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The Facade Pattern

The Facade Pattern

My talk on the facade pattern

Armen Vartan

March 19, 2015

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  1. What Is Software Design? • Software design is the process

    in which you define the requirements and plan the flow of information for your software. • It’s really more than that, but we’re going to think of it this way for now. • It deals with higher level concepts — more about interfaces than implementations
  2. Design Is A Wicked Problem • A ‘wicked’ problem is

    one that takes solving it to come up with a better solution. • You won’t come up with the best design for something, until you’ve made a worse version of it.
  3. Design Is A Sloppy Process • Regardless of your end

    product. • You will make a lot of ‘wrong’ turns and hit a lot of dead ends. • You will feel like you have no idea what you’re doing.
  4. There Will Be Tradeoffs • Everything takes time or space.

    • Your time is limited -> deadlines. • Every language has different strengths and weaknesses • Certain features may be more important • How you design interactions can either give or take away flexibility for your code to adapt to growing or changing needs.
  5. The Facade Pattern • The facade pattern puts a layer

    between your program and outside interactions. • Creates a consistent interface for your modules to interact with
  6. What Does This Do For Me? • You deal with

    all of your error handling of bad inputs in one place. • You can give yourself consistently formatted data. • You don’t have to worry about what you’re getting throughout the whole program, just in the facade.
  7. Advantages • Your code will be more readable and easier

    to understand. • Less chance of missing error checks, since you’re cleaning the data at its point of entry. • When you’re writing a routine, you can worry about coding good solutions, and not tripping over your own feet.