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The Hitchhikers Guide Through Kotlin Multiplatf...

December 21, 2019

The Hitchhikers Guide Through Kotlin Multiplatform DCMadrid

Since the early days of mobile that we keep seeing new frameworks being designed to overcome one of the biggest challenges:
- How can I develop for both Android and iOS?

Although it’s initial promises, when we talk about performance, maintainability or even customization we keep discarding these solutions and we always choose native.

Fast forward to the present, and now we have two new languages: Android is Kotlin first and iOS, Swift. And if you put them side by side you can see a lot of similarities between both what will ease switching between one to the other if you have to develop for both platforms.

But what I told that you could just develop in Kotlin and run it seamlessly on all devices? Here comes Kotlin Multiplatform!


December 21, 2019

More Decks by cmota

Other Decks in Programming


  1. droidcon Madrid: Christmas Edition droidcon Madrid: Christmas Edition The Hitchhikers

    Guide Through The Hitchhikers Guide Through Kotlin Multiplatform Kotlin Multiplatform @cafonsomota
  2. a brief history of time “In the beginning the Universe

    was created. This had made many people angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.”
  3. Photo by Fabian Grohs on Unsplash a wild application idea

    appears! develop it for Android and iOS.
  4. -hire a team of specialised developers -define requirements -design mockups

    for both platforms -plan features development -start development/ write unit tests -write t-specs for SQA validation -cross-checking validation between both platforms (or jacks) Steps
  5. ~2xthe team the cost the status meetings required the time

    spent on development the time spent on testing native the time spent on bug fixing
  6. Photo by Fabian Grohs on Unsplash a wild application idea

    appears! develop it for Android and iOS and web.
  7. ~3xthe team the cost the status meetings required the time

    spent on development the time spent on testing the time spent on bug fixing
  8. - smaller team - typically half of the cost needed

    on native - small learning curve for web developers (advantages) Cross-platform
  9. - chained to the framework implementation of UI - new

    updates from the OS will take time to adopt - performance is not the same - some native code might need to be written - OS/ device features are dependent on the fw support - dart (flutter) is not widely used language (for now) - committed to one framework/ language (disadvantages) Cross-platform
  10. - developed by JetBrains - open source - concise, safe,

    interoperable, tool-friendly - supported/ used by Google for Android Development - it’s more than “just for Android” Kotlin Server-side Android Kotlin JS Native
  11. Easy to learn - small learning curve involved - easily

    to go from JavaScript/ Swift into Kotlin and back (from a developers’ point of view)
  12. var variable = 42 variable = 1 let value =

    42 var variable = 42 variable = 1 val value = 42 *adapted from http://nilhcem.com/swift-is-like-kotlin/ (variables and constants) Kotlin vs Swift Kotlin Swift
  13. fun greet(name: String, day: String): String { return "Hello $name,

    today is $day." } greet(“Madrid”, “Saturday”) *updated from http://nilhcem.com/swift-is-like-kotlin/ func greet(_ name: String,_ day: String) -> String { return "Hello \(name), today is \(day)." } greet(“Madrid”, “Saturday”) Kotlin Swift (functions) Kotlin vs Swift
  14. class Shape { var numberOfSides = 0 func simpleDescription() ->

    String { return "A shape with \(numberOfSides) sides." } } var shape = Shape() shape.numberOfSides = 7 var shapeDescription = shape.simpleDescription() class Shape { var numberOfSides = 0 fun simpleDescription() = "A shape with $numberOfSides sides." } var shape = Shape() shape.numberOfSides = 7 var shapeDescription = shape.simpleDescription() (variables and constants) Kotlin vs Swift Kotlin Swift
  15. kotlin multiplatform “‘Resistance is useless!’ How can anyone maintain a

    positive mental attitude if you’re saying things like that?”
  16. view view view view model parser network presentation presentation presentation

    presentation network network network parser parser parser model model model presentation presentation presentation desktop web iOS android
  17. business logic business logic business logic model parser network presentation

    model parser network presentation model parser network presentation model parser network presentation business logic view view view view desktop web iOS android
  18. android iOS web desktop model parser network presentation common view

    view view view java/kotlin objective-c/ swift (kotlin) JS supported in jvm
  19. (advantages) - language features - kotlin first! - low risk

