Security Research We build hardware to break things The Metasploit Project Founder, developer, researcher We build software to break things Two primary developers, eight part-time
are Why they matter Metasploit Framework What you can do with it now What you can do with soon :-) Metasploit v3.0 New features, new design Starting to be usable...
everything depends on security Improving products by breaking them Exploiting flaws is challenging Metasploit Group of enthusiasts and professionals Research and implement new techniques Learn new languages, improve skills Skills and tools useful for “day jobs”
year People develop exploits for those vulns Verify that a vendor patch actually works Test a similar system for the same issue Perform regression testing before release Gain access to vulnerable systems Exploits are only as good as their author Writing solid exploits requires time
exploits Everyone wants to be first Everyone has their own style Everyone thinks their style is best :-) Exploits are all basically the same 1.Create and configure a payload 2.Create a string of data with the payload 3.Send that data to an application 4.Wait for the payload to execute 5.Interact with the payload
sanity Every exploit has the same structure Redundant code moved to libraries Consistent user interface to all exploits Commercial Two commercial exploit frameworks Government, consulting, Fortune-500 Open source Metasploit provides the only 'true' framework Everyone, students, admins, consultants...
first and arguably the most complete Contains 126 exploits, 11 DoS, 148 misc. Focused on 'Rapid Penetration Testing' Immunity CANVAS Open architecture, user-extensible Focused on exploiting unpublished flaws :-) Active “after-market” for CANVAS exploits
in Perl, cross-platform support Focused on research and exploits Many features, loosely integrated Quickly becoming the standard :-) Protocol stacks SMB, DCERPC, MSSQL Arkeia, BackupExec, ARCServe Basic IDS/IPS evasions
Object oriented model was a better fit Code compression right around 40% 2.5 was 40K of Perl, 3.0 is 80K of Ruby New design, new features, new goals Focused on flexibility and automation Closer integration between features Development guide and API docs!
threads Share single instance with many users Great for team-based penetration testing Multi-user plugin is only ~20 lines of code :-) Concurrent exploits and sessions Support for passive exploits and recon Multiple payload sessions open at once Suspend and restore payload sessions Share payload sessions with other users
been enhanced Online database of win32 DLL information Stores the location of usable 'opcodes' Now supports multiple languages Useful for developing reliable exploits Framework integration New command-line tool for queries Building an 'opcode pool' system Automated return address updates Combine this with fingerprinting...
tool for EXE processing Discovers usable return addresses Partially used to create the Opcode DB Now handles Resources and TLBs msfrpcscan Extracts MIDL information from PE files Creates boilerplate for new exploits Still in development...
exploit modules Massive number of bug fixes Improved randomness, use of Mixins Exploit module structure Single exploit can target many platforms Simplified the meta-information fields Mixins can also modify exploit behavior Target brute forcing Passive exploits
fixes and size improvements New “cmd” modules, new “PHP” payloads... Meterpreter Consolidation of standard modules Wicked cool API and remote scripting # Process migration pid = client.sys.process['calc.exe'] client.core.migrate(pid) # Mirror the remote hard drive in one line“/tmp/”, “C:\\”, true)
Not all exploits fit into the standard structure Recon modules overlapped with exploits No standard for information sharing Auxiliary modules Catch-all for interesting security tools Perform reconnaissance and reporting Integrate with third-party utilities Export data in a standard format Can trigger events which launch attacks...
Ability to redefine anything at runtime Plugins can alter almost anything Framework plugins Extend and replace Framework code Hook events and filter parameters Simplify feature development Examples: Socket tracing and filtering Multiuser exploit console
is finally taken seriously Evasion options now a separate class Protocol stacks integrate IDS evasion Mixins expose these to exploit modules Strong evasion techniques Multi-layered evasion defeats most solutions Client-side attacks impossible to detect WMF = HTTP + Compress + Chunked + JScript Deep protocols offer so many options LSASS = TCP + SMB + DCERPC
User interfaces are still a bit rough Module caching a huge improvement Over half of the exploits are ported Only support Linux / OS X right now... New licensing, organization updates Keep source code open, prevent abuse Non-profit status through sponsor (soon!) Shiny new graphics from BRUTE!