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Concourse入門 / Concourse Getting Started

April 27, 2018

Concourse入門 / Concourse Getting Started


April 27, 2018

More Decks by watawuwu

Other Decks in Technology


  1. profile: name: 松井 渉 trn: さび開発 twitter: @watawuwu role: [

    Server, Infra, SRE ] lang: [ Rust, Scala, Golang, PHP ]
  2. 2. Configuration As Code resources: - name: slack-notif type: git

    source: uri: watawuwu/slack-notification-resource/ jobs: - name: demo plan: - get: slack-notif trigger: true - task: unit-test file: test.yml
  3. 4. All operations by CLI $ fly -t ci set-pipeline

    \ --config job.yml \ --pipeline name
  4. hello.yaml jobs: - name: job-hello plan: - task: hello config:

    platform: linux image_resource: type: docker-image source: { repository: busybox } run: path: echo # pathとは実行コマンドのパスのこと(イケテナイ) args: - hello