l 10th largest Telco provider in the world, leading in the Nordics l Online self-serve system where large business admins manage employee subscriptions and plans l Mission-critical system whose availability and responsiveness is critical to customer satisfaction Business problem l Degrading relational performance. User login taking minutes while system retrieved access rights l Millions of plans, customers, admins, groups. l Highly interconnected data set w/massive joins l Nightly batch workaround solved the performance problem, but led to outdated data l Primary system was Sybase. Batch pre-compute workaround projected to reach 9 hours by 2014: longer than the nightly batch window Solution & Benefits l Moved authorization functionality from Sybase to Neo4j l Modeling the resource graph in Neo4j was straightforward, as the domain is inherently a graph l Able to retire the batch process, and move to real-time responses: measured in milliseconds l Users able to see fresh data, not yesterday’s snapshot l Customer retention risks fully mitigated l Performance, Mi->millsec, Simplicity, Understand Bus Rules, Scale Subscription Subscription Account Account Customer Customer Customer Customer SUBSCRIBED_BY CONTROLLED_BY PART_OF User User USER_ACCESS