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Interoperability rules for an European API ecos...

Interoperability rules for an European API ecosystem: do we still need SOAP?

How Italy is introducing REST API and a more reliable IT architecture in the Public Administration.
Keynote by Roberto Polli, Full Stack Developer at Digital Transformation Team

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  2. The Italian Digital Team Old SOAP Framework SOAP & REST

    The New Framework Standardization & Reliability Future ideas Agenda
  3. Make public services for citizens and businesses accessible in an

    easy manner, via a mobile first approach, with reliable, scalable and fault tolerant architectures, based on clearly defined APIs. Team Mission
  4. Roberto Polli - love writing in Python, C and Java

    RHC{E,VA}, MySQL|MongoDB Certified DBA API Ecosystem @ TeamDigitale Who am I
  5. The Old SOAP Framework Processing errors (SOAP Faults) required de/serialization

    of XML No universal semantic for communicating service status (soap faults uses 500 for everything) Errors at peak loads caused further thrashing
  6. The Old SOAP Framework Become a barrier for the creation

    of new services: - Very expensive (both for setup and maintenance/operation) - Complicates communication with non-governmental agencies - The IT world was moving beyond SOAP
  7. Beyond SOAP SOAP was born in 1999: • transfer-agnostic messaging

    protocol (HTTP, SMTP, ..) • adds one layer, with computational and architectural costs • virtually asynchronous exchanges (soap messages) Today: • new HTTP Semantics RFC 7230-7238 released in 2014 • services are inherently based on HTTP • synchronous exchanges (eg. mail vs chat)
  8. Beyond SOAP The new semantics allow to: • route requests

    using Path and Method (Eg. idempotent vs non-idempotent) • use Status and Headers for service management, don't have to process the body • Caching, Conditional and Range Requests, ...
  9. The New Framework • Standardize HTTP APIs without SOAP •

    API-first approach to REST APIs based on OpenAPI v3 • Scheme standardization based on national, European and industry standards • Availability strategy based on a distributed circuit-breaker and throttling patterns
  10. http binary messages HTTPS Always HTTPS Wrap queues (kafka, JMS,

    AMQP, …) with HTTPS for authentication and authorization Leverage STATUS, METHOD and PATH for auditing and routing
  11. ago 6 14:04:50 ago-06 18:58:50,000 Aug 02 18:43:47.000 mer 9

    ago 08:45:37 CEST 2018 Fri May 05 08:45:37 IST 2018-May-08 10:06:25 AM 05/12/2018 2018/12/05 12-05-2018 05/12/2018 2018-12-05 12-05-2018 Logs, dates: RFC5424 / 3339 2018-05-08T10:06:25Z 2018-05-08T10:06:25.000Z
  12. cod_fiscale piva fiscalCode CF nato codice_fisc nome partIva cfiscale nato_a

    cf p_IVA fiscal_code PI name Ontology-based schemas tax_code vat_number given_name (from w3id.org/italia)
  13. x-rate-limit-minute: 100 X-RateLimit-Retry-After: 11529485261 X-RateLimit-UserLimit: 1231513 X-RateLimit-UserRemaining X-Rate-Limit-Limit: name=rate-limit-1,1000 x-custom-retry-after-ms

    X-Rate-Limit-Remaining-month X-Rate-Limit-Reset: Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:28:00 GMT x-rate-limit-hour: 1000 Service Management Headers Communicate service limits X-RateLimit-Limit: #request X-RateLimit-Remaining: #request X-RateLimit-Reset: #seconds Communicate service status HTTP 503 (service unavailable) HTTP 429 (too many requests) Retry-After: #seconds
  14. { "message": "Service Unavailable", "code": 123 }  { "status"

    : "error", "message": "Unable to communicate with database" } { "error": { "errors": [ { "reason": "required", "message": "Login Required", "locationType": "header", "location": "Authorization" } ], "code": 401, "message": "Login Required" } }" } {"error": { "code": "501", "message": "Unsupported functionality", "target": "query", "details": "" } Errors: RFC7807 RFC 7807 is an extensible format for errors { "type": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-6.6.4", "title": "Service Unavailable", "detail": "Service is active in forex hours", "status": 503, "instance": "/account/12345/msgs/abc", }
  15. Readable indicators: - use rates, not absolute values - use

    basic units (eg. Bytes, seconds, …) - use increasing Service Level Indicators, the higher the better Example: - availability is 0-100% - expose success rates, not error rates Standardized metrics
  16. Set common and simple indicators: - availability: eg. the service

    was up for 95% of the time - success_rate: % of successful requests - target_response_time: expected latency at 95p Evaluating: - or responsiveness: the service meet the target_response_time for 90% of the time - or APDEX index: Standardizes metrics
  17. Signing an exchange with a digital certificate is the basis

    for a non-repudiation framework. SOAP has a well-established (and criticized) standard for Signing and Encryption REST standards are Json Web Signatures|Encryption RFC7515 used by OpenID Connect (still criticized) Signatures and Encryption
  18. Possible choices: - leave the signature to the application protocol

    (eg. json) - sign just the body (a sort of ws-security built with JWS) extending the objects with claims or adding an Headers - sign a fingerprint(request,header,body) via Headers Current request/response fingerprint functions and Signature headers proposals (eg. amz, draft-cavage, signed-exchanges) Signatures and Encryption
  19. On digital certificates: - RSA is considered a legacy https://github.com/WICG/webpackage/pull/181

    - EC keys are easily embedded in claims and headers On Headers - evaluate Structured Headers Example-DictHeader: en="Applepie", da=*w4ZibGV0w6ZydGUK=* - deprecate or adopt Digest Further discussions