    - you decide what’s worth to share across projects - interoperability - consistency across platforms - strong community support Kotlin Multiplatform
  20. commonMain src/commonMain/sample/Platform.kt - define actual on android - define actual

    on iOS targets: android and iOS expect object Platform { val name: String }
  21. src/iOSMain/sample/Platform.kt actual object Platform { actual val name: String =

    "Android" } actual object Platform { actual val name: String = "iOS" } src/androidMain/sample/Platform.kt platform-dependent code
  22. *.kt common expect JVM actual *.kt, *.java, *.jar Native actual

    *.kt, *C, Swift, Framework JS actual *.kt, *.js, NPM
  23. demo "For a moment, nothing happened. Then, after a second

    or so, nothing continued to happen.”
  24. project structure <your android code here> <your code shared across

    all targets goes here> src/ commonMain/ commonTest/ app/ androidMain androidTest
  25. project structure <your android code here> <your code shared across

    all targets goes here> src/ commonMain/ commonTest/ app/ androidMain androidTest iosMain/ iosTest/ jsMain/ jsTest/ <your JS code goes here> <your platform iOS code here>
  26. - user interface - RecyclerView and more (Android) - UITableViewController

    and more (iOS) - multiple network request - parse response objects - store on local database - notify the UI - that there’s new content available to be draw - reload list project structure
  27. android iOS Room CoreData Retrofit Alamofire GSON/ Moshi JSONSerialization MVP,

    MVVM, MVI MVVM, ELM RxJava RxSwift Tests Tests Activity UIViewController RecyclerView UITableView
  28. Room CoreData Retrofit Alamofire GSON/ Moshi JSONSerialization MVP, MVVM, MVI

    MVVM, ELM RxJava RxSwift Tests Tests Activity UIViewController RecyclerView UITableView android iOS
  29. Room CoreData Retrofit Alamofire GSON/ Moshi JSONSerialization MVP, MVVM, MVI

    MVVM, ELM RxJava RxSwift Tests Tests Activity UIViewController RecyclerView UITableView android iOS Activity UIViewController RecyclerView UITableView unnecessary duplication
  30. class SessionizeAPI(engine: HttpClientEngine) { private val client = HttpClient(engine) {

    install(JsonFeature) { serializer = KotlinxSerializer() } } suspend fun fetchSpeakers(): List<SpeakerEntity> { val response = client.get<HttpResponse>{ url ("$URL")} val json = response.readText() return Json.parse(SpeakerEntity.serializer().list, json) } } network src/commonMain/data/SessionizeAPI.kt ktor multiplatform network database android parser view platform specific presenter presenter domain model common (shared) code
  31. kotlinx.serialization network src/commonMain/data/SessionizeAPI.kt class SessionizeAPI(engine: HttpClientEngine) { private val client

    = HttpClient(engine) { install(JsonFeature) { serializer = KotlinxSerializer() } } suspend fun fetchSpeakers(): List<SpeakerEntity> { val response = client.get<HttpResponse>{ url ("$URL")} val json = response.readText() return Json.parse(SpeakerEntity.serializer().list, json) } } multiplatform network database android parser view platform specific presenter presenter domain model
  32. json response [{ "id": "2bc1e95f-1243-4ad0-8a11-75541fee10e0", "firstName": "Carlos", "lastName": "Mota", "fullName":

    "Carlos Mota", "bio": "… GDG Coimbra organizer and Kotlin evangelist, he also has a huge passion for travel, photography, space and the occasional run.", "tagLine": "Lead Software Engineer at WIT Software", "profilePicture": “https://sessionize.com/imag...7ef8707ae.jpg”, "sessions": [{ "id": 131513, "name": "The Hitchhikers Guide Through Kotlin Multiplatform" }], … },… https://sessionize.com/api/v2/3hvwlgcc/view/speakers
  33. json response [{ "id": "2bc1e95f-1243-4ad0-8a11-75541fee10e0", "firstName": "Carlos", "lastName": "Mota", "fullName":

