CLI Docs Gatsby Source @box/ framework Guides, Pages, & Microcopy @box/ Netlify CI/CD Netlify CDN OpenAPI spell check OpenAPI compilation Publishing compiled HTML/CSS/JS Pull in OpenAPI/SDK/ CLI/Microcopy data Gatsby build to HTML/ CSS/JS serving on Java / Python / Node / .NET Trigger validation and compilation on Git push to repo Write compiled microcopy (JSON) Write compiled OpenAPI 3.0 (JSON) Microcopy compilation Trigger rebuild of site on Git push to repo Data source Edge caching LetsEncrypt SSL “master” branch (YML) “en” branch (JSON) OpenAPI 3.0 Spec @box/box-openapi “master” branch (YML) “en” branch (JSON) Serverless function to filter GitHub web hooks to trigger the right stage to be rebuilt Trigger specific stage (production, staging, etc) to be rebuild on Netlify