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Verifying a Distributed System with Combinatori...

Verifying a Distributed System with Combinatorial Topology

A proposal on an alternative method to formally verify a distributed system with algebraic (combinatorial) topology methods.

Verónica López

November 08, 2018

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  1. - Academy & Industry: From Physics to Distributed Systems -

    Software Engineer: Go & Kubernetes, Containers, Linux - Personal preference: Elixir (BEAM) - Before: Big Latin American systems: many constraints - Technology as a means of social progress whoami
  2. “A distributed system is one in which the failure of

    a computer you didn’t even know existed can render your own computer* unusable” Leslie Lamport
  3. Ideal Distributed System - Fault Tolerant - Highly available -

    Recoverable - Consistent - Scalable - (Predictable) Performance - Secure
  4. If the probability of something happening is one in 10^13,

    how often will it really happen? “Real life”: never Physics: all the time Think about servers (infrastructure) at scale Or in terms of downtime
  5. Hard Problem: - Have control and visibility over all the

    interconnections of our systems - Solutions: Monitoring, Chaos Engineering, On-Call rotations, Testing in Production, etc. Formal Verification - Formal specification languages & model checkers - Still requires the definition of the program, possible failures, correctness definitions
  6. What if we had something that allowed us to see

    all these possibilities at once
  7. - The mathematical structures used to model pairwise relations between

    objects. - Seven Bridges of Könisberg (1736, Euler) is the first paper in history of graph theory - K-connectedness: how many nodes we need to disconnect a graph (a system) - Verify points of failure
  8. The study of geometric properties and spatial relations unaffected by

    the continuous change of shape or size of figures.
  9. The paper on the Seven Bridges of Königsberg is also

    considered the first paper in history of Topology
  10. Combinatorial (Algebraic) Topology - Studies spaces that can be constructed

    with discretized spaces - Allows to have all the (system) perspectives (of a node) available at the same time - Perspectives evolve with communication - Perspective = the view from a single node
  11. Combinatorial (Algebraic) Topology - Branches of topology differ in the

    way they represent spaces and in the continuous transformations that preserve properties. - Spaces made up of simple pieces for which essential properties can be characterized by counting, such as the sum of the degrees of the nodes in a graph. - Countable items allow combinations (interactions)
  12. Views: each set of interactions has its own perspective of

    the system. Views can be later put together to describe the system.
  13. Views: each set of interactions has its own perspective of

    the system. Views can be later put together to describe the system.
  14. Views: each set of interactions has its own perspective of

    the system. Views can be later put together to describe the system.
  15. Subdivisions - Not every continuous map A->B has a simplicial

    approximation. Herlihy, Maurice, et al. Distributed Computing through Combinatorial Topology. Morgan Kaufmann, 2014.
  16. Thesis Distributed systems can be formally verified by treating them

    as (a set of) topological entities that are subject to (valid) subdivisions, analysis of the persistence and consistency of their interconnections (paths), offering a comprehensive set of states of the world
  17. Step 1 If your system can be described as a

    graph, it can also be described as a topological object (if the connections are preserved) Theorem: A topology on V is compatible with a graph G(V,E) if every induced subgraph of G is connected if and only if its vertex set is topologically connected (too).
  18. Step 2 Describe our systems as a topological object: Every

    node is an elemen of our system: compute server, cluster, etc.
  19. Step 3 Prove connectivity -> Verifying the system Analyze the

    connections and interactions (in terms of formal Connectivity) Get all the possible states of the world (use cases; paths) Once all the connections are topologically correct, we can say that the system is verified.
  20. Resources 1. Algebraic topology and distributed computing a primer https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2FBFb0015245

    2. The Topology of shared-memory adversaries https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=1835698.1835724 3. Distributed Computing Through Combinatorial Topology https://www.elsevier.com/books/distributed-computing-through-combinatorial-topolo gy/herlihy/978-0-12-404578-1
  21. - Academy & Industry: From Physics to Distributed Systems -

    Software Engineer: Go & Kubernetes, Containers, Linux - Personal preference: Elixir (BEAM) - Before: Big Latin American systems: many constraints - Technology as a means of social progress whoami
  22. “A distributed system is one in which the failure of

    a computer you didn’t even know existed can render your own computer* unusable” Leslie Lamport
  23. Ideal Distributed System - Fault Tolerant - Highly available -

    Recoverable - Consistent - Scalable - (Predictable) Performance - Secure
  24. If the probability of something happening is one in 10^13,

    how often will it really happen? “Real life”: never Physics: all the time Think about servers (infrastructure) at scale Or in terms of downtime
  25. Hard Problem: - Have control and visibility over all the

    interconnections of our systems - Solutions: Monitoring, Chaos Engineering, On-Call rotations, Testing in Production, etc. Formal Verification - Formal specification languages & model checkers - Still requires the definition of the program, possible failures, correctness definitions
  26. What if we had something that allowed us to see

    all these possibilities at once
  27. - The mathematical structures used to model pairwise relations between

    objects. - Seven Bridges of Könisberg (1736, Euler) is the first paper in history of graph theory - K-connectedness: how many nodes we need to disconnect a graph (a system) - Verify points of failure
  28. The study of geometric properties and spatial relations unaffected by

    the continuous change of shape or size of figures.
  29. The paper on the Seven Bridges of Königsberg is also

    considered the first paper in history of Topology
  30. Combinatorial (Algebraic) Topology - Studies spaces that can be constructed

    with discretized spaces - Allows to have all the (system) perspectives (of a node) available at the same time - Perspectives evolve with communication - Perspective = the view from a single node
  31. Combinatorial (Algebraic) Topology - Branches of topology differ in the

    way they represent spaces and in the continuous transformations that preserve properties. - Spaces made up of simple pieces for which essential properties can be characterized by counting, such as the sum of the degrees of the nodes in a graph. - Countable items allow combinations (interactions)
  32. Views: each set of interactions has its own perspective of

    the system. Views can be later put together to describe the system.
  33. Views: each set of interactions has its own perspective of

    the system. Views can be later put together to describe the system.
  34. Views: each set of interactions has its own perspective of

    the system. Views can be later put together to describe the system.
  35. Subdivisions - Not every continuous map A->B has a simplicial

    approximation. Herlihy, Maurice, et al. Distributed Computing through Combinatorial Topology. Morgan Kaufmann, 2014.
  36. Thesis Distributed systems can be formally verified by treating them

    as (a set of) topological entities that are subject to (valid) subdivisions, analysis of the persistence and consistency of their interconnections (paths), offering a comprehensive set of states of the world
  37. Step 1 If your system can be described as a

    graph, it can also be described as a topological object (if the connections are preserved) Theorem: A topology on V is compatible with a graph G(V,E) if every induced subgraph of G is connected if and only if its vertex set is topologically connected (too).
  38. Step 2 Describe our systems as a topological object: Every

    node is an elemen of our system: compute server, cluster, etc.
  39. Step 3 Prove connectivity -> Verifying the system Analyze the

    connections and interactions (in terms of formal Connectivity) Get all the possible states of the world (use cases; paths) Once all the connections are topologically correct, we can say that the system is verified.
  40. Resources 1. Algebraic topology and distributed computing a primer https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2FBFb0015245

    2. The Topology of shared-memory adversaries https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=1835698.1835724 3. Distributed Computing Through Combinatorial Topology https://www.elsevier.com/books/distributed-computing-through-combinatorial-topolo gy/herlihy/978-0-12-404578-1