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What's new in Android IO23 Daejeon

What's new in Android IO23 Daejeon

Google I/O Extended Daejeon 2023

대전 IO extended 23 에서 안드로이드 새롭게 발표된 소식을 공유하기 위한 발표자료 입니다.


June 10, 2023

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  1. ѐੋ ੿ࠁ ࠁഐ ߂ ࠁউ https://developer.android.com/about/versions/14/changes/partial-photo-video-access?hl=ko ࢎ૓ & ز৔࢚ ੌࠗ(ࢶఖೠ

    Ѫ݅) ঘࣁझ ӂೠ ࠗৈ READ_MEDIA_VISUAL_USER_SELECTED ࢎ૓ ߂ ز৔࢚ ࢶఖ : Android14 ੄ ࢜۽਍ ӝמ ݽف ೲਊ : ੹୓ ӂೠ ೲਊ উೣ : ঘࣁझ Ѣࠗ
  2. ѐੋ ੿ࠁ ࠁഐ ߂ ࠁউ https://developer.android.com/about/versions/14/behavior-changes-14?hl=ko ঐद੸ ੋబ౟ח ੉ઁ Ӓ݅

    = ঈࢿ জ੉ জ੄ ղࠗ Componentীࢲ ࢎਊೡ ঐद੸ ੋబ౟ܳ о۽଻૑ ޅೞѱ ؾפ׮. val intent = Intent("com.example.app.PAY") startActivity(intent) Exception ߊࢤ
  3. ѐੋ ੿ࠁ ࠁഐ ߂ ࠁউ https://developer.android.com/about/versions/14/behavior-changes-14?hl=ko ঐद੸ ੋబ౟ח ੉ઁ Ӓ݅

    = ঈࢿ জ੉ জ੄ ղࠗ Componentীࢲ ࢎਊೡ ঐद੸ ੋబ౟ܳ о۽଻૑ ޅೞѱ ؾפ׮. val intent = Intent("com.example.app.PAY") intent.setPackage("com.example.app") startActivity(intent) ݺद੸ ੋబ౟ ࢎਊ
  4. ѐੋ ੿ࠁ ࠁഐ ߂ ࠁউ https://developer.android.com/guide/components/intents-filters?hl=ko#Receiving ঐद੸ ੋబ౟ীח Exported Component

    ݅ ࢎਊ оמ! <activity android:name=".AppActivity" android:exported=“false"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="com.example.action.APP_ACTION" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/> </intent-filter> </activity> ঐद੸ ੋబ౟ ࢎਊ ࠛо
  5. ѐੋ ੿ࠁ ࠁഐ ߂ ࠁউ https://developer.android.com/guide/components/intents-filters?hl=ko#Receiving <activity android:name=".AppActivity" android:exported=“true”> <intent-filter>

    <action android:name="com.example.action.APP_ACTION" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/> </intent-filter> </activity> ?? exported=“true” ??
  6. ѐੋ ੿ࠁ ࠁഐ ߂ ࠁউ https://developer.android.com/topic/security/risks/android-exported?hl=ko exported=“true” ?? • true

    ݽٚ জ੉ Activityী ঘࣁझೡ ࣻ ੓Ҋ प೯ೡ ࣻ ੓णפ׮ • false (Default) э਷ গ೒ܻா੉࣌ী ੓ח ҳࢿਃࣗա زੌೠ ࢎਊ੗ IDܳ о૓ গ೒ܻ ா੉࣌ ژח ӂೠ੉ ੓ח दझమ ҳࢿਃࣗ݅ Activityਸ प೯ೡ ࣻ ੓ण פ׮.
  7. ѐੋ ੿ࠁ ࠁഐ ߂ ࠁউ https://developer.android.com/topic/security/risks/android-exported?hl=ko exported=“true” • true ݽٚ

