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Infrastructure & System Monitoring using Promet...

Infrastructure & System Monitoring using Prometheus.pdf

Marco Pas

May 12, 2017

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  1. Some stuff about me... • Mostly doing cloud related stuff

    ◦ Java, Groovy, Scala, Spring Boot, IOT, AWS, Terraform, Infrastructure • Enjoying the good things • Chef leuke dingen doen == “trying out cool and new stuff” • Currently involved in a big IOT project • Movie & Netflix addict
  2. Agenda • Monitoring ◦ Introducing you to a Scary Movie

    • Prometheus overview (demo’s) ◦ Running Prometheus ◦ Gathering host metrics ◦ Introducing Grafana ◦ Monitoring Docker containers ◦ Alerting ◦ Instrumenting your own code ◦ Service Discovery (Consul) integration
  3. Our scary movie “The Happy Developer” • Lets push out

    features • I can demo so it works :) • It works with 1 user, so it will work with multiple • Don’t worry about performance we will just scale using multiple machines/processes • Logging is into place
  4. Why Monitoring? • Know when things go wrong ◦ Detection

    & Alerting • Be able to debug and gain insight • Detect changes over time and drive technical/business decisions • Feed into other systems/processes (e.g. security, automation)
  5. What to monitor? IT Network Operating System Services Applications Capture

    Monitoring Information Functional Monitoring Operational Monitoring metric data
  6. Houston we have Storage problem! Storage metric data metric data

    metric data metric data metric data metric data metric data metric data metric data How to store the mass amount of metrics and also making them easy to query?
  7. Time Series - Database • Time series data is a

    sequence of data points collected at regular intervals over a period of time. (metrics) ◦ Examples: ▪ Device data ▪ Weather data ▪ Stock prices ▪ Tide measurements ▪ Solar flare tracking • The data requires aggregation and analysis Time Series Database metric data • High write performance • Data compaction • Fast, easy range queries
  8. Prometheus Prometheus is an open-source systems monitoring and alerting toolkit

    originally built at SoundCloud. It is now a standalone open source project and maintained independently of any company. https://prometheus.io Implemented using
  9. Prometheus Components • The main Prometheus server which scrapes and

    stores time series data • Client libraries for instrumenting application code • A push gateway for supporting short-lived jobs • Special-purpose exporters (for HAProxy, StatsD, Graphite, etc.) • An alertmanager • Various support tools • WhiteBox Monitoring instead of probing [aka BlackBox Monitoring]
  10. List of Job Exporters • Prometheus managed: ◦ JMX ◦

    Node ◦ Graphite ◦ Blackbox ◦ SNMP ◦ HAProxy ◦ Consul ◦ Memcached ◦ AWS Cloudwatch ◦ InfluxDB ◦ StatsD ◦ ... • Custom ones: ◦ Database ◦ Hardware related ◦ Messaging systems ◦ Storage ◦ HTTP ◦ APIs ◦ Logging ◦ … https://prometheus.io/docs/instrumenting/exporters/
  11. 42

  12. Alerting Configuration • Alert Rules ◦ What are the settings

    where we need to alert upon? • Alert Manager ◦ Where do we need to send the alert to?
  13. Instrumenting your own code! • Counter ◦ A cumulative metric

    that represents a single numerical value that only ever goes up • Gauge ◦ Single numerical value that can arbitrarily go up and down • Histogram ◦ Samples observations (usually things like request durations or response sizes) and counts them in configurable buckets. It also provides a sum of all observed values • Summary ◦ Histogram + total count of observations + sum of all observed values, it calculates configurable quantiles over a sliding time window
  14. Available Languages • Official ◦ Go, Java or Scala, Python,

    Ruby • Unofficial ◦ Bash, C++, Common Lisp, Elixir, Erlang, Haskell, Lua for Nginx, Lua for Tarantool, .NET / C#, Node.js, PHP, Rust →
  15. That’s a wrap! Question? Marco Pas Software geek, hands on

    Developer/Architect/DevOps Engineer @marcopas https://github.com/mpas/infrastructure-and-system-monitoring-using-prometheus