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Prometheus Operator, a tale about container mon...

April 21, 2020

Prometheus Operator, a tale about container monitoring at iFood (volume I)

In this presentation, I'll talk about the use of Prometheus as the main monitoring technology for kubernetes (but not only k8s) at iFood.
The main purpose is to show what went right and what were the pitfalls in adopting this new way of monitoring apps and infrastructure.


April 21, 2020

More Decks by drequena

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  1. Index Editor's Note ……………………………………………………….. 1 Foreword ...………………..…………...………………..………….. 2 Chapter I

    - Bare Metal Dungeons .……..….………… 3 Chapter II - Cloudy Mountains .………….……………. 4 Chapter III - The ignorance desert ..………….………. 5 Chapter IV - Container Harbor ..………….…………..… 6 Chapter V - The next adventure ………………………..7 References ..………………..…………...………………..………….9 About the author …………...………………..…………………..10
  2. Editor's Note • This tale is based in facts. •

    Characters and fictional elements have been added for the sake of a better storytelling. • The main character is a chimera of iFood's SRE team for the past 6 years or so. • The only focus of this presentation is Monitoring.
  3. Chapter I - Bare Metal Dungeons Class: Human Race :

    Warrior Level: 10 XP : 2 years ------------- Int : ##### Str : ######## Dex : ### STA : # Tools: . Linux (int) . Networking (int) . Bash (int) . Pyrhon (bgn) . Zabbix (bgn)
  4. Chapter I - Bare Metal Dungeons Hello fellow Linus! I'm

    ScrumMaster, the Bard! Are you looking for a great Monitoring adventure? I heard that beyond the dark forest, there is a site called Bare Metal Dungeons. A place full of big challenges: Racks Servers, VMs, switches, etc... A big reward in eXPerience is promised to the hero who answer to the call. Are you interested? Scrum Master, the Bard Linus, the Sysadmin
  5. Chapter I - Bare Metal Dungeons Hello my good friend!

    A fare adventure you are proposing to me. I shall accept this challenge rightway! To the Bare Metal Dungeons I SAY! Accept my LinkedIn profile as a form of gratitude. Thanks for the opportunity, I hope to see you soon. Good Bye! Scrum Master, the Bard Linus, the Sysadmin
  6. Chapter I - Bare Metal Dungeons The Bare Metal Dungeons

    landscape • Physical servers • Manual provisioned VMs • Network devices • Databases • Web Servers • Monolithic app • Few users
  7. Chapter I - Bare Metal Dungeons The Bare Metal Dungeons

    landscape • Weapon of choice: Zabbix ◦ Basic templates ◦ Custom Templates ◦ Bash scripts ◦ Python integrations ◦ E-mail alerts ◦ ...
  8. Chapter I - Bare Metal Dungeons The Bare Metal Dungeons

    landscape • At the end... ◦ More dynamic workloads ▪ LLD ◦ A lot of Custom Items ◦ Some Web Scenarios (urg!) ◦ Starting to use Chef ◦ ...
  9. Chapter I - Bare Metal Dungeons Class: Human Race :

    Warrior Level: 15 XP : 4 years ------------- Int : ###### Str : ########## Dex : #### STA : ##### Tools: .Linux (adv) .Networking (int) .Bash (adv) .Pyrhon (int) .Zabbix (int) .Chef (bgn) .AWS (bgn)
  10. Chapter II - Cloudy Mountains Hello again my dear friend

    Linus! Congrats on your success in your last mission! I believe you were looking for vacations, am I right? However, a new quest awaits for you! All applications and systems are now moving to the Cloudy Mountains. Your mission is to support the monitoring tasks after the the brave DEV teams break down the Monolithic Dragon. For that, A LOT of servers will be created. Scrum Master, the Bard Linus, the Sysadmin
  11. Chapter II - Cloudy Mountains Greetings my under occupied friend!

    A new quest you say! I must accept rightway again. So, the Monolithic Dragon shall be broken down, right? And you said something about the creation of a lot of servers too. Tell me, my slacker friend, are you talking about how many servers? 70? Scrum Master, the Bard Linus, the Sysadmin
  12. Chapter II - Cloudy Mountains Oh wow! More than 140?

