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A Practical Introduction to Multiple Scattering...

Bruce Ravel
December 31, 2012

A Practical Introduction to Multiple Scattering Theory

This talk is an over of multiple scattering theory by and for an experimentalist.

Bruce Ravel

December 31, 2012

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  1. Introduction Real-space multiple scattering EXAFS equation EXAFS Resources A Practical

    Introduction to Multiple Scattering Theory Bruce Ravel Synchrotron Methods Group, Ceramics Division Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory National Institute of Standards and Technology & Local Contact, Beamline X23A2 National Synchrotron Light Source 2007 APS EXAFS Summer School July 23-27, 2007 1 / 28 A Practical Introduction to Multiple Scattering Theory
  2. Introduction Real-space multiple scattering EXAFS equation EXAFS Resources Copyright This

    document is copyright c 2010-2011 Bruce Ravel. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA. You are free: to Share  to copy, distribute, and transmit the work to Remix  to adapt the work to make commercial use of the work Under the following conditions: Attribution – You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). Share Alike – If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same, similar or a compatible license. With the understanidng that: Waiver – Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Public Domain – Where the work or any of its elements is in the public domain under applicable law, that status is in no way affected by the license. Other Rights – In no way are any of the following rights affected by the license: Your fair dealing or fair use rights, or other applicable copyright exceptions and limitations; The author’s moral rights; Rights other persons may have either in the work itself or in how the work is used, such as publicity or privacy rights. Notice – For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. This is a human-readable summary of the Legal Code (the full license). 2 / 28 A Practical Introduction to Multiple Scattering Theory
  3. Introduction Real-space multiple scattering EXAFS equation EXAFS Resources Acknowledgements Matt

    Newville, author of and author of a presentation which covers similar material to this talk. John Rehr and his group, authors of . Ed Stern, for teaching us all so well and for getting all this XAS stuff started in the first place. The many users of my software: without years of feedback and encouragement, my codes would suck way more than they do The folks who make the great software I use to write my codes: Perl, wxPerl, Emacs, The Emacs Code Browser, Git, GitHub The folks who make the great software used to write this talk: L ATEX, Beamer, Avogadro, Inkscape, The Gimp, Gnuplot 3 / 28 A Practical Introduction to Multiple Scattering Theory
  4. Introduction Real-space multiple scattering EXAFS equation EXAFS Resources What I

    hope you take away from this talk A broad outline of multiple scattering theory with enough background to talk with a theorist An understanding of how multiple scattering theory is used to interpret XANES spectra An understanding of how multiple scattering theory is used to analyze EXAFS spectra Some ideas about how to incorporate multiple scattering theory in your research 4 / 28 A Practical Introduction to Multiple Scattering Theory
  5. Introduction Real-space multiple scattering EXAFS equation EXAFS Resources This talk

    is about Feff There are many approaches to spectroscopy theory out there, including multiplets, band structure, and finite difference methods. This talk is about Feff is a real-space, multiple scattering code. A conceptual summary and simple physical interpretation of what “real-space multiple scattering” means. How RSMS is used to make XANES calculations. How RSMS is used in fitting EXAFS data. 5 / 28 A Practical Introduction to Multiple Scattering Theory
  6. Introduction Real-space multiple scattering EXAFS equation EXAFS Resources XAS Data

    We measure the XAS data and find the background function µ(E) = µ0 (E) · 1 + χ(E) 6 / 28 A Practical Introduction to Multiple Scattering Theory
  7. Introduction Real-space multiple scattering EXAFS equation EXAFS Resources XAS Data

    We measure the XAS data and find the background function µ(E) = µ0 (E) · 1 + χ(E) We subtract the background, µ0 (E), to isolate the “fine structure” χ(k). (Remember, EXAFS ≡ Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure.) 6 / 28 A Practical Introduction to Multiple Scattering Theory
  8. Introduction Real-space multiple scattering EXAFS equation EXAFS Resources XAS Data

