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From local dev to global leader

From local dev to global leader

Essential skills to stand out in the international industry
- The new global job industry
- Hard skills and core skills
- Effective communication in remote teams
- International networking
- Cultural differences and integration
- Leading global teams
- Global project management
- Continuous learning and development
- Building an international portfolio
- Challenges and opportunities in global positions
- Working across time zones
- Negotiation and compensation
- Impacts of recent tech industry layoffs


As habilidades essenciais para se destacar no mercado internacional
- O cenário do mercado de trabalho global
- Competências técnicas e core skills
- Comunicação efetiva em equipes remotas
- Networking internacional
- Diferenças culturais e integração
- Liderança em times globais
- Gerenciamento de projetos globais
- Aprendizado e desenvolvimento contínuos
- Construção de um portfólio internacional
- Trabalhando com múltiplos fusos horários
- Negociação e remuneração
- Impacto dos layoffs do setor de tecnologia na sua carreira

Ricardo Coelho

August 24, 2024

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  1. @ramcoelho - Ricardo Coelho From local dev to global leader

    Essential skills to stand out in the international industry
  2. Agenda • Introduction • The new global job industry •

    Hard skills and core skills • E ff ective communication in remote teams • International networking • Cultural di ff erences and integration • Leading global teams • Global project management • Continuous learning and development • Building an international portfolio • Challenges and opportunities in global positions • Working across time zones • Negotiation and compensation • Impacts of recent tech industry layo ff s • Conclusion and Q&A
  3. speakerdeck.com/ramcoelho linkedin.com/in/ramcoelho github.com/ramcoelho x.com/ramcoelho t.me/ramcoelho Special thanks to Austin Distel

    (useproof.com), Chris Montgomery, Hivan Arvizu (@soyhivan), Pavan Gupta (cgram2000), CoWomen, Jo Szczepanska, Annie Spratt, Hal Gatewood, Ian Schneider, Vitolda Klein, Jukan Tateisi, Elisha Terada and Romain V for the images used in this presentation via Unsplash.com