    Are we talking about 400 servers? Scrum Master, the Bard Linus, the Sysadmin
  13. Chapter II - Cloudy Mountains There will be at least

    1000 servers. Many dynamically created by ASGs and others created on AWS painel with no previous notice. Ow! And you shall monitor all kinds of AWS componentes too. Scrum Master, the Bard Linus, the Sysadmin
  14. Chapter II - Cloudy Mountains You know what? I'm starting

    to reconsider our friendship dude. Scrum Master, the Bard Linus, the Sysadmin
  15. Chapter II - Cloudy Mountains Cloudy Mountains landscape • Migrate

    to Cloud: "Lift and shift". ◦ Monolith at large scales ◦ ASGs ◦ HTTP routing ◦ Big database • Zabbix was still the only weapon of choice. ◦ Dynamically registering hosts ◦ Monitoring only infrastructure
  16. Chapter II - Cloudy Mountains Cloudy Mountains landscape • The

    slow killing of the Monolithic Dragon. ◦ More instances (asg) ◦ SQS/SNS ◦ More databases - ro/rw (asg) ◦ Loadbalancers ◦ Buckets ◦ DynamoDB tables ◦ Lambdas ◦ Elastic Cache systems
  17. Chapter II - Cloudy Mountains Cloudy Mountains landscape • Zabbix

    became complex and not the only weapon ◦ Adding and removing hosts, LBs, SQS, etc... ◦ API throttle ◦ Ghost hosts and items ▪ False alarms ◦ Async process (SQS/SNS/Lambda) • New weapons ◦ CloudWatch ◦ Lambdas
  18. Chapter II - Cloudy Mountains Class: Human Race : Warrior

    Level: 19 XP : 6 years ------------- Int : ######## Str : ############ Dex : ###### STA : ####### Tools: .Linux (adv) .Networking (int) .Bash (adv) .Pyrhon (int) .Zabbix (int) .Chef (adv) .AWS (adv) .Terraform (adv)
  19. Chapter III - The ignorance desert Linus! My old friend!

    Long time we don't see… You know! I was wondering... Scrum Master, the Bard Linus, the Sysadmin
  20. Oh now WHAT?! Tell me WHAT THE F*CK are you

    put me into now! Scrum Master, the Bard Linus, the Sysadmin Chapter III - The ignorance desert
  21. WOW! so aggressive.Calm down. Have you heard about the Kubernetes

    feaver? Apparently it is the NEW silver bullet to all problems. All apps are now moving to Kubernetes and no previous monitoring solutions are good to it. Your quest is to monitor Kubernetes itself and also all apps inside it. You must go fast to the container harbor before the ships starts to departure. Scrum Master, the Bard Linus, the Sysadmin Chapter III - The ignorance desert
  22. IIRC, containers can be created and destroyed in seconds! No

    tool that I'm aware of can handle that kind of elastic workload! I must wander through the desert of ignorance in order to find a suitable tool for this situation. Wish me luck! And the next time we see each other, just don't talk to me anymore. Scrum Master, the Bard Linus, the Sysadmin Chapter III - The ignorance desert
  23. Prometheus ◦ OpenSource ◦ Lightweight ◦ Simple Architecture ◦ Pull

    based ◦ "Agentless" Alert Manager ◦ Routing ◦ Grouping ◦ Deduplication Chapter III - The ignorance desert ◦ TSDB based (fast and small storage usage) ◦ HTTP based ◦ Powerful query language (PROMQL) ◦ YAML file config ◦ Service Discovery (*) ◦ Notifying ◦ Integrations
  24. Prometheus tsdb APP Alert Manager Rules: avg(metric) > 10 label:

    critical Condition Error! Solved! #Alerts GET metrics metric = 11 Store Check Result route: receiver: slack-general group_by: - job routes: - receiver: slack-integration match: severity: critical continue: true Chapter III - The ignorance desert
  25. Consul K8S File Prometheus Prometheus SD - job_name: monitoring/myapp/0 scrape_interval:

    30s metrics_path: /metrics kubernetes_sd_configs: - role: endpoints namespaces: names: - app relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_label_app] separator: ; regex: app replacement: $1 action: keep tsdb AWS DNS App Endpoints: - - - - app-pod1 app-pod2 app-pod3 app-pod4 GET /metrics GET /metrics GET /metrics GET /metrics Chapter III - The ignorance desert
  26. Chapter III - The ignorance desert The prometheus DIY problem

    • Prometheus • AlertManager • Grafana • K8s monitoring ◦ Node Exporter ◦ Kube state metrics ◦ Internal components ▪ API server ▪ Etcd ▪ CoreDNS Custom apps Grafana Dashboards Custom Alerts Multiples Prometheus ▪ Kubelet ▪ Controllers ▪ Schedulers ▪ KubeProxy ▪ CNI Custom Rules AlertManager Cluster Defining all AS CO DE Validation Pipelines Updates / Upgrades
  27. Chapter III - The ignorance desert Operator Witch Linus, the

