switch control / puffer / magnification tool / voice control / screen reader and Safari / Chrome / Firefox / Edge on a Windows / Mac / Linux desktop / laptop / tablet / phone in light / dark mode / high contrast mode with reduced motion enabled with smaller / larger text size uses the Web
to flag more errors. It provides an easy way of inspecting the accessibility of semantic structures such as headings, landmarks, links, buttons, form controls, and alt text.
good tool to use next because it offers good coverage of the WCAG SC (Success Criteria). It’s a reasonably lengthy process, but gets faster with practice.
test --> <img src="pup-pic-24.jpg"> <!-- Bad alt text: not actually a text alternative --> <!-- ✖ not caught by automated test --> <img src="pup-pic-24.jpg" alt="dog"> <!-- Great alt text: conveys the same information as the image --> <!-- passes automated test --> <img src="pup-pic-24.jpg" alt="Cute puppy frolicking in a field">
Current page in the nav --> <a href="/settings" aria-current="page">Settings</a> <!-- An ARIA live region --> <!-- This has an implied aria-live="assertive" --> <div id="toasts" role="alert"></div> <!-- These usually need JS for the interaction -->