or libraries bundled in an XCFramework should be built with the Build Libraries for Distribution build setting set to YES. • "Supports Mac Catalyst" • "Derive Mac Catalyst Product Bundle Identifier"
packaging multiple build configurations of a given library or framework into a single xcframework. USAGE: xcodebuild -create-xcframework -framework <path> [-framework <path>...] -output <path> xcodebuild -create-xcframework -library <path> [-headers <path>] [-library <path> [-headers <path>]...] -output <path> OPTIONS: -framework <path> Adds a framework from the given <path>. -library <path> Adds a static or dynamic library from the given <path>. -headers <path> Adds the headers from the given <path>. Only applicable with -library. -output <path> The <path> to write the xcframework to. -allow-internal-distribution Specifies that the created xcframework contains information not suitable for public distribution. -help Show this help content.