    Sysadmin I can feel your despair my young warrior. But fear not! Cause I bring good news to you. I will teach you an old but very powerful spell so you can summon a complete Prometheus stack. With that your kubernetes cluster shall be monitored in a extensible and flexible way. But be aware my dear sysadmin! "What easy comes, easy goes".
  28. Prometheus Operator ? An operator is a pattern in which

    a software or even a platform is configured, provisioned and managed using Kubernetes objects (usually CRDs). That pattern gives flexibility and a single "language" for kubernetes users and administrators to use. Operators are normally composed by custom controllers that handle defined CRDs and take actions against it, converging the managed software state to the desired state just like a standard k8s object. ◦ Operators examples: ▪ Jenkins, Mongo, Mysql, Cassandra, Spark and many more... Chapter III - The ignorance desert
  29. Prometheus Operator* ◦ Prometheus Operator ◦ Prometheus ◦ AlertManager ◦

    Grafana ◦ Node Exporter ◦ Kube State Metrics ◦ Prebaked Alerts ◦ Cluster Dashboards * Helm-chart Chapter III - The ignorance desert ◦ Kubernetes monitoring ▪ API ▪ Controllers ▪ Schedulers ▪ CoreDNS ▪ CNI ▪ Kubelet ▪ KubeProxy
  30. Prometheus Operator ◦ CRDs ▪ Prometheus ▪ AlerManager ▪ PrometheusRule

    * ▪ ServiceMonitor * ▪ PodMonitor (iirc still in Beta) Each CRD have its on API spec (see doc) Chapter III - The ignorance desert
  31. Prometheus Operator PrometheusRule and ServiceMonitor CRDs - Brings flexibility to

    monitor and alerting on any application (or exporter) that can expose metrics using Prometheus standard, without the SD syntax hell and the operational burden to validate, merge and reload daemons. Chapter III - The ignorance desert
  32. Prometheus Operator ◦ AlertManager and Prometheus ▪ Resources ▪ Storage

    ▪ Replicas ▪ Retention ▪ Namespace and object selectors ▪ LogLevel ▪ Docker image/tag (*) ▪ And many more... Chapter III - The ignorance desert
  33. Chapter III - The ignorance desert root@w42:~# helm install --namespace

    monitoring stable/prometheus-operator Prometheus Operator (Installing)
  34. Chapter III - The ignorance desert Operator Witch Linus, the

    Sysadmin Oh! so wonderful! An eternal debt to you I have milady! I didn't quite understand your last verse, I must admit. But since the stack is all set, who cares? I must go now! thank you very much!
  35. Chapter II - Cloudy Mountains Class: Human Race : Warrior

    Level: 19 XP : 6 years ------------- Int : ########### Str : ############### Dex : ######### STA : ######### COURAGE BOOST (#) Tools: .Linux (adv) .Networking (int) Bash (adv) Pyrhon (int) Zabbix (int) .Chef (adv) .AWS (adv) .Terraform (adv)
  36. Container Harbor landscape ◦ Dozens of kubernetes clusters (kops) ◦

    Prometheus Operator (helm) ▪ Prometheus and Alertmanager • Exposed by Ingress (web interfaces) • 45 days of retention • 500m CPU / 4G RAM ▪ Slack as AlertManager Receiver • Custom message templates ▪ Grafana and Dashboards with Prometheus as DataSource ◦ Jenkins as CI/CD system for apps Chapter IV - Container Harbor
  37. Container Harbor - The happy Path ◦ Install Prometheus Operator

    ◦ Monitor entire cluster by default ◦ Monitor internal Apps easily ◦ Create custom Dashboards ◦ Create custom alerts ◦ "And Bob is your uncle!" Chapter IV - Container Harbor
  38. Container Harbor - The REAL Path ◦ Prometheus Targets: ▪

    ETCd not monitored ‍♂ ▪ Consequently not alarming. Default ServiceMonitor from Prometheus Operator doesn't support ETCd with TLS. Solution: Generate signed key and certificate based on K8s API and create a secret on Prometheus Operator namespace and reference the files in Chart values. Chapter IV - Container Harbor
  39. Container Harbor - The actual Path Chapter IV - Container

