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Flip the script: overcoming negativity bias for positive growth

Giulia Panozzo
September 14, 2023

Flip the script: overcoming negativity bias for positive growth

Presentation by Giulia Panozzo at BrightonSEO, September 2023.

'In this talk, we will embark on a deep-dive exploration of the fascinating phenomenon known as negativity bias. You will learn more about the origins of negativity bias and how it affects the way we perceive, process information and make decisions both online and in our personal and professional life. You will walk away with an understanding of why we tend to focus on the ‘bad’, the risks associated with this bias and a toolset on how to overcome our natural tendency to favour negative elements as an individual and an organisation, in order to create an environment that fosters positive growth, healthier relationships and improved well-being.'

Giulia Panozzo

September 14, 2023

More Decks by Giulia Panozzo

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  1. Functional asymmetries have been isolated at the neural level @SequinsNsearch

    | #BrightonSEO (Lewis et al., 2007; Winston et al., 2005)
  2. And at a behavioral level, from a very early age

    @SequinsNsearch | #BrightonSEO
  3. And impact different areas in our daily life, including our

    online behaviour… @SequinsNsearch | #BrightonSEO
  4. 😭☠ • ‘He’s gone’ • ‘The goodbye is very painful’

    • ‘A real tragedy’ @SequinsNsearch | #BrightonSEO In some languages, the dial is way up 🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹
  5. 😇🕺 Not dead - He just le. TV for theatre!

    @SequinsNsearch | #BrightonSEO
  6. So we’re hardwired for negativity, and this can spare us

    some unpleasant scenarios @SequinsNsearch | #BrightonSEO
  7. But in a non-threatening situation, the bias can can become

    maladaptive @SequinsNsearch | #BrightonSEO
  8. @SequinsNsearch | #BrightonSEO These are all people that know they

    can do their job well 86.3% “I feel competent at what I do”
  9. Op/mis/c explanatory style > skills/talent @SequinsNsearch | #BrightonSEO Predictor of

    performance across a number of personal and professional domains (M. Seligman)
  10. Balance your interview focus during recruitment @SequinsNsearch | #BrightonSEO New

    perspective and skills Boxes not Hcked by the candidate
  11. Modify language and encourage your team to do so too

    @SequinsNsearch | #BrightonSEO ‘issue’ ‘problems’ ‘failures’ ‘opportunity’ ‘solu=ons’ ‘redirec=on’
  12. We’ve seen what work can do to flip the script

    @SequinsNsearch | #BrightonSEO
  13. And work is a massive part of our life @SequinsNsearch

    | #BrightonSEO 70% carry negative work thoughts into personal life
  14. But what else can we do as individuals to flip

    the script in our daily life? @SequinsNsearch | #BrightonSEO
  15. We might be born with negativity in our veins (and

    brains), but we’ve also got the ability of changing that @SequinsNsearch | #BrightonSEO
  16. We can learn some techniques to change our thoughts, behaviours

    and our responses to adversity @SequinsNsearch | #BrightonSEO
  17. Beliefs Consequence Adversity A B C The ABC(DE) Model By

    Albert Ellis @SequinsNsearch | #BrightonSEO
  18. Now it’s your turn What you think What you feel

    or do as a result An adverse / unpleasant situa:on A B C @SequinsNsearch | #BrightonSEO
  19. Not ignoring the nega,ve, but providing ways to adapt to

    challenges Flexible VS Blind Optimism @SequinsNsearch | #BrightonSEO