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Search Engine Optimization: Authentic strategie...

Search Engine Optimization: Authentic strategies for 2013 and beyond

Long Term, Authentic Search Advice
By adhering to the following you will ensure your site is setup for success in 2013 and beyond.


Rob Bertholf

July 12, 2013

More Decks by Rob Bertholf

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  1. Text The role of a search engine is to help

    a user find what they are looking for on the web. By using keywords and phrases, the search engine finds the most relevant results for what the user is looking for. Monday, August 12, 13
  2. If its good for Humans its good for Search Engines

    Google wants to serve relevant content wrapped in a positive user experience. Monday, August 12, 13
  3. ... most of it anyway • Meta Keywords (are not

    used) • Link Exchanges (be careful trading links with spammers) • Keyword Density (dont use the same exact word over and over) • Page with outbound Links (always been useless) Monday, August 12, 13
  4. Reliable Web Host • What is the point of a

    website if its down and people cant see it? • Page loading speed directly effects time on site & conversion. • Re-think shared hosting, get dedicated IP address at a minimum. Monday, August 12, 13
  5. Reliable Web Host • Ensure your website is up when

    Googlebot visits your site. • SE’s want to serve best experience, site usage matters. • Don’t be on the same IP as spammer. Monday, August 12, 13
  6. Content Management System • Keep your website content fresh. CMS

    like WordPress make it easy to publish content. • Make it easy for your content to be shared. Add social sharing widgets from a library of plugins in seconds. • Make it easy to remember and share your link. Dynamically create “slugs” or permalinks to construct URIs. Monday, August 12, 13
  7. Content Management System • Fresh content brings the spiders back

    quicker. • Social Shares validate content. • Make it easy for SE’s to catalog your content. • Place keywords in your URL’s to increase relevance. Monday, August 12, 13
  8. Responsive Site Design • Better for visitors to browse your

    website from any device (Desktop Computer, Laptop, Tablet, Smart Phone) • Take mobile seriously! Quickly surpassing desktop traffic. • Ease of navigation is important. Monday, August 12, 13
  9. Responsive Site Design • Search engines prefer mobile friendly sites

    • Ease of navigation helps visitors find more content Monday, August 12, 13
  10. Attention to Detail • No broken links or images. •

    No misspellings or poor grammar. • Generate unique content. Monday, August 12, 13
  11. Attention to Detail • If you dont care about your

    content why should Google • Duplicate content is not counted Monday, August 12, 13
  12. Craft Compelling Content • The more engaging the content the

    more loyal the visitors. • Earn inbound links by creating great content. • Tell your story through great content. Monday, August 12, 13
  13. Craft Compelling Content • Time on site IS a ranking

    factor with search engines. • Inbound links increase your search ranking. • Google’s PANDA gives “Quality Score” Monday, August 12, 13
  14. Build your Authority • Be Known. Claim and connect your

    profiles • Be Credible Create great content • Be an Expert Focus your expertise and be consistent Monday, August 12, 13
  15. Google’s Authorship • Google’s Authorship replacing the PageRank • Matching

    content to the author rather than just domain name Monday, August 12, 13
  16. Authorship “Within search results, information tied to verified online profiles

    will be ranked higher than content without such verification, which will result in most users naturally clicking on the top (verified) results.” Monday, August 12, 13
  17. Google Authorship • Sign up for Google+ and create a

    Google+ profile. • Make sure you have a profile photo with a recognizable headshot. • Make sure a byline containing your name appears on each page of your content (for example, "By Rob Bertholf"). • Make sure your byline name matches the name on your Google + profile. • Verify your email address: https://plus.google.com/authorship Monday, August 12, 13
  18. Authorship Rel=Author • Create a link to your Google+ profile

    from your webpage, like this: By <a href="[profile_url]?rel=author">Rob Bertholf</a> • Replace [profile_url] with the your Google+ profile URL, like this: https://plus.google.com/103103659952665647180?rel=author • Your link must contain the ?rel=author parameter. If it’s missing, Google won’t be able to associate your content with your Google+ profile. • Add a reciprocal link back from your (Google+) profile to the site(s) you just updated. Monday, August 12, 13
  19. Authorship Contributions • Edit the Contributor To section. • In

    the dialog that appears, click Add custom link, and then enter the website URL. • If you want, click the drop-down list to specify who can see the link. • Click Save. • To see what author data Google can extract from your page, Monday, August 12, 13
  20. Share your content • Develop a routine, for every blog

    post create a Facebook post with the link, a handful of tweets linking to the blog, post link to Google+ & LinkedIn, pin blog image on Pinterest and add to social sharing sites like Reddit. • *cough* sign up for SurroundsMe.com and download the “Share a blog post” campaign *cough* #ShamelessPlug Monday, August 12, 13
  21. Share your content • Social Signals are largely weighted. •

    Without social validation, traditional linkbuilding will fall flat. Monday, August 12, 13
  22. Make it easy for others to share • Social Sharing

    Icons • Create content worth sharing • Establish relationships with relevant reputable bloggers Monday, August 12, 13
  23. Make it easy for others to link • Social Share

    = Recommendation (Link) • Get a link in reputable bloggers blogs Monday, August 12, 13
  24. Analyze Web Traffic • Less focus on rank, more focus

    on traffic & conversion. • Setup goal tracking and trace lead sources. • Improve content performance through analytics. Monday, August 12, 13
  25. Analyze Web Traffic • Identify pages with high exit ratio

    or other factors for low time on site. • Content is King, but Conversion is the Ace of $pades. Monday, August 12, 13
  26. Show up in Local • Consistent Address • Register with

    local & review sites Monday, August 12, 13
  27. Show up in Local • More visibility • Google Ranks

    sites higher with good mobile experience Monday, August 12, 13
  28. SEO Recap • On-Page Generating quality content easy to be

    indexed by SE. • Off-Page Validating the content through inbound recommendations. Monday, August 12, 13
  29. Off-Page SEO • Recommendations (Inbound Links) - Links (from Blogs)

    - Citations (from Local Directories) - Social Signals (Facebook Likes, Twitter Shares, etc.) Monday, August 12, 13
  30. Linkbuilding Tips • Unlearn what you know about SEO •

    Natural mix of Branded and Non-Branded anchor text • Stay away from Blog Rolls, Low-Quality Directories, Monday, August 12, 13