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How to build & measure natural conversations fo...

Lee Boonstra
February 06, 2019

How to build & measure natural conversations for the Google Assistant

How to build & measure natural conversations for the Google Assistant

Lee Boonstra

February 06, 2019

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  1. 1 How to build & measure natural conversations for the

    Google Assistant Lee Boonstra Customer Engineer, Google Twitter: @ladysign
  2. 3 A conversation between you and Google that helps you

    get more done in your world Meet the Google Assistant
  3. 4 Terminology Google Assistant — The virtual assistant of Google.

    Out of the box on Android 6+. For iOS available as app. Action — A third party app, running on top of the Google Assistant. Google Home — Voice-activated speaker powered by Voice. Smart Display — Voice-activated speaker with screen powered by Voice and Touch.
  4. 5 • Google Assistant is now in 80 countries with

    support for 30 languages. • Google Assistant will soon be on 1 billion devices thanks to Android phones
  5. 7 Assistance to improve your customer experience Callbots in callcenters

    Chatbots in websites, apps or social media platforms. Voice Activated Speakers & smart assistants.
  6. 8 50% of enterprises spend more time on creating bots

    than on mobile app development by 2021 —Gartner
  7. 9 Chatbots are expected to trim business costs by more

    than $8 billion per year by 2022. - Juniper Research
  8. 13 It’s easier to make computers learn than to build

    smarter computers Machine Learning Process of making computers learn Artificial Intelligence Process of building smarter computers
  9. 14 It’s all about Machine Learning • Natural Language Understanding

    • Text to Speech • Speech Models (Wavenet)
  10. 15 70% of requests are in natural language Is it

    gonna rain tomorrow? Tomorrow it will be sunny In Amsterdam!
  11. 20 How much have I spent on taxis last month?

    It looks like, you spent about 20 euros on taxis last month. You took the TCA taxi twice. Voice channels There’s no screen. Focus on the conversation.
  12. 21 It looks like, you spent about 20 euros on

    taxis last month. You took the TCA taxi twice. Here’s an overview: Voice channels with screens How much have I spent on taxis last month? Focus on the conversation. But also display stuff.
  13. Google | Proprietary & Confidential 25 GOOGLE ASSISTANT USER Hey

    Google.. ..will it rain today? Listening
  14. Google | Proprietary & Confidential 26 GOOGLE ASSISTANT USER WEB

    SERVER Hey Google.. ..will it rain today? GET www.weather.com/info city: Amsterdam Date: 2019-02-06 Recognizing
  15. Google | Proprietary & Confidential 27 GOOGLE ASSISTANT USER WEB

    SERVER Hey Google.. ..will it rain today? GET www.weather.com/info city: Amsterdam Date: 2019-02-06 { location: “amsterdam” weather: “rain”, temperature: 8 } Thinking
  16. Google | Proprietary & Confidential 28 GOOGLE ASSISTANT USER WEB

    SERVER Hey Google.. ..will it rain today? GET www.weather.com/info city: Amsterdam Date: 2019-02-06 { location: “amsterdam” weather: “rain”, temperature: 8 } Yes, it will rain in Amsterdam all day today. Speaking
  17. Confidential + Proprietary Confidential + Proprietary How can you build

    your own action on top of the Google Assistant?
  18. 30 3rd party integration Extend the Google Assistant with your

    own custom actions. Hey Google, let me talk to BookAMeetingRoom Welcome, how can I help you? I want to book a meeting room for 3 persons. Let’s get BookAMeetingRoom Sure, for when? Tomorrow, from 2pm to 3pm.
  19. 31 Ok Google, talk to __________. Ok Google, connect me

    with __________. Ok Google, get __________. Start a 3rd party action There is an app directory! (appstore). And the Google Assistant can give app suggestions.
  20. 32 Many brands are available on Google Assistant • Bol.com

    • Albert Heijn • Post.nl • Rabobank • Centraal Beheer • ...
  21. 33 • Write the conversation - Dialogflow (Enterprise) • Deploy

    on GA+ UX components - Actions on Google Optional: • Back-end integration - Fulfillment app (dialogflow/aog SDK) • Communication to back-ends - Your own APIs What do I need to build my own action?
  22. 34 • Previously known as API.AI ◦ (Sept 2016, acquired

    by Google) • Powered by Machine Learning: ◦ Natural Language Understanding (NLU) ◦ Intent Matching ◦ Conversation Training • Cross platform • Build faster with the Web UI • Scalable: separate your conversation text from code • Speech / Voice Integration • Multi-lingual bot support (20+ languages) • Part of Google Cloud (60+ cloud services) Development suite for building Conversational UIs.
  23. 35 • Bring your agents to smart speakers (Google Home)

    or phones (Android, iOS app) • Actions on Google includes: ◦ UI toolkit, ◦ Audio toolkit ◦ Account Linking API ◦ SDKs ◦ tutorial guides • UI components such as: ◦ Buttons, Images ◦ Cards, Carousels, ◦ Lists ◦ Tables Program for developers of Actions (“apps”) that run via Google Assistant Actions on Google
  24. 41 • Google Assistant • Amazon Alexa • MS Cortana

    • Web • iOS • Android Integrations • Facebook Messenger • Twitter • Slack • Telegram • Skype • Cisco Spark • Dialogflow Phone • Twilio • Viber • Kik • Line
  25. 46 Sure! I’d like to transfer 100 euro to my

    wife her bank account.” A customer communicates with the Google Assistant
  26. Confidential + Proprietary Confidential + Proprietary Virtual assistance is an

    important channel. Your customers expect to find you there.
  27. Confidential + Proprietary Confidential + Proprietary Virtual assistance complements the

    other channels. (social media, website, contact center...)
  28. BigQuery Text to S Speech Google Assistant Website Social media

    Channel Agent Assist Call Center Agent Your System
  29. Confidential + Proprietary Confidential + Proprietary But if even if

    you just add one new AI channel. You can improve your customer experience and trim business costs.