    জ੉ Activityী ঘࣁझೡ ࣻ ੓Ҋ प೯ೡ ࣻ ੓णפ׮ ࢲ࠺झ Ѣࠗ ҕѺ(DoS), জ੄ ղࠗ ӝמਸ ࣻ੿ೞӝ ਤ೧ ղࠗ Componentী ࠗ੸੺ೞѱ ঘࣁझೞח ׮ܲ জ, ޹хೠ ੿ࠁ ਬ୹, ஂডೠ গ೒ܻா੉࣌ ஶఫझ౟ীࢲ ௏٘ प೯
  8. ѐੋ ੿ࠁ ࠁഐ ߂ ࠁউ ࠺޻ߣഐ হח ࣁ࢚, Passkey ૑ਗ

    https://github.com/android/identity-samples/ CredentialManager Credential Manager API 1. জীࢲ Google ҅੿ ࢶఖ 2. Face / ૑ޙ / ചݶ pin ਫ਼Ә ೧ઁ
  9. জীࢲ ҅੿ ࢤࢿ ҳӖ ҅੿ োز ਫ਼Ә ߑध ࢶఖ ૑ޙ

    / PIN / Face ੋૐ (झ௼ܽࢫ ࠛо) ࢿҕ ! জীࢲ ҅੿ ࢤࢿೞӝ https://github.com/android/identity-samples/CredentialManager
  10. Compose for TV TvLazyColumn { items(contentList) { content -> TvLazyRow

    { items(content) { cardItem -> Card(cardItem) } } } Alpha
  11. Flow layouts in Compose https://developer.android.com/jetpack/compose/layouts/flow FlowRow( . . . )

    { // Flow content } FlowColumn( . . . ) { // Flow content } о۽ ࣁ۽
  12. Compose Compose Debugging “Composableীࢲ recomposing੉ ੌযաҊ ੓חؘ ੷ח যڃ ౵ۄ޷ఠо

    ਗੋ੉ غח ૑ ݽܰѷযਃ” Debugging Jetpack Compose IO23: https://youtu.be/Kp-aiSU8qCU
  13. Compose Recomposition State > Podcasts = Unstable > onTogglePodcastFollowed =

    Uncertain > Modifier = static Android Studio Hedgehog Unchanged : ߸҃غ૑ ঋ਺ Changed : ׮ܲ чਵ۽ ߸҃ؽ Uncertain : ੉ ч੉ ߸҃ ؼ૑ ݈૑ ই૒ Ѿ੿غ૑ ঋ਺ State : ੺؀ ч੉ ߄Շ૑ ঋ਺ Unstable : ࠛউ੿ೠ ఋੑ Debugging Jetpack Compose IO23 https://youtu.be/Kp-aiSU8qCU
  14. Form Factors ಪ ࢲ࠺झࠁ׮ క࠶݁ীࢲ ਬ੷ ࢎਊदр 70% ૐо How

    to build great Android apps for large screens and foldables IO23 : https://youtu.be/5JQjk3ZqPWc
  15. Form Factors https://developer.android.com/guide/practices/enhanced-letterboxing Size compatibility mode (ࢎ੉ૉ ഐജࢿ ݽ٘) (Android

    12L ੉࢚) জ ചݶ ߑೱ੉ Ҋ੿غয ੓Ѣա ௼ӝܳ ઑ੿ೡ ࣻ হח ҃਋ दझమীࢲ Letterbox ୊ܻ ࢎਊ੗ח ݽٚ জਸ Multi-window ݽ٘۽ ੹ജ оמ app configurationী ҙ҅হ੉ ٣߄੉झܳ о۽ ژח ࣁ۽۽ ഥ੹ೞח Ѫ੉ оמ
  16. Form Factors Configuration Changes https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/resources/ runtime-changes?hl=ko ചݶ ੽ӝ, ഥ੹ ചݶ

    ࢎ੉ૉ ߸҃, ژח Multi-window ݽ٘ ؀ഋ ചݶ ӝӝীࢲ ੌ߈੸ override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) val configurations = resources.configuration configurations.screenWidthDp configurations.screenHeightDp configurations.orientation configurations.layoutDirection configurations.fontScale configurations.fontWeightAdjustment configurations.densityDpi configurations.locales }
  17. Form Factors class MainActivity : Activity() { lateinit var state:

    SomeState } Crash ઱੄! Configuration Changes Activity ੤ࢤࢿ lateinit var ૑ਕ૗ ଵઑೞѱ غݶ Crash!
  18. Form Factors Best practices for saving UI state on Android

    IO23 : https://youtu.be/V-s4z7B_Gnc Save UI State ӝӝܳ ഥ੹ दఃѢա ੽঻ਸ ٸ, ೞ؍ ੘সਸ ਬ૑ೡ ࣻ ੓ب۾
  19. Form Factors https://developer.android.com/docs/quality-guidelines/large-screen-app-quality?hl=ko ؀ചݶ ૑ਗ ഐജࢿ ୓௼ܻझ౟ ؀ഋ ചݶ ૑ਗ

    Tier 3 (ӝࠄ) ؀ഋ ചݶ ୭੸ച Tier 2 (਋ࣻ) ؀ഋ ചݶ ର߹ച Tier 1 (୭Ҋ) জ੉ ੹୓ചݶ, ݣ౭ਦب਋ ૑ਗ Letterbox ୊ܻ غ૑ ঋ਺ ഐജࢿ ݽ٘о ইש ఃࠁ٘, ݃਋झ ١ ৻ࠗ ੑ۱੢஖ ૑ਗ ݽٚ ചݶ ௼ӝ ߂ ҳࢿী ݏѱ ۨ੉ইਓ ୭੸ച ৻ࠗ ੑ۱੢஖ Ҋә ૑ਗ క࠶݁, ಫ؊࠶, ChromeOS ׮নೞҊ ୭੸੄ ࢎਊ੗ ജ҃ ૑ਗ ݣ౭కझఊ, ಫ؊࠶, ٘ېӒ & ٘܂ झఋੌ۞झ ੑ۱ ૑ਗ
  20. Wear OS https://developer.android.com/wear?hl=ko Wear OS ࢜۽਍ ӝמٜ Ongoing Activities API

    ஠٘ Watch Face Studio ૓೯ ઺ੋ ഝزਸ ಴द о੢ ݆੉ ࢎਊೞח ੿ࠁ৬ ੘সী ࡅܰѱ ঘࣁझ ௏٬ হ੉ ݅٘ח द҅ചݶ ٣੗ੋ
  21. Wear OS https://developer.android.com/wear?hl=ko Ongoing Activities API ఋ੉ݠ ղ࠺ѱ੉࣌ ࣁࠗ ҃۽

    উղ ޷٣য ੤ࢤ ૓೯ ઺ੋ ഝزী ؀೧ ૑ࣘ੸ੋ ঌܿਸ ಴द
  22. https://developer.android.com/wear?hl=ko Wear OS Card զॿ ഛੋ ఋ੉ݠ ࢸ੿ ೖ౟פझ ૓೯

    ࡅܲ ਍ز द੘ ֢ې ੤ࢤ झா઴ ૌѹ ଺ח োۅ୊ Tile API
  23. Form Factors https://developer.android.com/design/ui Design Hub Design for Mobile Expand to

    large screens Glance at Wear OS Design for TV пઙ ࢠ೒ ௏٘ ನೣ
  24. Android Studio Stable 2023.04 What's new in Android development tools

    IO23 : https://youtu.be/7lubRrkxagk https://developer.android.com/studio/releases?hl=ko • Preview ૑ਗ Themed app icons (Android 13) Dynamic Color(Material 3) • Live Edit Update (पदр ࣻ੿ ߈৔) • Compose Profiler • Network Inspector ౟ې೗ о۽଻ӝ • App Quality Insight ೙ఠ ߂ Ѩ࢝ ୶о
  25. https://developer.android.com/studio/preview/studio-bot Android Studio Bot • Add to editor ௿ܼ ೠ

    ߣਵ۽ ࢤࢿػ ௏٘ ୶о • ҙ۲ ޙࢲ۽ ߄۽ оӝ • ௏٘ ߬੉झীࢲ ૒੽ Ask Studio Bot ઱ਃ ӝמ