    We measure the XAS data and find the background function µ(E) = µ0 (E) · 1 + χ(E) We subtract the background, µ0 (E), to isolate the “fine structure” χ(k). (Remember, EXAFS ≡ Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure.) We Fourier transform χ(k) and use multiple scattering theory to understand the local structure. 6 / 28 A Practical Introduction to Multiple Scattering Theory
  9. Introduction Real-space multiple scattering EXAFS equation EXAFS Resources A simple

    picture of X-ray absorption An incident x-ray of energy E is absorbed, destroying a core electron of binding energy E0 and emitting a photo-electron with kinetic energy (E − E0 ). The core state is eventually filled, ejecting a fluorescent x-ray or an Auger electron. An empty final state is required. No available state, no absorption! When the incident x-ray energy is larger than the binding energy, there is a sharp increase in absorption. For an isolated atom, µ(E) has a sharp step at the core-level binding energy and is a smooth function of energy above the edge. 7 / 28 A Practical Introduction to Multiple Scattering Theory
  10. Introduction Real-space multiple scattering EXAFS equation EXAFS Resources X-ray absorption

    in condensed matter The ejected photo-electron can scatter from neighboring atoms. R has some relationship to λ and there is a phase shift associated with the scattering event. Thus the outgoing and scattered waves interfere. The scattering of the photo-electron wave function interferes with itself. µ(E) depends on the density of states with energy (E − E0 ) at the absorbing atom. This interference at the absorbing atom will vary with energy, causing the oscillations in µ(E). 7 / 28 A Practical Introduction to Multiple Scattering Theory
  11. Introduction Real-space multiple scattering EXAFS equation EXAFS Resources Computing X-ray

    Absorption from First Principles In XAS we measure the dipole mediated[1] transition of an electron in a deep core[2] state |i into an unoccupied[3] state |f : Fermi’s Golden Rule µ(E) ∝ Ef >EF f f |ˆ· r|i 2 δ(Ef ) Broadly speaking, there are two ways to solve this equation: 1 Accurately represent |i [4] and |f [5] , then evaluate the integral directly. This is the approach taken, for example, by molecular orbital theory. 2 Use multiple scattering theory, AKA a Green’s function[6] or propagator formalism: µ(E) ∝ − 1 π Im i|ˆ∗ · r G(r, r ; E)ˆ· r |i Θ(E − EF ). 1. A photon interacts with an electron 2. Typically a 1s, 2s, or 2p electron 3. A bound or continuum state not already containing an electron 4. Easy  basic quantum mechanics 5. Hard work, lots of computation 6. G is called a Green’s function. 8 / 28 A Practical Introduction to Multiple Scattering Theory
  12. Introduction Real-space multiple scattering EXAFS equation EXAFS Resources Real Space

    Multiple Scattering In multiple scattering theory, all the hard work is in computing the Green’s function. G the function that describes all possible ways for a photoelectron to interact with the surrounding atoms G0 the function that describes how an electron propagates between two points in space t the function that describes how a photo-electron scatters from a neighboring atom Expanding the Green’s function G = 1 − G0t −1 G0 (XANES) =G0 + G0 t G0 + G0 t G0 t G0 + G0 t G0 t G0 t G0 + ... (EXAFS) 9 / 28 A Practical Introduction to Multiple Scattering Theory
  13. Introduction Real-space multiple scattering EXAFS equation EXAFS Resources Scattering Paths

    Full multiple scattering (XANES): Solving G = 1 − G0t −1 G0 considers ALL paths within some cluster of atoms: single scattering path x x (2 legs) double scattering path x x x (3 legs) triple scattering path x x x (4 legs) EXAFS path expansion The clever thing about is that each term is further expanded as a sum of all paths of that order. G0 t G0 is expanded as a sum of single scattering paths G0 t G0 t G0 is a sum of all double scattering paths and so on. 10 / 28 A Practical Introduction to Multiple Scattering Theory
  14. Introduction Real-space multiple scattering EXAFS equation EXAFS Resources Iron metal:

    1st path, 1 shell 1 The first path is much, but not all, of the first peak in |˜ χ(R)|. Degeneracy = 8 2 The first shell XANES calculation shows little of the structure. ‘feff0001.dat’ XANES 11 / 28 A Practical Introduction to Multiple Scattering Theory
  15. Introduction Real-space multiple scattering EXAFS equation EXAFS Resources Iron metal:

    2nd path, 2 shells 1 The second path overlaps the first in |˜ χ(R)|. Degeneracy = 6 2 The XANES calculation begins to show the structure of the spectrum. ‘feff0002.dat’ XANES 11 / 28 A Practical Introduction to Multiple Scattering Theory
  16. Introduction Real-space multiple scattering EXAFS equation EXAFS Resources Iron metal:

