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Unpacking Myopia: Content, Design & The Blind S...

Ron Bronson
July 22, 2016

Unpacking Myopia: Content, Design & The Blind Spots that Ruin Products & Experiences

Design & Content Conference (Vancouver, July 2016)

Ron Bronson

July 22, 2016

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  1. Unpacking Myopia Content, Design & The Blind Spots that Ruin

    Products & Experiences Ron Bronson #DCC16
  2. Marketing myopia “A business suffers from marketing myopia when a

    company views marketing strictly from the standpoint of selling a specific product rather than from the standpoint of fulfilling customer needs.” - Ted Levitt (1960)
  3. Designer Myopia “...design with a nearsightedness that results in websites

    and applications that please ourselves and impress our peers but don’t meet user and business goals.” - Rian van der Merwe
  4. We embed biases in products toward our imagined outcomes. This

    makes us more likely to forget about, or at least minimize, the possibility of other outcomes.
  5. Architectural Myopia Components 1. Users & Architects don’t see the

    world the same way. 2. The roots of training. 3. Justifying their own cognitive dissonance
  6. By failing to consider the people outside of our own

    set of experiences, we ignore active users with the potential to expand our product use cases.
  7. You deposit a check. Your account is flagged. You find

    out when you attempt to withdraw cash, because the customer was never contacted.
  8. Canvass a set of workers at your local DMV, welfare

    office, retail outlet or airport.
  9. Communicate the value of design & content through frameworks, tools

    & metrics that resonate with your stakeholders.