OpenShift Commons Gathering Chicago 2023 - Panel: Managed Services in Internal Platforms
Josh Gavant (Red Hat), Abby Bangser (Syntasso), Christoph Blecker (Red Hat), and Chuck Svoboda (Red Hat) present at the OpenShift Commons Gathering Co-Located with KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2023.
is slowing down. 39% 37% Increasing workload / demand from other teams 76% of organizations say cognitive load is so high that it is a source of angst and low productivity for developers Pressures of digital transformation 35% Learning skills to adapt to new technologies and approaches Organizations provide platforms to reduce toil and increase productivity. Source: Salesforce productivity survey
team Stream-aligned team Stream-aligned team Stream-aligned team Enabling team Team Topologies Infrastructure teams Subsystem Team Subsystem Team Platforms Accelerate Value Delivery
Josh Gavant Solution Architect Red Hat CNCF TAG App Delivery Christoph Blecker Delivery Architect Red Hat Chuck Svoboda Senior Director, Managed Services Red Hat
internal developer platform means in your opinion • What is the difference between platforms delivered as a service (PaaS) and internal platforms? • Which platform capabilities particularly fit as managed capabilities rather than self-managed? • When would platform engineers use managed services? Are there circumstances you'd recommend not using a provider-managed service? • Are there aspects of the maturity model where use of managed services particularly fits? • Share an interesting, unexpected lesson you've learned along the way of advocating for and implementing platform capabilities.
across OpenShift communities, projects and stakeholders. In doing so we'll enable the success of customers, users, partners, and contributors as we deepen our knowledge and experiences together. Thank You! Welcome to the Commons: Community Heroes