    3rd path, 1 shell 1 This path contributes little to |˜ χ(R)|. Degeneracy = 24 2 The contribution from this path and all higher order paths scattering among these atoms is in the first shell XANES calculation. ‘feff0003.dat’ XANES 11 / 28 A Practical Introduction to Multiple Scattering Theory
  17. Introduction Real-space multiple scattering EXAFS equation EXAFS Resources Iron metal:

    4th path, 2 shells 1 This path contributes little to |˜ χ(R)|. Degeneracy = 48 2 The contribution from this path and all higher order paths scattering among these the first two shells is in the second shell XANES calculation. ‘feff0004.dat’ XANES 11 / 28 A Practical Introduction to Multiple Scattering Theory
  18. Introduction Real-space multiple scattering EXAFS equation EXAFS Resources Iron metal:

    5th path, 3 shells 1 This 3rd shell SS path contributes most of the spectral weight to the second peak of |˜ χ(R)|. Degeneracy = 12 2 The first peak after the edge in the XANES is sharpened considerably by the addition of this shell. ‘feff0005.dat’ XANES 11 / 28 A Practical Introduction to Multiple Scattering Theory
  19. Introduction Real-space multiple scattering EXAFS equation EXAFS Resources Iron metal:

    8th path, 4 shells 1 The 4th shell SS path contributes to the third peak in |˜ χ(R)|. Degeneracy = 24 2 Including this shell in the XANES calculation broadens the peak above the edge somewhat. It also introduces the second shoulder. ‘feff0008.dat’ XANES 11 / 28 A Practical Introduction to Multiple Scattering Theory
  20. Introduction Real-space multiple scattering EXAFS equation EXAFS Resources Iron metal:

    10th path + MS, 5 shells 5th shell EXAFS: Magnitude 5th shell EXAFS: Real part Convergence There are several MS geometries with the same path length as the 5th shell SS path. Some are bigger than the SS path! 12 / 28 A Practical Introduction to Multiple Scattering Theory
  21. Introduction Real-space multiple scattering EXAFS equation EXAFS Resources Fermi’s Golden

    Rule revisited The absorption is the dipole mediated transition from the initial state of the deep-core electron to its final state: µ(E) ∼ f |H|i 2 The initial state |i This is the deep core, atomic state which is unaffected by the surroundings The excitation H The dipole operator, i.e. the incident photon The final state |f This high-lying or continuum state is affected by the surroundings Consider |f = |f0 + ∆f |f0 is the final state in the presence of the surrounding atoms but without any scattering of the photoelectron ∆f is the purturbation to the final state cause by the scattering of the photoelectron from the surrounding atoms 13 / 28 A Practical Introduction to Multiple Scattering Theory The discussion on the following 8 pages is inspired by Matt Newville’s at http://xafs.org/Tutorials?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=Newville Intro.pdf
  22. Introduction Real-space multiple scattering EXAFS equation EXAFS Resources The fine

    structure With |f = |f0 + ∆f µ(E) ∼ f |H|i 2 ∼ f0|H|i 2 1 + A(E) ∆f |H|i + C.C. Remember that µ(E) = µ0 (E) · (1 + χ(E)) Therefore χ(E) ∼ ∆f |H|i + C.C. Conclusion The XAS fine structure, χ(E), is caused by the scattering from the neighboring atoms. 14 / 28 A Practical Introduction to Multiple Scattering Theory A(E) contains a bunch of stuff having nothing to do with the scattering. A(E) = i|H|f0 ∗/ f0|H|i 2
  23. Introduction Real-space multiple scattering EXAFS equation EXAFS Resources Heuristic derivation

    of the EXAFS equation The photoelectron: propagates as a spherical wave from absorber to scatterer scatters from the neighbor propagates as a spherical wave from scatterer to absorber Energy and photoelectron wavenumber are related by k = 2me (E − E0 )/ 2 (E − E0 )/3.81 So, in terms of k χ(k) ∼ eikr kr · 2kF(k)eφ(k) · eikr kr + C.C. 15 / 28 A Practical Introduction to Multiple Scattering Theory
  24. Introduction Real-space multiple scattering EXAFS equation EXAFS Resources The EXAFS

    equation in its simplest form We can now simplify the equation to χ(k) ∼ F(k) 2kR2 sin 2kR + φ(k) This describes the signal from a single atom at a distance R. If we consider the contribution from N atoms at distance R (i.e. a “shell” of atoms): χ(k) ∼ NF(k) 2kR2 sin 2kR + φ(k) On the following pages, we consider 1 the shapes of F(k) and φ(k) 2 the amplitude reduction term S2 0 3 the mean free path term λ 4 disorder via the mean square displacement term σ2 16 / 28 A Practical Introduction to Multiple Scattering Theory
  25. Introduction Real-space multiple scattering EXAFS equation EXAFS Resources The complex

