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Introducing Micronaut

Introducing Micronaut

Unconference at JJUG CCC 2019 Spring

Mitsuyuki Shiiba

May 18, 2019

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  1. Micronaut - who developed it? • developed by the creators

    of the Grails framework • inspired by Spring, Spring Boot and Grails • backed by Object Computing, Inc. (OCI)
  2. Micronaut - the way • Compile time DI & AOP

    • Reactive & Non-Blocking Support for HTTP Server & HTTP Client
  3. Micronaut - for me • Good Documents • Easy to

    start with CLI(mn) to generate applications • Easy to understand for those who are used to Spring Boot ◦ Controller ◦ Configuration ◦ Constructor Injection ◦ etc • Improvement speed is so fast
  4. DEMO - result on my laptop very rough values Spring

    Boot Micronaut Micronaut (Native) Build 10 s 15 s 15 m Startup time 9 s 4 s 600 ms
  5. Rerference • Micronaout を試した JJUG CCC 2018 Spring LT by

    @kencharos • Devoxx UK 2019 - Cloud-native Microservices with Micronaut • Short comparison: Building Graal Native Images with Quarkus, Micronaut and Helidon