    "Carlos Mota", "bio": "… GDG Coimbra organizer and Kotlin evangelist, he also has a huge passion for travel, photography, space and the occasional run.", "tagLine": "Lead Software Engineer at WIT Software", "profilePicture": “https://sessionize.com/imag...7ef8707ae.jpg”, "sessions": [{ "id": 131513, "name": "The Hitchhikers Guide Through Kotlin Multiplatform" }], … },… https://sessionize.com/api/v2/3hvwlgcc/view/speakers
  34. kotlinx.serialization src/commonMain/data/entities/SpeakerEntity.kt multiplatform network database android parser view platform specific

    presenter presenter domain model parser @Serializable data class SpeakerEntity ( val id: String, val firstName: String, val lastName: String, val fullName: String, val bio: String, val tagLine: String, val profilePicture: String, val sessions: List<SessionShortEntity>, val isTopSpeaker: Boolean, val links: List<String>, val questionAnswers: List<String>, val categories: List<String>)
  35. kotlinx.serialization src/commonMain/data/entities/SpeakerEntity.kt multiplatform network database android parser view platform specific

    presenter presenter domain model parser @Serializable data class SpeakerEntity ( val id: String, val firstName: String, val lastName: String, val fullName: String, val bio: String, @SerialName("tagLine") val jobTitle: String, val profilePicture: String, val sessions: List<SessionShortEntity>, val isTopSpeaker: Boolean, val links: List<String>, val questionAnswers: List<String>, val categories: List<String>)
  36. database CREATE TABLE SpeakerModel ( id TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY

    KEY, speaker TEXT as Speaker NOT NULL ); insertOrReplaceSpeaker: INSERT OR REPLACE INTO SpeakerModel(id, speaker) VALUES (?, ?); selectAllSpeakers: SELECT * FROM SpeakerModel; SQLDelight src/commonMain/sqldelight/data/model/SpeakerModel.sq multiplatform network database android parser view platform specific presenter presenter domain model
  37. database SQLite Compiler Generated code SQLDelight multiplatform network database android

    parser view platform specific presenter presenter domain model
  38. app/build/sqldelight/ScheduleDb/data/app/ScheduleDbImpl.kt database class SpeakerModelQueriesImpl(private val db: ScheduleDbImpl, private val driver:

    SqlDriver) : TransacterImpl(driver), SpeakerModelQueries { … override fun insertOrReplaceSpeaker(id: String, speaker: Speaker) { driver.execute(2113668020, """INSERT OR REPLACE INTO SpeakerModel(id, speaker) |VALUES (?1, ?2)""", 2) { bindString(1, id) bindString(2, db.SpeakerModelAdapter.speakerAdapter.encode(speaker)) } notifyQueries(2113668020, {db.speakerModelQueries.selectAllSpeakers}) } } generated class SQLDelight multiplatform network database android parser view platform specific presenter presenter domain model
  39. model class SpeakerDao(database: ScheduleDb) { private val db = database.speakerModelQueries

    internal fun insertOrReplace(speaker: Speaker) { db.insertOrReplaceSpeaker( id = speaker.id, speaker = speaker) } internal fun getAllSpeakers(): List<Speaker> { val data = db.selectAllSpeakers().executeAsList() … src/commonMain/domain/dao/SpeakerDao.kt multiplatform network database android parser view platform specific presenter presenter domain model
  40. model @Serializable data class Speaker ( val id: String, val

    fullName: String, val bio: String, val tagLine: String, val profilePicture: String, val sessions: List<Info>, val categories: List<String>) fun SpeakerEntity.toSpeaker() = Speaker( id = id, fullName = fullName, bio = bio, …) src/commonMain/domain/model/Speaker.kt multiplatform network database android parser view platform specific presenter presenter domain model
  41. domain class GetSpeakers(val api: SessionizeAPI, val dao: SpeakerDao) { suspend