    Harbor Snipped…. from values.yaml kubeEtcd: serviceMonitor : caFile: /etc/prometheus/secrets/etcd-client/CA.crt certFile: /etc/prometheus/secrets/etcd-client/CERT.crt keyFile: /etc/prometheus/secrets/etcd-client/KEY.key prometheus: prometheusSpec : secrets: - <SECRET-NAME>
  40. Container Harbor - The actual Path ◦ Prometheus Targets: ▪

    KubeProxy no monitored ▪ Consequently not alarming. Kops listen KubeProxy metrics ports at by default Solution: cluster.yaml (kops snipp) . ... . kubeProxy: . metricsBindAddress: . ... . Chapter IV - Container Harbor
  41. Container Harbor - The actual Path ◦ Prometheus and AlertManager

    ▪ Both doesn't have Auth method to the Web-UI ▪ Especially important to AlertManager ⚠ Solution: Use a Auth solution over Ingress Layer. - ldap-proxy (helm installed) Grafana supports .toml file in order to auth on Ldap ❤ Chapter IV - Container Harbor
  42. Container Harbor - The actual Path ◦ Default Alarms uncalibrated.

    ◦ Too many firings ▪ ex: Pods CPU Throttling ◦ "wrong" classifications. ▪ ex: Pods restarting too many times (Warning level) Solution: Full Alarms check up. Rebuild YAML file using jsonnet (good luck with that ) Substitute original alarms (service-monitors) with our calibrated ones. Chapter IV - Container Harbor
  43. Container Harbor. • ServiceMonitor and PrometheusRule files ◦ Per app

    on repositories ◦ Later on our Helm Chart • Custom Grafana Dashboards per app! ❤ ◦ configmap: labels -> grafana_dashboard: "1" One "small" problem: Some files were not appearing on our clusters. Syntax errors! Linters from Prometheus Operator project (pipelines) Solved in later Prometheus Operator version (admissionWebhook) Chapter IV - Container Harbor
  44. Container Harbor. Prometheus metrics became a thing! • Lots of

    apps starting to expose them. • Why not to expose them on ec2 apps? ◦ Where store them? ◦ Solution: EC2 SD based on labels: - PrometheusScrape: true Chapter IV - Container Harbor
  45. Container Harbor. Secret on Prometheus Operator's namespace. name: prometheus-operator-prometheus-scrape-config data:

    additional-scrape-configs.yaml: <SD_content_in_Base64> - ec2_sd_configs: . - endpoint: "" . filters: . - name: tag:PrometheusScrape . values: . - true . … . Reference on Prometheus object: spec: . additionalScrapeConfigs: . key: additional-scrape-configs.yaml . name: prometheus-operator-prometheus-scrape-config . Chapter IV - Container Harbor
  46. Container Harbor. Custom apps metrics, let's scale by it! Solution:

    Prometheus Adapter. (helm) kubectl get APIService v1beta1.metrics.k8s.io ... NAME SERVICE AVAILABLE ... v1beta1.metrics.k8s.io kube-system/metrics-server True ... v1beta1.custom.metrics.k8s.io kube-system/prometheus-adapter True v1beta1.external.metrics.k8s.io kube-system/prometheus-adapter True Chapter IV - Container Harbor
  47. Container Harbor. apiVersion: autoscaling/v1beta1 kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler metadata: name: my-app-hpa spec:

    scaleTargetRef: apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment name: my-app-to-scale minReplicas: 1 maxReplicas: 10 metrics: - type: custom external: metricName: Custom-metric-name targetValue: 1500 Chapter IV - Container Harbor Prometheus tsdb APP GET /metrics Prometheus Adapter Query metics Prom metrics Kubernetes API v1beta1.custom.metrics.k8s.io v1beta1.external.metrics.k8s.io
  48. Container Harbor. Scaling by external metrics, an example: • Scaling

    by number of messages in SQS • Tiamat ◦ Collect queue stats and stores at prometheus. ◦ Labels defines queue IDs ◦ Plans to support ▪ Kafka topics ▪ ... Chapter IV - Container Harbor
  49. Container Harbor. apiVersion: autoscaling/v1beta1 kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler metadata: name: my-app-hpa spec:

    scaleTargetRef: apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment name: my-app-to-scale minReplicas: 1 maxReplicas: 10 metrics: - type: custom external: metricName: My_queue_size targetValue: 1500 Chapter IV - Container Harbor Prometheus tsdb GET /metrics Prometheus Adapter Query metics Prom metrics Kubernetes API v1beta1.external.metrics.k8s.io Tiamat My_queue_size: 2300
  50. Container Harbor. • Many metrics (k8s and ec2 apps) •

