Manga from my book ”The future of game design - Science in Entertainment systems” (2013) 2003-2005 [Post-doc in NHK-ES] Axi-Vision & Projection Lighting for next-generation digital TV broadcasting and production environments. 2005-2007 [Post-doc in Laval France] ENSAM Presence & Innovation Lab, in Laval France. Studying theme park attraction development and social deployment through “Laval Virtual ReVolution” exposition. 2008-2010 [Science Communicator in Museum “Miraikan”] At a national science museum in the Tokyo Bay area, I learned the specialized skills of communicators, interpreters and service engineering through my work in the science communicator training program, and developed exhibits that incorporate entertainment ideas into the world of science. 【博士論文】「床面提示型触覚エンタテイメントシステムの提案と開発」 東京工業大学大学院総合理工学研究科知能システム科学専攻(2004年)
Sensation”, a special psycho-physical phenomenon on human skin. When two mechanical stimuli of the same intensity are applied to different locations of skin surface with appropriate spacing, the two stimuli are fused and one sensation is perceived. When the intensity of one stimulus increases, the location of fused sensation shifts to the location of stronger stimulus. This psycho-physical phenomenon has been known as phantom sensation, which was found by Bekesy, a Nobel Prize Winner in 1961. This project was realized before the rumble pad of game controllers as known as vibrotactile in 1997. The system has been realized with a real-time optical motion capture system using PSD and Infrared-LEDs. In the system, two LEDs are fixed on each slipper. The locations and directions of slippers on the floor are measured in real-time. Since feet are usually on the floor, two dimensional measurement is sufficient for this application. The similar technology of this is used into Nintendo's WiiRemote as its image sensor with sensor bar in later.
Sensation (by own) DirectX5 graphics (by own) Hemisphere dome screen (by own) Vibrator implemented slipper (by own) by 300MHz CPU + VGA projector Prototype, handmade, in Lab (it was “VR2.0” in this talk, we define)
Best Multilingual and/or Omnilingual award. "Tangible Playroom" was designed as a future computer entertainment system for children. It can provide some Virtual Reality contents with a safe force feedback and a large floor image. Players can interact with content's world using their full body. To feel force feedback, player grasps a tangible (graspable, perceptible by touch) grip like a cork ball. It is linked to encoder motors by strings. Then it can input 3D location to system. When player touch to some objects, system calculate a correct force feedback to player via string and tangible grip. Our system can provide high quality force representation with safe rather than metal linked arm system. "Penguin Hockey" is a typical demonstration content. It is a simple 3D hockey game playing with automotive penguins. The pucks are snowmen. To get points, players should throw snowmen to the enemy's goal hole. Our software has a real-time dynamics simulator then children can interact with computer-generated characters with real reactions.
was designed to affect to human amusements. ◦ Video Games, media arts, real time interactive and entertainment virtual reality are possible to be included. ◦ Cinemas and DVDs are also possible to be included but should focus to “computer system” like interactivity.
2019年10月よりGREE VR Studio Laboratoryにて実験的ボイスチェンジャーサービス『転声こ えうらない』利用者の音声分析やボイスチェンジャーのiOS実装や高速化に取り組む。UXDevで は、主に音声や表情を担当している。Pikmin BloomでLv70超。 Member in GREE VR Studio Laboratory
Laboratoryに参加。アバターが現実世界に違和感なく溶け込む技術を研究している。 Meta Quest, Hololens2, Web AR等での制作経験を活かしてアバター周りのR&Dを担当。 最近はQuest等HMDデバイスのアバターベンチマークツールを担当。 白井暁彦 Director GREE VR Studio Laboratoryのディレクター。研究開発と教育、ビジュアルアート、VRエンター テインメント、科学コミュニケーションなどで25年以上の経験を持つ。多様な才能を発揮してグ リーグループの開発文化に多様性を沿えている。 業務外でグリー技術書典部や書籍「AIとコラボして神絵師になる」などを執筆している。 Member in GREE VR Studio Laboratory