor … don’t spoil the fun for patrons.
  30. Educate Your Customers • Let your customers know you are

    participating in Foursquare deals by displaying • it creates community, it enforces loyalty, and hopefully they will enter tips about why they love your venue for others to see.
  31. Leave Your Own Tips • Let your customers know some

    favorite dishes, helpful hints, insider info or cool facts.
  32. Follow-up • Good follow-up is good customer service. • Mention

    users on Twitter asking how their experience was.
  33. Yelp Myths The Majority of Reviews are Negative • 83%

    of reviews on Yelp are positive. Yelp Doesn’t Do Anything To Protect Businesses from Questionable Reviews • Consumers can remove review themselves, if the situation was corrected by the business owner • Reviews that violate Yelp guidelines will get removed by the customer support team. • Reviews must be a first-hand experience. Something that a friend told you about a business will be removed.
  34. Response Tips Don’t Freak Out • Consumers look at the

    big picture. No business is made or broken in one review, they’re looking at the overall rating. • Potential customers will see you lashing out against your customers which will do more harm than good. The Yelp community may punish you for abusing Yelp users. • Don’t encourage a back-and-forth. Take the high road. Something like: “We’d love to work with you to resolve this situation. If that’s not possible, we respect your opinion and wish you well.” Should You Respond to Positive Reviews? • If you have time, it’s great to compliment positive reviews as well. Thank the customer for their positive review and let them know you appreciate it.
  35. Yelp Deals What does it cost to post a deal?

    • There are no upfront costs. Yelp will retain 30% (Groupon is ~50%)of the discounted price from each deal sold. How do I track who purchased my Deal? • Once your Deal is created there will be a dedicated area within the "Yelp Deals" section where you will find a list of purchasers, as well as their unique redemption codes. When someone redeems their Deal you can electronically check them off by hitting "redeem" next to their name.
  36. Embracing Yelp Elite What is the Yelp Elite Squad? •

    The most passionate Yelpers are recognized for making the community so funny, useful and cool! Yelp Elites have the opportunity to get invited to exclusive local events and parties hosted by Yelp, where you can meet fellow Yelpers.
  37. Facebook Account Types Profile Connect with friends, share photos and

    create your own profile. Page Connect with your fans on Facebook. Groups Share, chat, and email with small groups of friends.