    photoelectron scattering factor The scattering function, F(k) and φ(k) give EXAFS its sensitivity to atomic species. χ(k) ∼ NF(k) 2kR2 sin 2kR + φ(k) Magnitude Phase Examining the magnitude explains why the signal from light elements does not extend much beyond 10 ˚ A−1 . 17 / 28 A Practical Introduction to Multiple Scattering Theory
  26. Introduction Real-space multiple scattering EXAFS equation EXAFS Resources The amplitude

    reduction factor When the core electron is ejected from it’s deep-core state, the remaining electrons relax: S2 0 = ΦN−1 f |ΦN−1 i 2 where |ΦN−1 is the state of all remaining electrons before (i) or after (f ) the excitation. χ(k) ∼ NS2 0 F(k) 2kR2 sin 2kR + φ(k) In practice, 0.7 S2 0 < 1.0, but note that N and S2 0 are completely correlated! 18 / 28 A Practical Introduction to Multiple Scattering Theory G.G. Li, F. Bridges, & C.H. Booth, Phys. Rev. B 52 (1995) 6332–6348 DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.52.6332
  27. Introduction Real-space multiple scattering EXAFS equation EXAFS Resources The mean

    free path The photoelecton may scatter inelastically and fail to “return” to the absorber (loose coherence with the core-hole). We consider this by replacing the photoelecton spherical wave with a damped spherical wave: eikr e−r/λ(k) kr Here is ’s calculation of the mean free path in copper metal. χ(k) ∼ NS2 0 F(k) 2kR2 sin 2kR + φ(k) e−2R/λ(k) Note e−2R/λ(k) R2 is what makes EXAFS a local structure probe. 19 / 28 A Practical Introduction to Multiple Scattering Theory
  28. Introduction Real-space multiple scattering EXAFS equation EXAFS Resources The mean

    square displacement (disorder) Even in a highly ordered crystal – like an FCC metal – the atoms are never actually on their lattice positions. Thermal motion (i.e. phonons) distribute atoms around their nominal positions such that σ2 i,j = ri,j − ri,j 2 > 0 This behaves some like the crystallographic Debye-Waller factor: The standard EXAFS equation χ(k) = NS2 0 F(k) 2kR2 sin 2kR + φ(k) e−2k2σ2 e−2r/λ(k) 20 / 28 A Practical Introduction to Multiple Scattering Theory One can also consider higher moments of the distribution, σn = ri,j − ri,j n . See G. Bunker, Nucl. Inst. Methods 207:3 (1983) pp. 437–444, DOI:10.1016/0167-5087(83)90655-5
  29. Introduction Real-space multiple scattering EXAFS equation EXAFS Resources Multiple scattering

    paths The magic of is that it expresses the effect of multiple scattering events entirely in F(k) and φ(k): χ(k) = NS2 0 Feff (k) 2kR2 sin 2kR + φeff (k) e−2k2σ2 e−2r/λ(k) That’s the same equation! 21 / 28 A Practical Introduction to Multiple Scattering Theory S.I. Zabinsky et al, Phys. Rev. B 52 (1995) 2995–3009 DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.52.2995
  30. Introduction Real-space multiple scattering EXAFS equation EXAFS Resources A Feff6

