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JSConfBP 2017 - YES! Your site can (and should)...

JSConfBP 2017 - YES! Your site can (and should) be accessible

Lessons learned in building FT.com

DAC Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JCbyOuWVII

In 2016, the Financial Times launched a new version of its website to great success. It broke ground on key areas like performance, resilience, and usability. But one day, rather serendipitously, the team that created the site realized they had largely forgotten to measure one thing: accessibility. And you can’t improve what you don’t measure.

Laura Carvajal explains how her team introduced accessibility to the Financial Times website, FT.com—and their journey from being generally oblivious about accessibility to making it a core part of their process across multiple divisions. Laura shares the the roadblocks encountered and lessons learned along the way as well as practical solutions you can implement in your project today, regardless of available time, resources, or support.


Keyboard Shortcuts


Accessibility Folks

Known Lawsuits and Settlements

Laura Carvajal

October 27, 2017

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  1. Laura Carvajal - @lc512k Senior Developer, Financial Times JSConfBP, Budapest,

    October 2017 YES! Your site can be accessible Lessons learned in building FT.com SHOULD
  2. Laura Carvajal @lc512k Laura Carvajal @lc512k Node - apps GitHub

    - Repository Circle CI - Continuous Integration Heroku - Deployment
  3. Ads Laura Carvajal @lc512k What did pa11y find? <div class=“ad-wrap”

    aria-hidden=“true”> …iframe soup here… (tabindex=-1) </div>
  4. “ The only evidenced business case […] is avoiding litigation ” Alice

    Bartlett speakerdeck.com/alicebartlett/what-is-the-business-case-for-accessibility
  5. 1. A11y doesn’t just happen: pa11y-ci 2. Train your people:

    udacity course 3. Throw away your mouse: shortcuts 4. Don’t take it all on: share the load 5. Talk about it: twitter, roadshow 6. Budget: avoid litigation 7. Diversity matters: prioritise slides: http://tiny.cc/a11y-jsconfbp
  6. Laura Carvajal @lc512k Laura Carvajal @lc512k https://help.github.com/articles/using-keyboard-shortcuts/ https://www.ractoon.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/sublime_text_2_shortcuts_printable_ractoon.pdf https://support.google.com/mail/answer/6594 https://support.google.com/calendar/answer/37034

    https://support.apple.com/en-gb/HT201236 https://get.slack.help/hc/en-us/articles/201374536-Slack-keyboard-shortcuts Keyboard Shortcuts http://www.karlgroves.com/2011/11/15/list-of-web-accessibility-related-litigation-and-settlements/ https://www.w3.org/WAI/bcase/resources Known Lawsuits and Settlements https://github.com/joe-watkins/top-people-to-follow-in-web-accessibility Accessibility Folks www.udacity.com/course/web-accessibility--ud891 Training
  7. Laura Carvajal - @lc512k Senior Developer, Financial Times JSConfBP, Budapest,

    October 2017 YES! Your site can be accessible Lessons learned in building FT.com SHOULD