up when you combine “nose for news“ and ability to “tell a compelling story” with the sheer scale and range of digital information - Paul Bradshaw, Brimingham City University
up when you combine “nose for news“ and ability to “tell a compelling story” with the sheer scale and range of digital information - Paul Bradshaw, Brimingham City University 新聞? 說? 扣⼈人⼼心弦? 故事?
RStudio OpenOffice Calc Scraperwiki RaphaelJS MS Access ESRI ArcMap TextWrangler CSVKit MatPlotLib NumPy MapBox OpenStreetMap SPSS R Vim Sublime Text PostgreSQL MySQL Django Excel QGIS Google Spreadsheet
RStudio OpenOffice Calc Scraperwiki RaphaelJS MS Access ESRI ArcMap TextWrangler CSVKit MatPlotLib NumPy MapBox OpenStreetMap SPSS R Vim Sublime Text PostgreSQL MySQL Django Excel QGIS Google Spreadsheet data manage text editing coding coding visualization visualization tool data cleaning statistics map data manage statistics