Voice assistants have taken off, but can we build our own with web technologies? I've been building bots for other platforms, but I wanted to investigate how well one could work in the browser. Can we talk to a web application and get results?
Let's dive into the Web Speech API, speech synthesis, and conversation design. We'll find out whether browsers can be virtual assistants or virtually useless.
Browser voices: https://glitch.com/~browser-voices
An introduction to the MediaRecorder API: https://www.twilio.com/blog/mediastream-recording-api
Web recorder: https://glitch.com/~web-recorder
Speech to text with Watson in the browser: https://watson-speech.mybluemix.net/microphone-streaming.html
Tensorflow speech model: https://storage.googleapis.com/tfjs-speech-model-test/2019-01-03a/dist/index.html
ml5js: https://ml5js.org/