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Tensor Processing Unit (TPU) Overview (July 6, ...

Tensor Processing Unit (TPU) Overview (July 6, 2018)

TPU Overview

Kazunori Sato

July 06, 2018

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  1. Agenda What is TPU? domain specific architecture for deep learning

    TPU Pod HPC-powered scalable "All Reduce" distributed training Cloud TPU Programming with TensorFlow Estimator API and TensorBoard
  2. TPU public resources Cloud TPU Documentation Effective machine learning using

    Cloud TPUs by Zak Stone (Google I/O '18 video) Training Performance: A user’s guide to converge faster by Brennan Saeta (TensorFlow Dev Summit 2018 video) In-Datacenter Performance Analysis of a Tensor Processing Unit by Norm Jouppi et al. (paper) An in-depth look at Google’s first Tensor Processing Unit by Kaz Sato, Cliff Young and David Patterson (blog post) The future of computing by John Hennessy (Google I/O '18 video)
  3. Based on SPECintCPU. Source: John Hennessy and David Patterson, Computer

    Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, 6/e. 2018 End of the Line? 2X / 20 yrs (3%/yr) RISC 2X / 1.5 yrs (52%/yr) CISC 2X / 3.5 yrs (22%/yr) End of Dennard Scaling ⇒ Multicore 2X / 3.5 yrs (23%/yr) Am- dahl’s Law ⇒ 2X / 6 yrs (12%/yr) End of Growth of Single Program Speed?
  4. Example: hardware acceleration in BigQuery Why BQ's so fast? because:

    hardware acceleration + MPP (massively parallel processing)
  5. TPU history: Designing a domain specific hardware for ML Early

    discussion started in 2006 Production project started in 2013 (...after 15 months…) The first deployment in 2015
  6. TPU v1 and v2 TPU v1 Launched in 2015 Inference

    only TPU v2 Launched in 2017 Inference and training
  7. 14 ASIC (28nm process) Clock: 700MHz Power consumption: 40W Size:

    SATA disk drive slot Bus: PCIe Gen3 x16 (12.5GB/s sustained) TPU v1 Overview
  8. TPU v1: in production since 2015 Search Search ranking Speech

    recognition Translate Text, graphic and speech translation Photos Photos search
  9. TPU v1 Performance comparison with Intel Haswell CPU and NVIDIA

    K80 GPU Performance: 15 - 30x Performance per watt: 30 - 80x
  10. 17 Domain specific architecture for Deep Learning Reduced precision Matrix

    Processor Minimal and deterministic design Why TPU v1 was so successful?
  11. TPU v1 workloads in Google Type of network # of

    network layers # of weights % of deployed MLP0 5 20M 61% MLP1 4 5M LSTM0 58 52M 29% LSTM1 56 34M CNN0 16 8M 5% CNN1 89 100M as of June 2016
  12. Reducing precision max min ↓ -3.4E+38 +3.4E+38 ↑ 32 bit

    float 8 bit int Common practice: Inference: 8 bit int quantization Training: 16 bit fp truncation
  13. 22 DType • DT_QINT8 • DT_QINT32 • DT_QUINT8 Quantize/Dequantize •

    tf.quantize_v2 • tf.dequantize Operations • matmul • Conv/Pool • Activation Quantization in TensorFlow
  14. Quantized = 25x more multipliers Tesla K80: 2,496 x 32

    bit FP multipliers TPU v1: 65,536 x 8 bit Integer multipliers
  15. 1234 How CPU works code operator memory (register) General purpose

    processor requires memory access at every calculation
  16. How TPU works 1234 1234 Specialized for matrix operations with

    significantly less memory access More operators with smaller footprint and less power
  17. TPU v1: a matrix processor for neural network prediction Matrix

    Multiplier Unit (MXU) • 65,536 x 8-bit multiply-and-add Unified Buffer • 24MB SRAM Activation Unit • Hardwired activation functions
  18. Matrix Multiply Unit (MXU): a BIG systolic array Up to

    256K ops / cycle Up to 256M ops / instruction Operations per cycle CPU a few CPU (vector extension) tens GPU tens of thousands TPU hundreds of thousands, up to 256K
  19. TPU v1 Instruction Set and software stack Instruction Function Read_Host_Memory

