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It Takes a Village: Building Organizational Buy...

April 21, 2020

It Takes a Village: Building Organizational Buy-In For Your Design System

In working with clients on design system projects (and in our annual Design Systems Survey), we see again and again how building buy-in across an organization is one of the greatest challenges that organizations face with their design systems. In this presentation, Lina shares why building organizational buy-in is critical for a design system, how to go about building that buy-in, and a success story of one of our clients.


April 21, 2020

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  1. 1. Why building buy-in for your design system is important

    2. How to build buy-in for your design system 3. A real world example of building organizational buy-in Agenda
  2. + +

  3. • Buy-in shows us we built the right thing. •

    Buy-in shows us we built it the right way. • Buy-in leads us towards a better user experience.
  4. ‘Why’ ▪ What existing problems will your design system solve?

    ▪ What future problems can the design system mitigate? ▪ What other benefits can a design system bring?
  5. Build allies 1. Pick someone(s) powerful and influential 2. Pick

    someone(s) who, with access to a design system, will have a lot of impact 3. Pick someone(s) who can explain the technical benefits
  6. Understand the build requirements ➔ Any features need to get

    to integration quicker? ➔ Any needs of your allies that should be prioritized? • Tech-specific or tech-agnostic? • Budget constraints? • Urgency?
  7. Support Plan • Platform & browser support • Regular newsletter

    with updates • Dedicated Slack channel • “Office hours” with support team • Versioning • Documented process for contribution • Regular user surveys
  8. “Your technical approach doesn’t matter as much as creating a

    living, breathing system that’s flexible, maintainable, stable, scalable, and successful in the long-term.” - Katie Sylor-Miller, Senior Software Engineer – Design Systems at Etsy
  9. “It's helpful to recognize that you don't have to get

    everyone's buy-in all at once. But you do want to be strategic about who you build your partnerships with and in what order.” - Nancy Byron | Marketing and Communications Manager - UGA Online Learning