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KubeCon NA 2023: Disaster Recovery with Very La...

Michelle Au
November 07, 2023

KubeCon NA 2023: Disaster Recovery with Very Large Postgres Databases

Michelle Au

November 07, 2023

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  1. About Us Michelle Au Software Engineer at Google Kubernetes sig-storage

    TL Kubernetes contributor since 2017 Gabriele Bartolini VP/CTO of Cloud Native at EDB PostgreSQL user since ~2000 PostgreSQL Community member since 2006 DoK Ambassador DevOps evangelist Open source contributor • Barman (2011) • CloudNativePG (2022)
  2. Outline 1. Postgres Disaster Recovery 2. Volume snapshot backup &

    recovery with CloudNativePG 3. Volume Snapshot API & CRDs 4. Demo 5. Conclusions
  3. Business continuity goals • Recovery Point Objective (RPO) ◦ Amount

    of data we can afford to lose ▪ Measured in time or bytes ◦ Primarily for Disaster Recovery • Recovery Time Objective (RTO) ◦ How long the service can be restored after a failure ▪ Measured in time ◦ Primarily for High Availability
  4. Business continuity in Postgres 101 • Crash recovery with Write-Ahead

    Log, aka WAL (version 7.1, 2001) • Continuous backup & Point in Time Recovery (8.0, 2005) ◦ Physical Hot Base Backups and WAL archiving for Disaster Recovery (DR) • Continuous recovery through WAL shipping (8.2, 2006) ◦ Warm standby replicas for High Availability (HA) • Streaming replication with Hot Standby replicas (9.0, 2010) ◦ Synchronous replication at transaction level (9.1, 2011) • Physical Hot Base Backups from a Hot Standby replica (9.6, 2016) • NOTE: pg_dump takes logical backups (not for business continuity)
  5. Transaction logs (pg_wal) Data files (PGDATA) Shared Buffers aka the

    Postgres cache 8kb 8kb … Checkpoint 8kb 8kb … Postgres backend 8kb 8kb usually 16MB in size Transaction log Regularly the database cache is flushed on disk (“dirty pages”) DISCLAIMER Simplified view 8kb The Write-Ahead Log (WAL) WAL Archive WAL file segment WAL WAL WAL WAL WAL WAL
  6. PostgreSQL data files Data files (PGDATA) DISCLAIMER Simplified view What

    needs to be backed up WAL Archive WAL WAL WAL WAL WAL WAL WAL archive is key for any recovery (crash, full, point-in-time) and replication Generic Postgres concept Applies also to Kubernetes
  7. Data files (PGDATA) DISCLAIMER Simplified view Continuous backup 101 WAL

    WAL Base backup WAL WAL Base backup WAL WAL WAL WAL Base backup WAL WAL Running Postgres Base backups copy of all data files WAL Archive WAL WAL time Backups must be in a separate location start stop WAL WAL WAL WAL WAL recycling Generic Postgres concept Applies also to Kubernetes
  8. DISCLAIMER Simplified view Point In Time Recovery 101 WAL WAL

    Base backup WAL WAL Base backup WAL WAL WAL WAL Base backup WAL WAL Base backups copy of all data files WAL Archive WAL WAL time DISASTER! Data files (PGDATA) Recovered Postgres WAL WAL WAL WAL WAL Recovery target reached Postgres pulls the required WAL file WAL at backup start 1st point of recoverability Generic Postgres concept Applies also to Kubernetes
  9. Recap for Disaster Recovery • Take regular base backups of

    your Postgres database ◦ Hourly, daily, weekly • Ensure continuous WAL archiving is in place • Safely store both base backups and WAL archive ◦ In proximity of the original database (for fast RTO) ◦ In different locations, including regions (for Disaster Recovery) • You can recover at any time ◦ From the end of the 1st available backup to the latest archived transaction • Practices adopted in production by many organizations for 10+ years
  10. CloudNativePG • Kubernetes native database for Postgres workloads (Carpenter &