    Lots! lots! of Grafanas (datasource -> k8s prometheus) • Gigantic queries! Chapter IV - Container Harbor
  51. Container Harbor. Solution: Adjust Resources: Requests and Limits (CPU and

    Memory) Use restrictive flags. - --query.max-samples=30000000 - --query.max-concurrency=4 - --query.timeout=1m (use carefully) Prometheus object: query: maxConcurrency: 4 maxSamples: 30000000 timeout: 1m (use carefully) Chapter IV - Container Harbor
  52. Container Harbor. Solution (plus) • Last unfinished query will be

    prompted on terminal (a clue at least) • Since 2.16 Prometheus have a query log option global: . scrape_interval: 15s . evaluation_interval: 15s . query_log_file: /prometheus/query.log . Chapter IV - Container Harbor
  53. Container Harbor. • Scraped Metrics can also go wrong. •

    Really wrong! • Like knockout wrong Chapter IV - Container Harbor
  54. Container Harbor. Why? The cardinality hell. Each unique set of

    labels in a metric is considered a new time series. Highly mutable labels becomes a explosion of resource consumption Solution: Query and look for a big spike! rate(prometheus_tsdb_head_series_created_total[_PERIOD_]) Fix metrics. Chapter IV - Container Harbor dns_query_count{deployment="myserver",endpoint="http",instance="",job="my_dns_app",nam espace="dns",pod="dns-server-78fb6c979-nxrlc",query="assdfewr.onsite.com"} 234.03
  55. Container Harbor. Even tuning, sometimes Prometheus explodes anyway • Big

    queries for internal apps • Cluster monitoring compromised Chapter IV - Container Harbor apiVersion: monitoring.coreos.com/v1 kind: Prometheus ruleNamespaceSelector: matchExpressions: - key: tribe operator: NotIn values: - infra serviceMonitorNamespaceSelector: matchExpressions: - key: tribe operator: NotIn values: - infra apiVersion: monitoring.coreos.com/v1 kind: Prometheus ruleNamespaceSelector: matchExpressions: - key: tribe operator: NotIn values: - custom-apps serviceMonitorNamespaceSelector: matchExpressions: - key: tribe operator: NotIn values: - custom-apps
  56. Container Harbor. • "Solution" (more of a mitigation…) Chapter IV

    - Container Harbor Prometheus Infra K8s API CoreDn s Infrastructure Node groups Prometheus Apps App2 App1 Other nodes groups ... ...
  57. Container Harbor. AlertManager • Responsible to route alerts • Single

    point of failure • By default just 1 replica. • Capable to create HA cluster. Solution: (super easy) AlertManager object (CRD) Replicas: 3 Chapter IV - Container Harbor
  58. Container Harbor. How about Prometheus HA? • Prometheus does not

    create clusters Chapter IV - Container Harbor Prometheus tsdb APP-4 APP-3 APP-2 APP-1
  59. Container Harbor. How about Prometheus HA? • More replicas. ◦

    Duplicate metrics ◦ Doesn't solve 100% problem • Super easy to implement api:monitoring.coreos.com/v1 . kind: Prometheus . metadata: . name: Prometheus . spec: . Replicas: 2 . … . Chapter IV - Container Harbor Prometheus tsdb APP-4 APP-3 APP-2 APP-1 Prometheus tsdb
  60. Container Harbor. • Solution: ◦ Remote Write/Read Chapter IV -

    Container Harbor S3 External Solution Read/Write Deduplication and Long term storage S3 S3 S3 HA Storage cluster Fill Gaps Prometheus APP4 APP3 APP2 APP1 Prometheus ...
  61. Unsolved problems yet... • How to organize Federated prometheus ◦

    Number of grafanas • Flexible alerting with AlertManager ◦ Today fixed channels and routes ◦ Hard to create new ones • Remote Read / Remote Write (Cortex / Thanos) ◦ HA ◦ Metrics Dedup ◦ Long term persistence Chapter V - The next adventure
  62. References • https://prometheus.io/ • https://github.com/coreos/prometheus-operator • https://github.com/helm/charts/tree/master/stable/prometheus-operator • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRmnh8lgjsU •

    https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/extend-kubernetes/operator/ • https://coreos.com/blog/introducing-operators.html • https://operatorhub.io/ • https://github.com/tiagoapimenta/nginx-ldap-auth • https://github.com/hugobcar/tiamat • https://github.com/helm/charts/tree/master/stable/grafana • https://github.com/DirectXMan12/k8s-prometheus-adapter • https://cortexmetrics.io/ • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_pEevMAC3I