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করো: Translating Go to Other (Human) Languages,...

করো: Translating Go to Other (Human) Languages, and Back Again (GopherCon 2020)

In The Hitchhikers’s Guide to the Galaxy, the Babel Fish is a universal translator. By allowing all beings to communicate regardless of language, it ‘neatly crosses the language divide between any species’.

While Go uses English keywords, because of the way Go’s lexer and parser are designed, we can easily port Go to other languages and still maintain interoperability between different dialects of Go. gofmt already bridges the divide between two seemingly-incompatible groups of developers — those who prefer tabs and those who prefer spaces — and allows them to collaborate seamlessly, with no extra effort for either group. We can extend this approach further, and allow developers who only speak English to collaborate seamlessly with developers who don’t speak English at all.

We will look at করো (koro), which adds Bengali support for the Go toolchain. করো lets native Bengali speakers program in the language most familiar to them, but provides bidirectional translation layers so that all Go programmers only ever see code written in their native language.

This same technique can be used to add support in the Go toolchain for Spanish, Russian, Korean, Arabic, or any other natural language that Go programmers want to use when programming, making Go the ultimate Babel Fish for programmers everywhere.

Aditya Mukerjee

November 13, 2020

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  1. কেরা: Translating Code to Other (Human) Languages and Back Again

    @chimeracoder Aditya Mukerjee Systems Engineer, Stripe
  2. 95% of the world doesn’t speak English as their first

    language 89% of the world doesn't speak English at all @chimeracoder
  3. “I would have thought it would be useful to NATO,

    because they had the common verbs for the things they were going to do. And the nouns, they’d just have to have a dictionary for things they were referring to for inventory control…. They’d have common nouns throughout NATO, and they could make a dictionary of common verbs and translate the program. You could write one in English and you could translate it and it could go to [the other language]. No problem, you’d have communication. It would be a limited vocabulary.” - Grace Hopper @chimeracoder
  4. package main import "fmt" func main() { if true {

    fmt.Printf(“hello, world!\n") } } @chimeracoder
  5. প ােকজ main আমদািন "fmt" ফ main(){ যিদ true {

    fmt.Println("ওেহ িব !\n") } } @chimeracoder
  6. The only thing worse than a cryptic error message is

    a cryptic error message in a foreign language that you can’t understand @chimeracoder
  7. The secret of automated translation…. • We don't have to

    bridge all communication between two arbitrary languages • We just have to bridge communication in a specific context between two languages @chimeracoder
  8. Pipe creates a synchronous in- memory pipe. It can be

    used to connect code expecting an io.Reader with code expecting an io.Writer. Reads and Writes on the pipe are matched one to one except when multiple Reads are needed to consume a single Write. That is, each Write to the PipeWriter blocks until it has satisfied one or more Reads from the PipeReader that fully consume the written data. The data is copied directly from the Write to the corresponding Read (or Reads); there is no internal buffering. It is safe to call Read and Write in parallel with each other or with Close. Parallel calls to Read and parallel calls to Write are also safe: the individual calls will be gated sequentially. পাইপ এক িসেKানাস ইন- মমির পাইপ তির কের। এ এক io.Reader কাড কাড এক io.Writer আশা সে কাড সংেযাগ করেত ব বহার করা যেত পাের। পাইেপর উপর লখা এবং িলখন িল এক থেক এক সােথ মলােনা হয় যখন একক লখার জন একািধক িরড িলর েয়াজন হয়। য, েত ক পাইপ ওয়ািরটার ক িলেত িলখন যত ন না িলিখত ডটা স ূণভােব ব বহার কের PipeReader থেক এক বা একািধক িরড স হয়। তথ সংি পাঠ (বা পাঠ) থেক িলখন থেক সরাসির কিপ করা হয়; কান অভ রীণ বাফার আেছ। এটা এেক অপেরর সে বা ব সে সমা রাল প ন প ন এবং িলখন িনরাপদ। লখার জন সমা রাল কল িল প ন এবং সমা রাল কল িলও িনরাপদ: ব ি গত কল িল মানুসাের গট হেয় যােব।
  9. Pipe creates a synchronous in- memory pipe. It can be

    used to connect code expecting an io.Reader with code expecting an io.Writer. Reads and Writes on the pipe are matched one to one except when multiple Reads are needed to consume a single Write. That is, each Write to the PipeWriter blocks until it has satisfied one or more Reads from the PipeReader that fully consume the written data. The data is copied directly from the Write to the corresponding Read (or Reads); there is no internal buffering. It is safe to call Read and Write in parallel with each other or with Close. Parallel calls to Read and parallel calls to Write are also safe: the individual calls will be gated sequentially. The pipe creates a synchronous in- memory pipe. It can be used to connect the code with an io.Writer Expect an io.Reader code code. Writing and writing on pipe matches one to one when multiple reads are required for single writing. Write down each pipe warrior block until one or more reads from PipeReader are satisfied using the written data completely. The information is copied directly from the corresponding text (or text); There are no internal buffers. Read it to read parallel with each other or close and safe to enter. Read parallel calls for writing and parallel calls are also safe: Private calls will be gated in sequence.
  10. Pipe creates a synchronous in- memory pipe. It can be

    used to connect code expecting an io.Reader with code expecting an io.Writer. Reads and Writes on the pipe are matched one to one except when multiple Reads are needed to consume a single Write. That is, each Write to the PipeWriter blocks until it has satisfied one or more Reads from the PipeReader that fully consume the written data. The data is copied directly from the Write to the corresponding Read (or Reads); there is no internal buffering. It is safe to call Read and Write in parallel with each other or with Close. Parallel calls to Read and parallel calls to Write are also safe: the individual calls will be gated sequentially. Piping creates a synchronous pipeline in memory. It is a discount code io.Reader code to connect with a io.Writer hope can be used. Writing and writing in the pipeline when the units correspond one by one with the need to write more than one ridagulira. That is, each tube will write blocks until the data using the one or more read PipeReader is satisfied. Relevant text information (or text) is copied directly from the site; There is no internal buffer. It is read in parallel with each other or with the read and write insurance. Reading calls to write parallel and parallel calls is safe: the door will be in the order of personal calls.
  11. Growing a multilingual OSS community doesn’t happen overnight @chimeracoder Automatic

    translation is not a substitute - it’s an invitation (but it doesn’t happen automatically either)
  12. @chimeracoder We need to bring events to the global community

    …but we also need to bring the global community to our events To truly eliminate linguistic barriers, both are necessary
  13. 95% of the world doesn’t speak English as their first

    language 89% of the world doesn't speak English at all @chimeracoder