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Building a Scalable Event Service with Cassandr...

Building a Scalable Event Service with Cassandra: Design to Code

Code Mesh 2014, London

Tareq Abedrabbo

November 04, 2014

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  1. Building a Scalable Event Service with Cassandra: Design to Code

    Tareq Abedrabbo - OpenCredo Code Mesh 2014
  2. About Me • CTO at OpenCredo • We are a

    software consultancy and delivery company • Open source, NoSQL/Big Data, cloud
  3. This talk is about… • What we built • Why

    we built it • How we built it
  4. • High street retailer • Decoupled micro services architecture •

    Java-based, event-driven platform • Cassandra, Cloud Foundry, RabbitMQ
  5. • Capture millions of platform and business events • Trigger

    downstream processes asynchronously • Customise standard processes in a non-intrusive way • Provide a system-wide transaction log • Analytics • System testing
  6. However… • Ambiguous requirements • New paradigm, emerging architecture •

    We need to look at the problem as a whole • We need to avoid building useless features • We need to avoid accumulating technical debt
  7. • A simple event is an opaque value, typically a

    time series item • meter reading • A structured event can have an arbitrarily complex structure that can evolve over time • user registration event
  8. • It needs to be simple and accessible • a

    service only cares about emitting events • at that stage, we didn’t care much about the structure of each individual event • accessible ideally even from outside the platform • Resource oriented design - ReST • Simple request/response paradigm
  9. • Store an event • POST /api/events/ • Read an

    event • GET /api/events/{eventId}
  10. Anatomy of an Event { "type" : "DEMOENTITY.DEMOPROCESS.DEMOTASK", "source" :

    "demoapp1:2.5:981a24b3-2860-40ba-90d4-c47ef1a70abe", "clientTimestamp" : 1401895567594, "serverTimestamp" : 1401895568616, "platformContext" : { "id" : "demoapp1", "version" : "2.5" }, "businessContext" : { "channel" : "WEB", }, "payload" : { "message" : "foo", "anInteger" : 33, "bool" : false } }
  11. The Event Table Key Event id1 timestamp type payload …

    123 X <<blob>> … id2 timestamp type payload … 456 Y <<blob>> …
  12. • Store payload as a blob • Established service minimal

    contract • Established semantics: POST
  13. • Query events • GET /api/events?{queryString} • {queryString} can consist

    of the following fields: • start, end, startOffset, limit, tag, type, order
  14. Simple Time Series Modelling Using timestamps as a clustering column

    Key Timestamp/Value id1 ts11 ts12 ts13 v11 v12 v13 id2 ts21 ts22 ts23 v21 v22 v23
  15. • Pros • Simple • Works well for simple data

    structures • Good read and write performance • Cons • Hard limit on partition size (2 billion cells) • Limited flexibility • Limited querying
  16. Time Bucketing Adding a time bucket to the partition key

    Key Timestamp/Value ts11 ts12 ts13 id1 bucket1 v11 id1 bucket2 v12 v13 ts11 ts12 ts13 id2 bucket1 v21 v22 id2 bucket2 v23
  17. • Mitigates the partition size issue • Queries become slightly

    more complex • Write performance is not affected • Reads may be slower, potentially hitting multiple buckets
  18. Querying One denormalised table for each query Query Key id1

    ts11 id1 ts12 id2 ts21 id2 ts22 p1 b1 v11 p2 b2 v12 v21 p2 b2 v22
  19. • Denormalise for each query • Higher disk usage •

    Disk space is cheap, but not free • Write latency is affected • Time-bucketed indexes can create hot spots (hot shards)
  20. • Same service contract • Basic client guarantee: if a

    POST is successful the event has been persisted “sufficiently” • Indices are updated asynchronously • Events can be published to a message broker
  21. Evolution of Event • Payload and meta-data as simple collections

    of key/value • The type is persisted with each event • to make events readable • to avoid managing schemas
  22. Primary Event Store events (id timeuuid primary key, source text,

    type text, cts timestamp, sts timestamp, bct map<text, text>, bcv map<text, blob>, pct map<text, text>, pcv map<text, blob>, plt map<text, text>, plv map<text, blob> ); Events are simply keyed by id
  23. Indices • Ascending and descending time buckets for each query

    type • Index value ‘points’ to an event stored in the main table
  24. Indices events_by_time_asc ( tbucket text, eventid timeuuid, primary key (tbucket,

    eventid)) with clustering order by (eventid asc); events_by_time_desc ( tbucket text, eventid timeuuid, primary key (tbucket, eventid)) with clustering order by (eventid desc); Ascending and descending time buckets for each query type
  25. Pagination GET /api/events?start=141..&type=X&limit=5 type time Ὂ type1 bucket1 type1 bucket2

    id1 id2 type1 bucket3 id3 id4 type1 bucket4 id5 id6 id7 id8 type1 bucket5
  26. Pagination GET /api/events?start=141..&type=X&limit=5 type time Ὂ type1 bucket1 ▲ query

    range ▼ type1 bucket2 id1 id2 type1 bucket3 id3 id4 type1 bucket4 id5 id6 id7 id8 type1 bucket5
  27. Pagination GET /api/events?start=141..&type=X&limit=5 type time Ὂ ◀ query range ▶︎

    type1 bucket1 ▲ query range ▼ type1 bucket2 id1 id2 type1 bucket3 id3 id4 type1 bucket4 id5 id6 id7 id8 type2 bucket5
  28. Pagination GET /api/events?start=141..&type=X&limit=5 type time Ὂ ◀ query range ▶︎

    type1 bucket1 ▲ query range ▼ type1 bucket2 id1 id2 type1 bucket3 id3 id4 type1 bucket4 id5 id6 id7 id8 type2 bucket5
  29. Pagination GET /api/events?start=141..&type=X&limit=5 type time Ὂ ◀ query range ▶︎

    type1 bucket1 ▲ query range ▼ type1 bucket2 id1 id2 type1 bucket3 id3 id4 type1 bucket4 id5 id6 id7 id8 type2 bucket5
  30. { "count" : 1, "continuation" : "http://event-service-location/api/events?continueFrom=9f00e9d0- ebfc-11e3-81c5-09597eb bf2cb&end=1401965827000&limit=1", "events"

    : [ { "type" : "DEMOENTITY.DEMOPROCESS.DEMOTASK", "source" : "demoapp1:2.5:981a24b3-2860-40ba-90d4-c47ef1a70abe", "clientTimestamp" : 1401895567594, "serverTimestamp" : 1401895568616, "platformContext" : { "id" : "demoapp1", "version" : "2.5" }, "businessContext" : { }, "payload" : { }, “self" : ”http://event-service-location/api/events/8d4ce680- ebfc-11e3-81c5-09597ebbf2cb" } ] }
  31. • Pro • Decoupling • client are unaware of the

    implementation details • Intuitive ReSTful interface • Disk consumption is more reasonable • Easily extensible • Pub/sub
  32. • Cons • Not only optimised for latency • Still

    sufficiently performant for our use-cases • More complex service code • Needs to execute multiple CQL queries in sequence • Cluster hotspots can still occur, in theory
  33. • Data model improvements: User Defined Types • More sophisticated

    error handling • Analytics with Spark • Add other data views
  34. Lessons learnt • Scalability is not only about raw performance

    • Experiment • Simplify • Understand Thrift, use CQL