    operator fun invoke(onSuccess: (List<Speaker>) -> Unit, onFailure: (Exception) -> Unit) { try { val result = api.fetchSpeakers() val speakers = Speaker.toSpeaker(result) dao.insertOrReplace(speakers) coroutineScope { onSuccess(speakers) } } catch (e: Exception) { onFailure(e) } src/commonMain/domain/GetSpeakers.kt multiplatform network database android parser view platform specific presenter presenter domain model
  42. class SpeakersListPresenter(val speakers: GetSpeakers, val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext) { lateinit var

    view: ISpeakersData fun attachView(currView: ISpeakersData) { view = currView fetchSpeakersList() } … presenter multiplatform network database android parser view platform specific presenter presenter domain model src/commonMain/presentation/SpeakersListPresenter.kt
  43. class SpeakersListPresenter(val speakers: GetSpeakers, val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext) { lateinit var

    view: ISpeakersData fun attachView(currView: ISpeakersData) { view = currView fetchSpeakersList() } … presenter multiplatform network database android parser view platform specific presenter presenter domain model src/commonMain/presentation/SpeakersListPresenter.kt onCreate()/ viewDidLoad()
  44. class SpeakersListPresenter(val speakers: GetSpeakers, val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext) { lateinit var

    view: ISpeakersData fun attachView(currView: ISpeakersData) { view = currView fetchSpeakersList() } … presenter multiplatform network database android parser view platform specific presenter presenter domain model src/commonMain/presentation/SpeakersListPresenter.kt
  45. presenter multiplatform network database android parser view platform specific presenter

    presenter domain model src/commonMain/presentation/cb/ISpeakersData.kt interface ISpeakersData { fun onSpeakersDataFetched(speakers: List<Speaker>) fun onSpeakersDataFailed(e: Exception) }
  46. class SpeakersListPresenter(val speakers: GetSpeakers, val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext) { lateinit var

    view: ISpeakersData fun attachView(currView: ISpeakersData) { view = currView fetchSpeakersList() } private fun fetchSpeakersList() { PresenterCoroutineScope(coroutineContext).launch { speakers( onSuccess = { view?.onSpeakersDataFetched(it) }, onFailure = { view?.onSpeakersDataFailed(it) }) … presenter multiplatform network database android parser view platform specific presenter presenter domain model src/commonMain/presentation/SpeakersListPresenter.kt
  47. class SpeakersListPresenter(val speakers: GetSpeakers, val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext) { lateinit var

    view: ISpeakersData fun attachView(currView: ISpeakersData) { view = currView fetchSpeakersList() } private fun fetchSpeakersList() { PresenterCoroutineScope(coroutineContext).launch { speakers( onSuccess = { view?.onSpeakersDataFetched(it) }, onFailure = { view?.onSpeakersDataFailed(it) }) … presenter multiplatform network database android parser view platform specific presenter presenter domain model src/commonMain/presentation/SpeakersListPresenter.kt
  48. object ServiceLocator { private val sessionizeAPI by lazy { SessionizeAPI(PlatformServiceLocator.httpClientEngine)

    } private val speakerDao by lazy { SpeakerDao(PlatformServiceLocator.databaseEngine) } private val getSpeakers: GetSpeakers get() = GetSpeakers(sessionizeAPI, speakerDao) val getSpeakersPresenter: SpeakersListPresenter get() = SpeakersPresenter(getSpeakers) … presenter multiplatform network database android parser view platform specific presenter presenter domain model src/commonMain/ServiceLocator.kt
  49. object ServiceLocator { private val sessionizeAPI by lazy { SessionizeAPI(PlatformServiceLocator.httpClientEngine)

    } private val speakerDao by lazy { SpeakerDao(PlatformServiceLocator.databaseEngine) } private val getSpeakers: GetSpeakers get() = GetSpeakers(sessionizeAPI, speakerDao) val getSpeakersPresenter: SpeakersListPresenter get() = SpeakersPresenter(getSpeakers) … presenter multiplatform network database android parser view platform specific presenter presenter domain model src/commonMain/ServiceLocator.kt
  50. object ServiceLocator { private val sessionizeAPI by lazy { SessionizeAPI(PlatformServiceLocator.httpClientEngine)

