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Building Stripe’s Remote Hub: Scaling Distribut...

Building Stripe’s Remote Hub: Scaling Distributed Teams

One year ago, Stripe created a remote engineering hub - a virtual office for remote engineers, coequal with its physical engineering offices. Aditya Mukerjee, the Remote Hub Site Lead, will share the lessons that Stripe has learned while building a globally distributed engineering team. Whether your team is working remotely temporarily due to COVID-19 or whether you are investing in remote work as a long-term strategy, the discoveries Stripe made along the way can set your team up for success in building high-quality software at scale and working effectively across geographical boundaries.

Aditya Mukerjee

May 06, 2020

More Decks by Aditya Mukerjee

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  1. Why should remote work be our long-term strategy, instead of

    a short-term contingency? @chimeracoder How do we work effectively as remote teams?
  2. The best practices for operating remotely at scale are the

    best practices for operating at scale, period. @chimeracoder
  3. Remote Hub: Year 1 Goals 1. Expand the breadth of

    teams hiring remote engineers 2. Improve work experience for remote engineers 3. Recruit and hire more remote engineers @chimeracoder
  4. Hypothesis: Managers and teams are more comfortable shifting to remote

    work when they feel there is an established path @chimeracoder
  5. Data: Collate a guide of the common practices already used

    by teams working remotely @chimeracoder Data: Adopt these practices as a team as a prerequisite to opening up to remote work
  6. Result: Nobody wants to feel like a guinea pig, but

    everyone wants to try something new @chimeracoder
  7. Hypothesis #2: Being distributed remotely is not that different from

    being distributed across offices in different cities @chimeracoder
  8. Data: Video calls are not a barrier if everyone is

    calling in separately @chimeracoder Data: Adopt asynchronous tools for code review, project management, product development
  9. Result: Building a remote hub means building great remote teams

    @chimeracoder Result: The best engineering workflows create discoverable records Result: Remote work is a forcing function for good engineering practices
  10. Hypothesis: Most engineering roles can be hired remotely, as long

    as the team and manager are committed to it @chimeracoder
  11. Result: By the end of 2019, Stripe had nearly 200

    remote engineers in roles across the company @chimeracoder Result: As of today, all Stripe engineers are working remotely
  12. @chimeracoder Result: Being set up for remote work at a

    small scale meant we were prepared to scale it up rapidly when needed
  13. Summary of Findings • Remote work is a forcing function

    for good engineering practices • If an engineering role can’t be done remotely, ask yourselves why? • Be methodical and rigorous. Identify and amplify what’s already working. • Working at home during a pandemic is different from “working remotely” @chimeracoder