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“Two birds - one stone” - Building serverless a...

“Two birds - one stone” - Building serverless apps with AWS CDK

Aleksandar Simovic

June 20, 2019

More Decks by Aleksandar Simovic

Other Decks in Programming


  1. simalexan Until you reach AWS CloudFormation Did I miss some

    space here?! Max 200 resources?? Ack, this is ugly!
  2. simalexan You said it was easy, now I have to

    write ugly YAML… CloudFormation? There’s a better way… I’ve Wasted hours finding the docs…
  3. simalexan Aleksandar Simović • Senior software engineer / Lead serverless

 at ScienceExchange • Coauthor of the “Serverless Applications with Node.js” book • AWS Serverless Hero • AWS SAM / AWS SAM Lambda builders / AWS CDK • Almost 30 serverless apps on 
 AWS Serverless Application Repository • Saved more than $100k at ScienceExchange by implementing several
 serverless solutions.
  4. simalexan Scripted Resources
 (pre 2010) • What if an API

    call fails? • How to make updates? • How do you know if a resource is ready? • How to roll back?
  5. simalexan Resource Provisioning Engines • AWS CloudFormation • Terraform

    declarative configuration • AWS CloudFormation template (JSON/YAML) • HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL)
  6. simalexan Resource Provisioning Engines • Easy to automate • Reproducible

    • Good Rollbacks and Updates • Awful syntax • No abstraction, lots of details
  7. simalexan Resource Provisioning Engines • Feels like a shopping list

    / no programming at all • Fair abstractions using Nested Stacks • YAML formatting issues (cfn-lint) • Documentation only online
  8. simalexan Document Object Models (DOMs) • Real code • Desired

    state (builds upon CloudFormation) • Abstractions are not built-in
  9. simalexan Componentized • Application = multiple stacks • Stack =

    multiple constructs • Construct can have multiple levels:
 - can be a component 
 (API GW + Lambda + upload S3 bucket)
 - can be a single piece
 (a Lambda) • You write constructs as components
  10. simalexan cdk init • npm install -g aws-cdk • mkdir

    hello-serverless-banjaluka • cdk init app —-language=typescript
 • Setups the project, lib, bin, cdk.json, tsconfig.json
  11. simalexan cdk build • Simply compiles the TypeScript files to

    javascript • A watch is available too
  12. simalexan cdk synth • Synthesizes a template from your CDK

    app. • A traditional CloudFormation template • Adds AWS::CDK::Metadata to every stack.
  13. simalexan testing? • Standard testing for your codebase • cdk

 (you can test the CF output) • programmable infrastructure tests
  14. simalexan stages? • Standard environment setup with your services •

    Different AWS accounts, belonging to an an organization • You can setup a CI/CD pipeline with AWS CDK
  15. simalexan Next steps • Try out the CDK • https://cdkworkshop.com

    • https://awslabs.github.io/aws-cdk
 The repository is constantly evolving • https://github/awslabs/aws-cdk
  16. simalexan Examples
 https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-cdk-examples A few serverless ones: • api-cors-lambda-crud-dynamodb •

    appsync-graphql-dynamodb • static-site • fargate-service-with-auto-scaling • … many more