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Running your Dockerized application(s) on AWS ...

Running your Dockerized application(s) on AWS EC2 Container Service

Marco Pas

June 02, 2017

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  1. Running your Dockerized application(s) on AWS EC2 Container Service Marco

    Pas Philips Lighting Software geek, hands on Developer/Architect/DevOps Engineer @marcopas
  2. Some stuff about me... • Mostly doing cloud related stuff

    ◦ Java, Groovy, Scala, Spring Boot, IOT, AWS, Terraform, Infrastructure • Enjoying the good things • Chef leuke dingen doen == “trying out cool and new stuff” • Currently involved in a big IOT project • Wannabe chef, movie & Netflix addict
  3. Something that runs into production • Docker • Security •

    Service Discovery • Logging & Monitoring • Rolling Deployments • Networking • Supervision • Container hosting • Docker Development Production Learning cliff
  4. Agenda • Containers • Creating a Container using Spring Boot

    • Container Services • Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS) ◦ Pushing and Pulling containers ◦ Deploying containers ◦ Scaling your containers ◦ Service Discovery ◦ Logging ◦ Monitoring
  5. • OS Virtualization • Process Isolation • Automation • Images

    What are containers Portable Flexible Fast Efficient
  6. Creating a Docker Image # Dockerfile ~ example FROM alpine:latest

    ADD HelloWorld.class HelloWorld.class RUN apk --update add openjdk8-jre ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom", "HelloWorld"] docker build -t <your imagename>:<tag> .
  7. // file: DemoApplication.java package springboot.docker.helloworld; import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication; import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication; import

    org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController; @RestController @SpringBootApplication public class DemoApplication { public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.run(DemoApplication.class, args); } @RequestMapping("/") String home() { return "Hello World!"; → say hello :) } }
  8. // file: build.gradle ~ some code intentionally removed dependencies {

    compile('org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web') compile('org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-actuator') → add spring boot actuator testCompile('org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test') } String dockerImageName = "spring-boot-docker-helloworld" → set the image name task buildDockerImage(type:Exec) { → task to create an image group = 'docker' description = 'Build a docker image' commandLine 'docker', 'build', '-f', 'build/docker/Dockerfile', '-t', "${dockerImageName}", 'build/docker' doFirst { println ">> Creating image: ${dockerImageName}" // some code intentionally removed } }
  9. // file: build.gradle ~ some code intentionally removed doFirst {

    println ">> Creating image: ${dockerImageName}" copy { // copy files to build location, Dockerfile - Jar file } copy { // process Dockerfile to replace labels (Dockerfile label: @name@, @version@, @build-date@, … // copy files to build location, Dockerfile - Jar file from('src/main/docker/') { include 'Dockerfile' filter(ReplaceTokens, tokens: [ 'version': version, 'build-date': new Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'", TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")), 'git-branch': gitBranch(), 'git-commit': gitCommitHash() ]) } file("build/docker/app/${jar.archiveName}").renameTo("build/docker/app/application.jar") }
  10. // file: Dockerfile example ~ some code intentionally removed FROM

    java:8u66-jdk LABEL com.acme.build-date="@build-date@" → provide data to the Dockerfile EXPOSE 8080 → expose port 8080, so the host can map this port # Create app that holds the application.jar file RUN mkdir -p /app → do some housekeeping, creating directories WORKDIR /app COPY /app/application.jar application.jar → copy the application.jar file into the container COPY /app/docker-entrypoint.sh docker-entrypoint.sh → copy startup script into the container # Set file permissions RUN chmod +x docker-entrypoint.sh → make the shel script executable # Set start script as default command CMD ["./docker-entrypoint.sh"] → execute the startup script when we start the container
  11. // file: build.gradle project.ext.dockerRegistry = System.env.DOCKER_REGISTRY → get the docker

    registry from environment String dockerImageName = "spring-boot-docker-helloworld" → set the image name task pushDockerImage(type: Exec) { group = 'docker' description = 'Push a docker image' commandLine 'docker', 'push', "${project.ext.dockerRegistry}/${dockerImageName}" doFirst { println ">> Checking dockerRepository" if (!project.ext.dockerRegistry) { throw new GradleException("Unable to push image, please provide correct 'dockerRegistry'") } println ">> Pushing image: ${dockerImageName}" } }
  12. Running the image using Docker Compose // file: docker-compose.yml version:

    '2' services: springboot-demo: → name if container image: spring-boot-docker-helloworld:latest → the image that is going to be used ports: - "8080:8080” → port mapping 8080 host -> 8080 container
  13. But wait… we have images now how do we run

    our containers? We need some help! Container Storage, Scheduling & Orchestration
  14. Container Services • Most used Container Services ◦ Amazon ECS

    ◦ Kubernetes by Google ◦ Docker Swarm ◦ Hashicorp Nomad ◦ Azure Container Service All have the some focus: Run your Services / Containers
  15. Container Services • Storage • Clustering support • Control &