    } private val speakerDao by lazy { SpeakerDao(PlatformServiceLocator.databaseEngine) } private val getSpeakers: GetSpeakers get() = GetSpeakers(sessionizeAPI, speakerDao) val getSpeakersPresenter: SpeakersListPresenter get() = SpeakersPresenter(getSpeakers) … presenter multiplatform network database android parser view platform specific presenter presenter domain model src/commonMain/ServiceLocator.kt
  51. platform specific expect object PlatformServiceLocator { val httpClientEngine: HttpClientEngine val

    databaseEngine: ScheduleDb } multiplatform network database android parser view platform specific presenter presenter domain model src/commonMain/PlatformServiceLocator.kt
  52. platform specific expect object PlatformServiceLocator { val httpClientEngine: HttpClientEngine val

    databaseEngine: ScheduleDb } multiplatform network database android parser view platform specific presenter presenter domain model src/commonMain/PlatformServiceLocator.kt
  53. platform specific expect object PlatformServiceLocator { val httpClientEngine: HttpClientEngine val

    databaseEngine: ScheduleDb } commonMain actual object PlatformServiceLocator { actual val httpClientEngine: HttpClientEngine by lazy { OkHttp.create() } actual val databaseEngine: SqlDriver by lazy { AndroidSqliteDriver(ScheduleDb.Schema, ctx, “app.db") … androidMain
  54. platform specific expect object PlatformServiceLocator { val httpClientEngine: HttpClientEngine val

    databaseEngine: ScheduleDb } commonMain actual object PlatformServiceLocator { actual val httpClientEngine: HttpClientEngine by lazy { OkHttp.create() } actual val databaseEngine: SqlDriver by lazy { AndroidSqliteDriver(ScheduleDb.Schema, ctx, “app.db") … androidMain actual object PlatformServiceLocator { actual val httpClientEngine: HttpClientEngine by lazy { Ios.create() } actual val databaseEngine: SqlDriver by lazy { NativeSqliteDriver(ScheduleDb.Schema, “app.db") … iOSMain
  55. platform specific expect object PlatformServiceLocator { val httpClientEngine: HttpClientEngine val

    databaseEngine: ScheduleDb } commonMain actual object PlatformServiceLocator { actual val httpClientEngine: HttpClientEngine by lazy { OkHttp.create() } actual val databaseEngine: SqlDriver by lazy { AndroidSqliteDriver(ScheduleDb.Schema, ctx, “app.db") … androidMain actual object PlatformServiceLocator { actual val httpClientEngine: HttpClientEngine by lazy { Ios.create() } actual val databaseEngine: SqlDriver by lazy { NativeSqliteDriver(ScheduleDb.Schema, “app.db") … iOSMain
  56. platform specific actual object PlatformServiceLocator { actual val httpClientEngine: HttpClientEngine

    by lazy { OkHttp.create() } actual val databaseEngine: SqlDriver by lazy { AndroidSqliteDriver(ScheduleDb.Schema, ctx, “app.db") … androidMain actual object PlatformServiceLocator { actual val httpClientEngine: HttpClientEngine by lazy { Ios.create() } actual val databaseEngine: SqlDriver by lazy { NativeSqliteDriver(ScheduleDb.Schema, “app.db") … iOSMain multiplatform network database android parser view platform specific presenter presenter domain model
  57. src/commonAndroid/presenter/activities/MainActivity.kt android class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(), ISpeakersData { val presenter

    by lazy { ServiceLocator.getSpeakersPresenter } override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.activity_main) presenter.attachView(this) } override fun onSpeakersDataFetched(list: List<Speaker>){ setup(list) … multiplatform network database android parser view platform specific presenter presenter domain model
  58. src/commonAndroid/presenter/activities/MainActivity.kt android class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(), ISpeakersData { val presenter

    by lazy { ServiceLocator.getSpeakersPresenter } override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.activity_main) presenter.attachView(this) } override fun onSpeakersDataFetched(list: List<Speaker>){ setup(list) … multiplatform network database android parser view platform specific presenter presenter domain model
  59. src/commonAndroid/presenter/adapters/SpeakersListAdapter.kt android multiplatform network database android parser view platform specific

