スマート地図 2024-06-24 @ 丸の内JP G空間スキルアップセミナー 2024-06-02T12:00/12:30 (30 min.) @ Ball room, Pan Pacific Sonargaon Hotel Open Seminar on National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) for BANGLADESH – Envisioning Smart Bangladesh through NSDI-BD – を改定して作成
data at a personal level. 1. InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) for peer-to-peer file sharing. 2. Raspberry Pi ($100 single board PC) → Good for (1) low-bandwidth environments, (2) geospatial ICT capacity development. 説明省略
in geospatial applications. 13 For example, we recently tested Gemini 1.5 Pro on how it interprets maps: User: Describe the changes before and after as much as detail. Model: Comparing the UNMISS deployment maps for June 2023 and January 2024 reveals minimal changes in the overall deployment of peacekeeping forces. Both maps show a consistent presence of troops from various countries across different sectors in South Sudan. Here’s a breakdown of the few noticeable differences: - Sector Unity (Bentiu): - June 2023: Shows the presence of troops from Mongolia. - January 2024: No longer indicates the presence of Mongolian troops in this sector. ← ? - … Overall: The changes between the two maps are minor and suggest a possible rotation or withdrawal of a small contingent of troops from Mongolia and Cambodia. The core deployment of UNMISS forces remains largely unchanged. experiment by Yuiseki 説明省略
Take the lead 自分から積極的に行動 し、状況をコントロール する 分析する Analyze 既存のシステムを分析し その内部構造や動作原理 を理解する 自給する Live off the land 身近で安価な資源を活用 し、外部に依存せず必要 なものを実現する 準備する Prepare リスクを理解し、適切に 評価・管理する 社会を知る Know the society 人々の心理や行動を理解 し、効果的に行動する 旋回する Pivot 状況に応じて柔軟に戦略 やアプローチを変更する