    Read data from memory Read_Weights Read weights from memory MatrixMultiply/ Convolve Multiply or Convolve, Accumulate the results Activate Apply activation functions Write_Host_Memory Write result to memory
  20. 37 TPU v1: minimal design for neural network Control logic:

    only 2% Removing all complexities: caching, branch prediction, OOO, multi-processing/threading, context switching etc Guaranteed latency: 7ms with high thruput
  21. 2nd generation Tensor Processing Unit ASIC for NN calculation Training

    & Inference 180 Tflops / Cloud TPU NVIDIA V100: 128 Tflops
  22. Confidential & Proprietary Vector Unit Scalar Unit Matrix Unit (MXU)

    Matrix Unit (MXU) 8GB HBM 8GB HBM Vector Unit Scalar Unit TPU v2 processor layout
  23. Confidential & Proprietary Vector Unit Scalar Unit Matrix Unit (MXU)

    Matrix Unit (MXU) 8GB HBM 8GB HBM Vector Unit Scalar Unit TPU v2 "Tensor Core" 2 cores per processor Matrix Unit Scalar Unit Vector Unit
  24. Confidential & Proprietary Vector Unit Scalar Unit Matrix Unit (MXU)

    Matrix Unit (MXU) 8GB HBM Vector Unit Scalar Unit TPU v2 MXU Matrix Unit (MXU) 128 x 128 systolic array bfloat16 multiplies float32 accumulate 8GB HBM
  25. Floating Point Formats in TPU M M M M M

    M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M S E E E E E E E E Exponent: 8 bits Mantissa (Significand): 23 bits fp32: Single-precision IEEE Floating Point Format Range: ~1e−38 to ~3e38 S E E E E E M M M M M M M M M M Exponent: 5 bits Mantissa (Significand): 10 bits fp16: Half-precision IEEE Floating Point Format Range: ~5.96e−8 to 65504 Less bandwidth, Larger model, but shorter range
  26. M M M M M M M M M M

    M M M M M M M M M M M M M S E E E E E E E E Exponent: 8 bits Mantissa (Significand): 23 bits fp32: Single-precision IEEE Floating Point Format Range: ~1e−38 to ~3e38 S E E E E E M M M M M M M M M M Exponent: 5 bits Mantissa (Significand): 10 bits fp16: Half-precision IEEE Floating Point Format Range: ~5.96e−8 to 65504 bfloat16: Brain Floating Point Format S E E E E E E E E Exponent: 8 bits Mantissa (Significand): 7 bits M M M M M M M Range: ~1e−38 to ~3e38 Supported by TPU Same range as fp32 Floating Point Formats in TPU
  27. Cloud TPU Performance AmoebaNet-D Final accuracy: 93% Training time: 7.5

    Hrs Training cost: $49 #1 training cost on DAWNBench as of Apr 2018
  28. Cloud TPU Performance Tuned ResNet-50 on Preemptible TPU Final accuracy:

    93% Training cost: $7.5 1/10 of the #1 training cost by GPU on DAWNBench as of June 2018
  29. Using Cloud TPUs instead of clusters of other accelerators has

    allowed us to focus on building our models without being distracted by the need to manage the complexity of cluster communication patterns. “ Alfred Spector, CTO, Two Sigma Anantha Kancherla, Head of Software, Self-Driving Level 5, Lyft Since working with Google Cloud TPUs, we’ve been extremely impressed with their speed—what could normally take days can now take hours.
  30. HPC technology is the key for scalable ML eg NVIDIA

    DGX-2: 16 x V100 at $400K, 2 PFLOPS
  31. Parameter Server v. All Reduce Parameter Server Model Replicas Data

    Shards w’ = w - n Δ w w Δw Model Replicas Data Shards Δw Δw High speed interconnect PS with gRPC on TCP/IP by software on CPU → PS becomes the bottleneck, tedious distributed cluster mgmt All Reduce with 2-D toroidal mesh network by Google's HPC hardware → as easy as using a single node as scalable as supercomputers
  32. TPU v2 Pod performance ResNet-50 on TPU v2 half-pod Real

    data: images/sec 77,392 Final accuracy: 93% Training time: 30 min #1 training time on DAWNBench
  33. TPU v2 Pod performance RankBrain: 132 h on 275 CPU

    → 9 h on 16 TPU Image model: 216 h → 22 h on 16 TPU WaveNet (Speech): generation at 20X real time
  34. Large-batch training: 8K images / batch on 32 TPUs hours

    to 90 epochs top-1 validation accuracy 76% 25 min ResNet-50 training on ImageNet 10 hrs 52 min time
  35. Scalable training with TensorFlow Estimator GPU 1 GPU 2 Mean