    input file Here is an example of a 6 input file: TITLE Cobalt sulfide CoS 2 HOLE 1 1.0 * Co K edge (7709.0 eV) * mphase,mpath,mfeff,mchi CONTROL 1 1 1 1 PRINT 1 0 0 0 RMAX 6.0 POTENTIALS * ipot Z element 0 27 Co 1 27 Co 2 16 S * continued ------> ATOMS * this list contains 71 atoms * x y z ipot tag distance 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0 Co1 0.00000 2.14845 0.61305 0.61305 2 S1 1 2.31678 0.61305 -2.14845 0.61305 2 S1 1 2.31678 -0.61305 0.61305 2.14845 2 S1 1 2.31678 -0.61305 2.14845 -0.61305 2 S1 1 2.31678 -2.14845 -0.61305 -0.61305 2 S1 1 2.31678 0.61305 -0.61305 -2.14845 2 S1 1 2.31678 -3.37455 0.61305 0.61305 2 S1 2 3.48415 0.61305 3.37455 0.61305 2 S1 2 3.48415 0.61305 -0.61305 3.37455 2 S1 2 3.48415 3.37455 -0.61305 -0.61305 2 S1 2 3.48415 -0.61305 -3.37455 -0.61305 2 S1 2 3.48415 -0.61305 0.61305 -3.37455 2 S1 2 3.48415 -2.14845 -2.14845 2.14845 2 S1 3 3.72122 2.14845 2.14845 -2.14845 2 S1 3 3.72122 2.76150 2.76150 0.00000 1 Co1 1 3.90535 -2.76150 2.76150 0.00000 1 Co1 1 3.90535 2.76150 -2.76150 0.00000 1 Co1 1 3.90535 -2.76150 -2.76150 0.00000 1 Co1 1 3.90535 2.76150 0.00000 2.76150 1 Co1 1 3.90535 -2.76150 0.00000 2.76150 1 Co1 1 3.90535 0.00000 2.76150 2.76150 1 Co1 1 3.90535 * * etc... * END 22 / 28 A Practical Introduction to Multiple Scattering Theory
  31. Introduction Real-space multiple scattering EXAFS equation EXAFS Resources A Feff8

    input file Here is an example of a 8 input file: TITLE Cobalt sulfide CoS 2 EDGE K S02 1.0 * pot xsph fms paths genfmt ff2chi CONTROL 1 1 1 1 1 1 PRINT 1 0 0 0 0 0 EXCHANGE 0 SCF 4.0 XANES 4.0 FMS 5.09694 0 LDOS -30 20 0.1 RPATH 0.1 *EXAFS 20 POTENTIALS * ipot Z element l scmt l fms stoi. 0 27 Co 2 2 0 1 27 Co 2 2 4 2 16 S 2 2 8 * continued ------> ATOMS * this list contains 71 atoms * x y z ipot tag distance 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0 Co1 0.00000 2.14845 0.61305 0.61305 2 S1 1 2.31678 0.61305 -2.14845 0.61305 2 S1 1 2.31678 -0.61305 0.61305 2.14845 2 S1 1 2.31678 -0.61305 2.14845 -0.61305 2 S1 1 2.31678 -2.14845 -0.61305 -0.61305 2 S1 1 2.31678 0.61305 -0.61305 -2.14845 2 S1 1 2.31678 -3.37455 0.61305 0.61305 2 S1 2 3.48415 0.61305 3.37455 0.61305 2 S1 2 3.48415 0.61305 -0.61305 3.37455 2 S1 2 3.48415 3.37455 -0.61305 -0.61305 2 S1 2 3.48415 -0.61305 -3.37455 -0.61305 2 S1 2 3.48415 -0.61305 0.61305 -3.37455 2 S1 2 3.48415 -2.14845 -2.14845 2.14845 2 S1 3 3.72122 2.14845 2.14845 -2.14845 2 S1 3 3.72122 2.76150 2.76150 0.00000 1 Co1 1 3.90535 -2.76150 2.76150 0.00000 1 Co1 1 3.90535 2.76150 -2.76150 0.00000 1 Co1 1 3.90535 -2.76150 -2.76150 0.00000 1 Co1 1 3.90535 2.76150 0.00000 2.76150 1 Co1 1 3.90535 -2.76150 0.00000 2.76150 1 Co1 1 3.90535 0.00000 2.76150 2.76150 1 Co1 1 3.90535 * * etc... * END 22 / 28 A Practical Introduction to Multiple Scattering Theory
  32. Introduction Real-space multiple scattering EXAFS equation EXAFS Resources Using to

    prepare the input file includes a tool called that converts crystallographic data into a input file. The input data can be a CIF file or this simple format: title Cobalt sulfide title Elliot (1960) J.Chem. Phys. 33(3), 903. space P a 3 rmax=6.0 a=5.523 core=Co atoms ! At.type x y z tag Co 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 Co S 0.38900 0.38900 0.38900 S These data are typically taken from the crystallography literature, the Inorganic Crystal Structure Database, or from: http://cars9.uchicago.edu/~newville/adb/search.html 23 / 28 A Practical Introduction to Multiple Scattering Theory
  33. Introduction Real-space multiple scattering EXAFS equation EXAFS Resources Feff input

