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Content Strategy Myopia: Toward a Toolkit for B...

Ron Bronson
June 16, 2016

Content Strategy Myopia: Toward a Toolkit for Better Content

How does our perception of our audience influence the ways we develop content for our university websites? Explore the mistakes made with regard to building content across mediums and identify the ways we can revamp digital content to reflect our actual audiences.

Ron Bronson

June 16, 2016

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  1. About Ron Strategist at large. (Service design, digital, UX &

    product) Curator, Aggregate Conference (#GGRGT)
  2. “The explosion of digital technologies over the past decade has

    created empowered consumers so expert in their use of tools & information they can call the shots. Hunting down what they want when they want it and getting it delivered to their doorsteps at rock bottom price.” -Harvard Business Review (Nov. 2015)
  3. What is service design? A collaborative approach to creating service

    experiences from the customer perspective. Focused on quality, service design helps organizations gain end-to- end understanding of their services.
  4. “A business suffers from marketing myopia when a company views

    marketing strictly from the standpoint of selling a specific product rather than from the standpoint of fulfilling customer needs.” - Ted Levitt (1960)
  5. So what’s content myopia? A refusal to see beyond your

    own narrow view of your product & audience.
  6. The purpose of personas is to create reliable and realistic

    representations of your key audience segments for reference.
  7. “Stress cases aren’t only about crisis — they apply when

    something mundane goes wrong, too.” Eric Meyer + Sara Wachter-Boettcher “Design for Real Life”
  8. • Pain points: places where you know from research or

    analytics that users are currently getting hung up and have to ask questions, or are likely to abandon the site or app. • Broken flows: places where the transition between touchpoints, or through a specific interaction on a site (like a form), isn’t working correctly. • Content gaps: places where a user needs a specific piece of content, but you don’t have it—or it’s not in the right place at the right time.
  9. “Quality, relevant content can't be spotted by an algorithm. You

    can't subscribe to it. You need people - actual human beings - to create or curate it.” -Kristina Halvorson
  10. Our content is reactive. We rely on third parties to

    tell us what our users are doing or too heavily rely on data to translate clicks into experiences.
  11. “Why do users or retention or revenue or click- through

    or likes or pages views matter? ...What are you trying to do for the world? What is the value that a person will get by using your product or feature at the end of the day?” - Julie Zhuo
  12. We create biases toward our imagined outcomes. This makes us

    more likely to forget about, or at least minimize, the possibility of other outcomes.
  13. • Better content means understanding your audiences & stakeholders better.

    • Collaboration is critical. Content isn’t a spectator sport. • Exercises like journey mapping make content strategy interactive & involve others. • Demonstrate more skepticism with regard to assumptions about your audiences. • Design content for stress cases. • Examine your own blinders in content.