    Update Variable s Gradient s Loss Model Gradient s Loss Model Parameter Server Model Replicas Data Shards w’ = w - n Δ w w Δw Multi GPUs Distributed TensorFlow TPU
  36. Programming Cloud TPU: TPU Estimator estimator = tf.contrib.tpu.TPUEstimator( model_fn=model_fn, use_tpu=FLAGS.use_tpu,

    train_batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size, eval_batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size, params={"data_dir": FLAGS.data_dir}, config=run_config)
  37. def model_fn(features, labels, mode, params): input_layer = tf.reshape(features, [-1, 28,

    28, 1]) conv1 = tf.layers.conv2d(inputs=input_layer, ...) pool1 = tf.layers.max_pooling2d(inputs=conv1, pool_size=[2,2], strides=2) # ... loss = tf.losses.softmax_cross_entropy( onehot_labels=onehot_labels, logits=logits) optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=0.01) train_op = optimizer.minimize(loss) return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec(mode=mode, loss=loss, train_op=train_op) Sample Model with Layers & Estimators
  38. def model_fn(features, labels, mode, params): input_layer = tf.reshape(features, [-1, 28,

    28, 1]) conv1 = tf.layers.conv2d(inputs=input_layer, ...) pool1 = tf.layers.max_pooling2d(inputs=conv1, pool_size=[2,2], strides=2) # ... loss = tf.losses.softmax_cross_entropy( onehot_labels=onehot_labels, logits=logits) optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=0.01) optimizer = tpu_optimizer.CrossShardOptimizer(optimizer) train_op = optimizer.minimize(loss) return tpu_estimator.EstimatorSpec(mode=mode, loss=loss, train_op=train_op) Model with TPU Modifications No further change required for TPU Pod
  39. When to use Cloud TPU Use Cloud TPU when: Needs

    tons of matrix operations Large model with large batch size Can run with TPU supported ops Don't use Cloud TPU when: Sparse, small, high-precision, or many branches Can't run with TPU supported ops Eg. large CNN such as ResNet
  40. Confidential & Proprietary Image Recognition & Object Detection Machine Translation

    and Language Modeling Speech Recognition Model: ASR Transformer (LibriSpeech) Available reference models for Cloud TPUs Models: Machine translation Language modeling Sentiment analysis Question-answering (all Transformer-based) Image Generation Models: Image Transformer DCGAN Image Recognition: AmoebaNet-D ResNet-50/101/152/200 Inception v2/v3/v4 DenseNet Object Detection: RetinaNet Low-Resource Models: MobileNet SqueezeNet
  41. Cloud TPU FAQs (as of June 5, 2018) How do

    you count Cloud TPUs? 1 Cloud TPU has 4 TPU processors and 8 cores. Total 64GB HBM and 180 TFLOPS. Can you use Cloud TPU for inference? Batch inference works on Cloud TPU. Online inference does not. TensorFlow Serving and ML Engine prediction does not work on Cloud TPU. Is Cloud TPU faster than GPU? Google hasn't published any comparison, but RiseML has a blog post comparing with NVIDIA V100. Any other way of using TPU than TPUEstimator? No. We strongly recommend to start with the reference models and then customise TPUEstimator. Does Colaboratory or Cloud Datalab support TPU? Stay tuned. Does Cloud ML Engine support TPU? Yes. Training with Cloud TPU is supported as beta.
  42. "Romit and I discovered some new TensorBoard profiling features that

    analyze your ENTIRE TensorFlow pipeline including data ingestion and ETL to CPU, GPU, and TPU utilization and graph/operator optimization...These profiling tools are exactly what we've always from Spark-based ETL pipelines, but we've never seen them on the market - not at this level of system detail and optimization." https://www.meetup.com/Advanced-Spark-and-TensorFlow-Meetup/events/23 3979387/
  43. Host-side analysis details Tips Stats Reading data from storage Preprocessing

    the data Sending the data to device caching, prefetching parallel processing
  44. Summary What is TPU? domain specific architecture for deep learning

    TPU Pod HPC-powered scalable "All Reduce" distributed training Cloud TPU Programming with TensorFlow Estimator API and TensorBoard