    files for non-crystalline materials There are many sources of structural data about molecules, proteins, and other non-crystalline materials. A bit of googling turned up this Protein Data Bank File for cisplatin: ATOM 1 PT1 MOL A 1 -0.142 0.141 7.747 1.00 1.00 ATOM 2 CL2 MOL A 1 -0.135 -2.042 8.092 1.00 1.00 ATOM 3 CL3 MOL A 1 2.064 0.127 7.615 1.00 1.00 ATOM 4 N4 MOL A 1 -0.147 2.166 7.427 1.00 1.00 ATOM 5 N5 MOL A 1 -2.188 0.154 7.870 1.00 1.00 ATOM 6 1H4 MOL A 1 0.793 2.489 7.319 1.00 1.00 ATOM 7 2H4 MOL A 1 -0.570 2.625 8.208 1.00 1.00 ATOM 8 3H4 MOL A 1 -0.668 2.370 6.598 1.00 1.00 ATOM 9 1H5 MOL A 1 -2.464 0.303 8.819 1.00 1.00 ATOM 10 2H5 MOL A 1 -2.546 -0.724 7.552 1.00 1.00 ATOM 11 3H5 MOL A 1 -2.551 0.889 7.298 1.00 1.00 TER Cut, paste, insert some boilerplate, and voil´ a! TITLE cisplatin HOLE 4 1.0 RMAX 8 POTENTIALS 0 78 Pt 1 17 Cl 2 7 N 3 1 H ATOMS -0.142 0.141 7.747 0 -0.135 -2.042 8.092 1 2.064 0.127 7.615 1 -0.147 2.166 7.427 2 -2.188 0.154 7.870 2 0.793 2.489 7.319 3 -0.570 2.625 8.208 3 -0.668 2.370 6.598 3 -2.464 0.303 8.819 3 -2.546 -0.724 7.552 3 -2.551 0.889 7.298 3 Note that the absorber need not be at (0,0,0) and the list need not be in any particular order. 24 / 28 A Practical Introduction to Multiple Scattering Theory
  34. Introduction Real-space multiple scattering EXAFS equation EXAFS Resources Multiple scattering

    and EXAFS: FeS2 • = Fe • = S 25 / 28 A Practical Introduction to Multiple Scattering Theory
  35. Introduction Real-space multiple scattering EXAFS equation EXAFS Resources Multiple scattering

    and EXAFS: SS The first sulfur SS path is from the octahedron surrounding the Fe atom. It provides most of the spectral weight under the first peak. The next two S and one Fe SS paths overlap between 2.5 and 3.5 ˚ A. 26 / 28 A Practical Introduction to Multiple Scattering Theory
  36. Introduction Real-space multiple scattering EXAFS equation EXAFS Resources Multiple scattering

    and EXAFS: MS The relationship between the EXAFS spectrum and atomic structure can be quite complicated due to multiple scattering. S–S and S–Fe triangles contribute significantly between 2.5 and 3.5 ˚ A. Collinear paths through the absorber involving 1st shell S atoms contribute significantly around 3.9 ˚ A. 27 / 28 A Practical Introduction to Multiple Scattering Theory
  37. Introduction Real-space multiple scattering EXAFS equation EXAFS Resources Resources Websites

    http://xafs.org offers tutorials, links to resources, information about upcoming workshops, and much more homepage: http://cars9.uchicago.edu/iffwiki/About mailing list: http://cars9.uchicago.edu/mailman/listinfo/ifeffit homepage: http://feff.phys.washington.edu and : http://github.com/bruceravel/demeter/ Journal articles The reference: Rehr and Albers review article: J.J. Rehr and R.C. Albers, Rev. Mod. Phys. 72:3 (2000) pp. 621–654. Also see subsequent references from Rehr for 8 and 9. Two excellent references on multiple scattering theory: J.L. Beeby, Proc. Royal Soc. A274 (1964) pp. 309–317 and A279 (1967) pp. 82–97. Other Software XANES calculations using Mulitplets: http://xafs.org/Software/TtMultiplet XANES calculations by finite difference method: http://xafs.org/Software/FDMNES Band structure: The work of Eric Shirley (http://physics.nist.gov/Divisions/Div844/facilities/theorModel/tmopm.html) and Aleksi Soininen, Helsinki University XANES fitting: F I (http://xafs.org/Software/FitIt) and (PRB 65 (2002) 174205). 28 / 28 A Practical Introduction to Multiple Scattering Theory