Pysche, 1587. National Gallery of Art. Simon Frisius after Matthijs Bril, published by Hendrick Hondius, Topographia Variarum Regiorum, 1614. British Museum.
• 3,592 nodes: distinct designers, printmakers, and publishers • 76,697 edges: connections inferred from co-participation in an object Mining the museum for data @matthewdlincoln
rolling 10-year window: • e.g. the 1640 subgraph contains only edges and nodes extant between 1635 and 1645 • Edges (prints) exist between the start and end dates ascribed to an object o Edges are unweighted to avoid biasing edge strength based on the number of impressions that survived into this one collection. • Nodes (artists) exist during their life dates (complicated!) 2. For each subgraph, calculate network metrics at the global, regional/ national, and individual scale Dynamic network analysis
David, and Robert N. Stern. “Informal Networks and Organizational Crises: An Experimental Simulation.” Social Psychology Quarterly 51, no. 2 (June 1, 1988): 123–40. doi:10.2307/2786835. ɛ > 0 Majority external connections ɛ = 0 Even split ɛ < 0 Majority internal connections @matthewdlincoln ne = links made by nodes of one group to nodes outside that group ni = links made by nodes of one group to nodes of the same group
0.75 1.00 1500 1600 1700 Ratio of all connections sent/received Dutch French English Flemish Italian German German Italian Flemish Dutch English French @matthewdlincoln