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putting yourself out of business: and other pat...

putting yourself out of business: and other paths to sustained success

World Web Forum Workshop
Zurich - 07.07.2016

Ibrahim Bashir

July 05, 2016

More Decks by Ibrahim Bashir

Other Decks in Business


  1. putting yourself out of business. and other paths to sustained

    success. WWF Workshop 07.07.2016 @ibscribe
  2. “Amazon Marketplace a winner for sellers; an even better place

    to buy and sell online by bringing items of relevance directly to customers”
  3. unique solution competitive disadvantage price wars fraud vector sales cannibalization

    analyst perception brand dilution customer attention market share support overhead technical complexity merchant setup strategic distraction
  4. unique experience warranty headaches form factor R&D investment legal hurdles

    beyond expertise failed alternatives small margins wireless costs emerging technology customer confusion content selection publisher setup
  5. “Welcome to Amazon Books, a physical extension of Amazon.com; we’ve

    applied 20 years of bookselling experience to build a store without walls”
  6. unique approach marketing confusion failing venture press reaction late arrival

    channel conflation operational costs delayed ROI copycat approach customer preference different workforce difficult innovation capital expenditure
  7. “Amazon once again puts itself out of business; analysts project

    company now on a better path to sustained success”
  8. putting yourself out of business. and other paths to sustained

    success. WWF Workshop 07.07.2016 @ibscribe