    Monitoring • Scale up/down • Scheduling & Orchestration ◦ Flexible Container placement
  16. Placement Strategies • Strategy name ◦ node selected • Spread

    ◦ has the fewest containers, disregarding their states • Binpack ◦ most packed (i.e. has the minimum amount of free CPU/RAM) • Random ◦ chosen randomly
  17. • Amazon’s version of a Docker Registry • Registry contains

    Repositories ◦ unique namespace • Logins generated on demand with limited session length • Images: ◦ can be shared with AWS accounts ◦ at rest are encrypted and stored in S3 ◦ transmitted over HTTPS Container Registry
  18. Container Service Detail EC2 Container Instance EC2 instance with Docker

    & the ECS Agent installed ECS Agent Allows EC2 container instances to connect to a cluster
  19. Demo Description • Create the infrastructure • Deploy “HelloWorld” container

    to an ECS Container Instance • Make the endpoint publicly available via ALB • Scale the container instances
  20. Terraform • Provision resources ◦ Compute / Storage / Network

    • Manage resource lifecycles • Manage different resource providers (AWS, Google, Azure, …) • Automate deployments and configurations Infrastructure as Code
  21. // file: main.tf ~ some code intentionally removed module "vpc"

    { source = "github.com/terraform-community-modules/tf_aws_vpc" name = "my-vpc" cidr = "" public_subnets = ["", ""] private_subnets = ["", ""] } module "bastion" { ... } module "ecs-cluster" { source = "./ecs-cluster" cluster_name = "demo" vpc_id = "${module.vpc.vpc_id}" subnet_ids = "${module.vpc.private_subnets}" }
  22. All fine, we have the infrastructure Now get some apps

    deployed :) Deployment of a Dockerized app on ECS
  23. Describing your Docker deployment Describes one or more Docker Containers

    that form your application (blueprint) Runs and maintains a desired number of tasks from a specified task definition Running container with the settings defined in the Task Definition
  24. Example: Task Definition 45 { "family": "webserver", → family of

    containers "containerDefinitions": [{ "name": "web", → name of the container "image": "nginx", → the image used for the container "cpu": 99, → cpu + memory credits "memory": 100, "portMappings": [{ → port mappings (expose port 80 in container to port 80 on host) "containerPort": 80, "hostPort": 80 }], "environment": [{ → environment variables, used in the container "name": "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD", "value": "password" }] }] } Can you spot the problem?
  25. Run a task/service on ECS Container Service • AWS Console

    ◦ Use the AWS console and use the UI • Manual ◦ Using the AWS CLI / ECS CLI • Automated ◦ Using Cloudwatch or Terraform
  26. Demo Description • Create the infrastructure • Deploy “HelloWorld” container

    to an ECS Container Instance • Make the endpoint publicly available via ALB • Scale the container instances
  27. // file: main.tf ~ some code intentionally removed module "vpc"

    { ... } module "bastion" { ... } module "ecs-cluster" { ... } module "helloworld-service" { source = "./helloworld-service" environment = "test-env" vpc_id = "${module.vpc.vpc_id}" ecs_cluster_id = "${module.ecs-cluster.ecs_cluster_id}" docker_repository = "163079528612.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com" public_subnet_ids = "${module.vpc.public_subnets}" iam_role = "${module.ecs-cluster.ecs_aws_iam_role_name}" desired_count = 1 }
  28. // file: task-definition.tpl [ { "name": "helloworld-service", "essential": true, "image":

    "${docker_repository}/springboot-docker-helloworld:${version}", "memoryReservation": 256, "portMappings": [ { "ContainerPort": 8080 } ] } ]
  29. Autoscaling your containers • Scaling is based upon metrics →

    Application Autoscaling ◦ Metrics on ECS/Service ▪ cpu load, memory usage, io, … • CloudWatch Alarm ◦ cpu > 80% for 1 minute ◦ cpu < 50% for 1 minute • Scaling Policy → “ChangeInCapacity” ◦ up +1 instance ◦ down -1 instance
  30. Demo Description • Create the infrastructure • Deploy “HelloWorld” container

    to an ECS Container Instance • Make the endpoint publicly available via ALB • Scale the container instances
  31. Configuring the Log Driver 62 { "family": "webserver", → family

    of containers "containerDefinitions": [{ "name": "web", → name of the container "image": "nginx", → the image used for the container // some intentionally omitted "logConfiguration": { → log configuration "logDriver": "awslogs", → to be used logdriver "options": { → logdriver options "awslogs-group": "awslogs-nginx", "awslogs-region": "ap-northeast-1", "awslogs-stream-prefix": "awslogs-example" } } }] }
  32. Recap • Running Docker containers on ECS is not hard

    ◦ Build your Dockerized Spring Boot applications and push them to ECS ◦ ECS Cluster with EC2 instances • Use a “Infrastructure as Code” approach to keep a grasp on what needs to be deployed • Do not forget about Logging and Monitoring these steps are important ◦ use CloudWatch or other monitoring tools to keep an eye on your infrastructure • Service Discovery using DNS or Consul