    McFadin) ◦ Maximum leverage of the Kubernetes API ◦ Automated, declarative management via operators ◦ Observable through standard APIs ◦ Secure by default • Production ready operator and operand images for Postgres ◦ Extends Kubernetes to manage the full lifecycle of a Postgres database ◦ Directly manages persistent volume claims (no statefulsets) • Open source, openly governed, vendor-neutral: cloudnative-pg.io • Used to run Postgres in Kubernetes for this presentation
  11. Disaster Recovery with CloudNativePG • WAL archive is on Object

    storage ◦ By default, WAL files are archived every 5 minutes maximum (RPO) • Physical base backups can be taken on: ◦ Object storage ◦ Volume Snapshots via the standard Kubernetes API ▪ Introduced in CloudNativePG 1.21 (October 2023) • Volume snapshot backup & recovery is the focus of this presentation
  12. Base Backup Comparisons Features Object Storage Volume Snapshots WAL archiving

    Required Recommended Backup type Hot backup Hot and cold backup Backup size Full backup Incrementals and differentials Point in Time recovery Yes With WAL archiving Geographic availability* Cross multi-region Multi-region Optimizations* Copy on write * Depends on storage type
  13. Benchmarks * Benchmarked using AWS EBS gp3 disks * The

    test considers base backup recovery only, without WAL file recovery Database size PGDATA volume size WAL volume size Snapshot full backup time Object store full backup time Snapshot recovery time Object store recovery time 4.5 GB 8 GB 1 GB 1m 50s 9m 15s 31s 3m 29s 44 GB 80 GB 10 GB 20m 38s 1h 6m 27s 31m 59s 438 GB 800 GB 100 GB 2h 42m 9h 53m 48s 59m 51s 4381 GB 8000 GB 200 GB 3h 54m 6s 95h 12m 20s 2m 2s 10h 6m 17s x 298.17 faster x 24.40 faster
  14. Kubernetes Volume Snapshots • GA since K8s 1.20 • Standard

    and portable API across storage providers • Supported by major cloud providers and on-prem storage providers • Operations: ◦ Create a snapshot of a PVC ◦ Delete a snapshot ◦ Create a PVC from a snapshot
  15. Kubernetes Volume Snapshots apiVersion: snapshot.storage.k8s.io/v1 kind: VolumeSnapshot metadata: name: my-snapshot

    spec: volumeSnapshotClassName: my-snapshot-class source: persistentVolumeClaimName: my-pvc apiVersion: snapshot.storage.k8s.io/v1 kind: VolumeSnapshotClass metadata: name: my-snapshot-class driver: my-driver deletionPolicy: Delete parameters: driver-option1: foo User Admin
  16. Kubernetes Volume Restore apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: name: restore-pvc

    spec: dataSourceRef: name: my-snapshot kind: VolumeSnapshot apiGroup: snapshot.storage.k8s.io accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 10Gi User
  17. CloudNativePG API - Backups apiVersion: postgresql.cnpg.io/v1 kind: Cluster metadata: name:

    my-cluster spec: ... backup: volumeSnapshot: className: my-snapshotclass barmanObjectStore: # For WAL archive destinationPath: <obj storage path> retentionPolicy: '7d' apiVersion: postgresql.cnpg.io/v1 kind: ScheduledBackup metadata: name: my-cluster-backup spec: schedule: '0 0 0 * * *' backupOwnerReference: self cluster: name: my-cluster immediate: true method: volumeSnapshot $ kubectl cnpg backup -m volumeSnapshot my-cluster On demand:
  18. CloudNativePG API - Restore apiVersion: postgresql.cnpg.io/v1 kind: Cluster metadata: name:

    my-cluster spec: ... bootstrap: recovery: volumeSnapshots: storage: name: volume-snap-1 kind: VolumeSnapshot apiGroup: snapshot.storage.k8s.io walStorage: name: wal-snap-1 kind: VolumeSnapshot apiGroup: snapshot.storage.k8s.io
  19. Future Kubernetes enhancements K8s 1.27: Volume group snapshots (alpha) Container

    Object Storage Interface (alpha) CloudNativePG enhancements CloudNativePG 1.22: Tablespaces PVC cloning for scale up and in-place upgrades
  20. Takeaways • Kubernetes + PostgreSQL + CloudNativePG is a full

    open source stack ◦ Vendor lock-in risk mitigation • Main benefits of using volume snapshots ◦ Better RPO and RTO ◦ Suitable for all major cloud service providers ▪ For on-premise deployments make sure you check the storage capabilities ◦ Unleashes Postgres VLDB in Kubernetes ▪ Incremental/differential backup & recovery