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Review of Google I/O 2017 & Prepare for Google ...

Review of Google I/O 2017 & Prepare for Google I/O 2018

Google IO Extended Tokyo 2018

Keisuke Kobayashi

May 08, 2018

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  1. Review of Google I/O 2017 & Prepare for Google I/O

    2018 Keisuke Kobayashi / kobakei Google I/O Extended Tokyo 2018
  2. About Me • Keisuke Kobayashi • Twitter: kobakei122 • GitHub:

    kobakei • Kyash, Inc • Android engineer / iOS engineer / Eng. Manager • ݸਓࣄۀओ
  3. ࠓ೔࿩͢͜ͱ • Google I/O 2017ͷηογϣϯৼΓฦΓ • ࣮ࡍʹۀ຿Ͱ࢖ͬͨ΋ͷͱ͔ • Google I/O

    2018ͷ஫໨ηογϣϯ • ಠஅͱภݟͰνϣΠε͠·͢ • ΄΅AndroidܥͷηογϣϯͰ͢
  4. ݸਓతʹࢥ͍ग़͕͋Δ΋ͷ • Kotlin • Android Studio 3.0 • Architecture Components

    • Oreo௨஌ʢ௨஌νϟϯωϧʣ • Adaptive Icon • Firebase Performance Monitoring • SafetyNet in Developer Console
  5. ࣮ࡍKotlinͲ͏ʁ • ؒҧ͍ͳ͘࠾༻ͯ͠Α͔ͬͨ • Null safetyʹΑΔNPEճආ • Delegated property, Class

    delegation • ԿΑΓॻ͍ͯͯؾ͍͍࣋ͪ • །Ұࣄނͬͨͷ͕Parcelize • JellyBeansͰىಈ͠ͳ͘ͳΔόάʢࠓ͸௚ͬͨʣ
  6. Android Studio 3.0 • ͳ͔ͳ͔ग़ͳ͔ͬͨʢ2017೥11݄ϦϦʔε) • Oreoͷ৽ػೳ͕ͦΕ·Ͱ࢖͑ͳͯ͘ਏ͔ͬͨ • Adaptive Icons,

    Autosizing TextViews • Ϗϧυ͕ૣ͘ͳͬͨʢΒ͍͠ʣ • Profiler͕৽͘͠ͳ͚ͬͨͲɺਖ਼௚͋·Γ࢖ͬͯͳ͍
  7. Protips: a fresh look at advanced topics for Android experts

    • Android͕ग़͔ͯΒ10೥ܦ͚ͭͲɺ૬มΘΒ ͣݹ͍πʔϧ΍API࢖ͬͯΔਓ͕͍Δ • Ϟμϯͳπʔϧ΍ɺඇਪ঑ͷ࣮૷ύλʔϯΛ ঺հ • ͓ͬ͞Μ޲͚ηογϣϯʁ
  8. How to Kotlin - from the Lead Kotlin Language Designer

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