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Survival Guide for the Java Architect in the Cl...

Survival Guide for the Java Architect in the Cloud Era

Let's be very honest, cloud computing cannot be learned in one day. There are several architectural challenges to deploying your application, such as which framework to choose, reflection or reflectionless, native or non-native. We also have operational challenges such as backups, CI/CD, and much more. This presentation explains how to make some of these design choices and the tradeoffs to consider when building applications to run in a virtual cloud environment.

Otavio Santana

March 29, 2021

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  1. Otavio Santana @otaviojava Staff Engineer • Java Champion • JCP-EC-EG-EGL

    • Apache Committer • Eclipse Committer • Eclipse Project Leader • Book and blog writer Speaker
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  10. Glory of Rest 2 of 10 + Level 0 ◦

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