    presenter presenter domain model override fun onBindViewHolder(viewHolder: SpeakerViewHolder, position: Int) { val speaker = speakers[position] Glide.with(viewHolder.speakerPhoto) .load(speaker.profilePicture) .apply(RequestOptions.circleCropTransform()) .into(viewHolder.speakerPhoto) viewHolder.speakerName.text = speaker.fullName viewHolder.talkTitle.text = speaker.talkTitle viewHolder.container.setOnClickListener { action.onUserClickAction(speaker, it) } }
  60. src/commonAndroid/presenter/adapters/SpeakersListAdapter.kt android override fun onBindViewHolder(viewHolder: SpeakerViewHolder, position: Int) { val

    speaker = speakers[position] Glide.with(viewHolder.speakerPhoto) .load(speaker.profilePicture) .apply(RequestOptions.circleCropTransform()) .into(viewHolder.speakerPhoto) viewHolder.speakerName.text = speaker.fullName viewHolder.talkTitle.text = speaker.talkTitle viewHolder.container.setOnClickListener { action.onUserClickAction(speaker, it) } } you can keep using your android libraries multiplatform network database android parser view platform specific presenter presenter domain model
  61. iosApp/iosApp/SpeakerTableViewController.swift iOS multiplatform network database iOS parser view platform specific

    presenter presenter domain model class SpeakerTableViewController: UITableViewController, ISpeakersData lazy var presenter = ServiceLocator.init().getSpeakerPresenter override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) { super.viewWillAppear(animated) presenter.attachView(view: self) } func onSpeakersDataFetched(speakers: [Speaker]) { setup(speakers) …
  62. iosApp/iosApp/SpeakerTableViewController.swift iOS multiplatform network database iOS parser view platform specific

    presenter presenter domain model class SpeakerTableViewController: UITableViewController, ISpeakersData { lazy var presenter = ServiceLocator.init().getSpeakersPresenter override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) { super.viewWillAppear(animated) presenter.attachView(view: self) } func onSpeakersDataFetched(speakers: [Speaker]) { setup(speakers) …
  63. iosApp/iosApp/SpeakerTableViewController.swift iOS multiplatform network database iOS parser view platform specific

    presenter presenter domain model override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell { let cellIdentifier = "SpeakerTableViewCell" let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: cellIdentifier, for: indexPath) as SpeakerTableViewCell let speaker = speakers[indexPath.row] cell.talkName.text = speaker.talkTitle cell.speakerName.text = speaker.fullName cell.speakerImage.image = speaker.profilePicture return cell }
  64. (impressions) Kotlin Multiplatform I could just focus on doing what

    I know best - UI. I have no idea how things are being done in the backend, yet I know that when I ask for data I receive it. - iOS Developer
  65. - it’s in experimental state - although there are projects

    in production - Space was announced during Kotlin Conf 19 (web, desktop and mobile) - you can spend some time resolving compilation issues - specially if you try to target all platforms - not possible to debug kotlin from Xcode - plugin for Xcode from TouchLab/ support mentioned on Kotlin Conf 19 - lookout for plugins/ libraries updates (in progress) Kotlin Multiplatform
  66. - strong community - a lot of people are using

    kotlin nowadays - Google and JetBrains are pushing Kotlin in - you can ask questions directly on https://kotlinlang.slack.com - 2x faster to develop your features business logic - 2x faster writing unit tests - one tech stack - consistency across platforms (conclusions) Kotlin Multiplatform
  67. - be extremely careful with all updates - IDEA, jdk,

    kotlin, libraries - everything. - start small, don’t try to reach 100% of shared logic - keep versioning in mind - remember that’s still on experimental state (suggestions) Kotlin Multiplatform
  68. - Kotlin Slack - Kotlin Official - Kotlin Training -

    Kotlin by: https://jakewharton.com/presentations/ http://antonioleiva.com/kotlin - Kotlin Conf 2019 videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xKTM0A8gdI (useful links) more information