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JAWS PANKRATION 2024で登壇した資料です。


August 24, 2024

More Decks by cm-usuda-keisuke

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  1. Producing the Tsundere GuardDuty: A Diamond in the Rough Becomes

    the Cloud Security Idol ツンデレなGuardDutyを プロデュースして 世界一のアイドルにする話 Keisuke Usuda うすだけいすけ AWS Security Hero Security-JAWS
  2. Hi, I’m Usuda / こんにちは、臼田です 2 Hi everyone, Are you

    all producing I d o l s your AWS services? (Icebreaker みなさん、 ア イ ド ル AWSサービスの育成してますか?(挨拶
  3. Who am I? / 自己紹介 Usuda Keisuke / 臼田佳祐 ・AWS

    BU. Classmethod, Inc. Senior Solution Architect Security Team Leader 2021 APN Ambassador 2024 APN AWS Top Engineers (Security) AWS Security Hero (2023~) ・CISSP ・Security-JAWS Core Member ・My favorite AWS Service: Amazon GuardDuty 3 "Everyone's AWS" (Gijutsu-Hyoron Co., Ltd.) Amazon GuardDuty
  4. Previously on GuardDuty / 前回のGuardDuty In re:Invent 2017 What a

    wonderful feature! I fell in love with her at first sight. 5 re:Invent2017にて 素敵なセキュリティ機能が発表され 僕は彼女を見てひと目で恋に落ちた
  5. Previously on GuardDuty / 前回のGuardDuty Surprisingly, she (GuardDuty) turned out

    to be tsundere, but I was conquering this adorable girl as if in a dating simulation game. By the way, tsundere refers to someone who is initially cold and prickly but gradually becomes sweet and affectionate. I introduced this at JAWS PANKRATION 2021, spreading it worldwide. 6 なんと彼女(GuardDuty)はツンデレだったが、非常に愛らしい 彼女を私は恋愛シミュレーションゲームのように攻略していた ちなみにツンデレとは最初は冷たい態度でツンツンするけど 次第に優しくなりデレデレするという意味 これをJAWS PANKRATION 2021で紹介し、世界中に広めた Ref: https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/tsundere-guardduty-in-jaws-pankration-2021/
  6. This Episode‘s Plot / 今回のお話 I kept spreading the gospel

    of GuardDuty, but before I knew it, I had become her producer(for outreach). This is the epic saga of how I guided her to become the 'World's Top Cloud Security Idol'! 7 私はGuardDutyの啓蒙活動を続けていたが 気づけばそれはプロデュース活動(啓蒙)に変わっていた これは私が彼女を 世界一のトップクラウドセキュリティアイドル へと導く物語
  7. Japanese Idols and Subculture / 日本文化の補足 In Japan, idol culture

    has developed uniquely for both real-life idols and 2D idols. In the realm of 2D idols, series like THE IDOLM@STER and Love Live! are particularly famous. THE IDOLM@STER series, which debuted as an arcade game in 2005, has since expanded into a wide range of media, including console games, social games, anime, manga, and music CDs. As producers, we engage in various activities, known as 'producing,' to guide our idols to become top stars. We play games, buy CDs, attend live concerts, and sometimes even create fan works or MAD videos to post on Nico Nico Douga. By the way, the idol I produce in the Cinderella Girls series is Shin Sato. BE MY BABY! Afufun! 9
  8. When She Debuted / デビュー当時 When she first debuted, she

    was incredibly aggressive, constantly giving off a prickly 'tsun-tsun' attitude. 'Too many false detections,' 'I can't figure out how to operate her,' the idol otaku of that time didn't even give her a second glance. To be honest, I was the same at first. 10 デビューしたての彼女はとにかく攻撃的でツンツンとたくさん検 出をしました 「誤検知ばかり」「操作方法が分からない」と、当時のアイドル オタクは彼女に目もくれませんでした。実は私も最初はそうでし た。
  9. • Now supports S3 malware scanning • Integrates with consumer

    file reception services • Flexibly configurable using tagging events 12 Newest Features / 最新機能
  10. Producing Begins / プロデュース始めました I advocate for enabling GuardDuty in

    all regions across all AWS accounts. This is also part of our production activities. Starting with the previous JAWS PANKRATION, and including annual JAWS DAYS and other events, I have given over 30 presentations on Amazon GuardDuty. These presentations, which include detailed explanations of its features, are aimed at convincing everyone from beginners to advanced users that they should utilize this service. I have also written nearly 100 blog posts on the subject. 13 私はすべてのAWSアカウントですべてのリージョンで有効化することを提唱して います。これもプロデュース活動の一環です。 前回のJAWSパンクラチオンを始め、毎年JAWS DAYSやその他のイベントでも繰 り返しAmazon GuardDutyについてプレゼンして、初心者から上級者まですべて の人がこのサービスを利用すべきであると、詳細な機能の解説も含めてこれまで に30回以上登壇しました。ブログは100本近く書いています。
  11. Thanks to these efforts, in 2022, GuardDuty gained over 50%

    support in a Japanese survey. Notably, it recorded an 86% support rate among mid-sized companies, undoubtedly ascending to become Japan's ‘top cloud security idol'. 14 Top Idle of Japan / 日本での実績 Ref: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YbTBpKGsKVBtslEY7Uc_Vzytv9CJKv8L/view
  12. In August 2023, we produced our own new service to

    utilize her more effectively. 15 We launched Automated Incident Investigation
  13. Producer Activities: Outreach and Development This has led to the

    creation of many more GuardDuty users. While giving numerous presentations and raising awareness in various places is one form of activity, developing services to increase the number of users is also a strategy that can be considered part of our producer activities. 16 これによりよりたくさんのGuardDutyユーザーが誕 生しています。 たくさん登壇して色んな場所で啓蒙することも一つ の活動ですが、サービスを作ってよりたくさんの利 用者を増やす戦略もプロデュース活動の一つになる でしょう。
  14. Key Takeaways / まとめ • GuardDuty: Japan's ‘top cloud security

    idol’ • My goal: Elevate it to world's top through PANKRATION • Many AWS services await your production • Let's produce together for the top! 17 GuardDutyは現時点で間違いなく日本のトップクラウドセキュリティアイ ドルです。 今回のパンクラチオンを含めて私が世界のトップクラウドセキュリティア イドルへと導きます。 みなさんのプロデュースをまっているクラウドアイドル(AWSサービス)は たくさんあります みんなでプロデュースしてトップアイドルを目指そう!