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ConFoo Vancouver - 10 warning signs in IT proje...

ConFoo Vancouver - 10 warning signs in IT projects.

Yann Larrivée

December 06, 2016

More Decks by Yann Larrivée

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  1. 2 Some statistics • 70% of IT projects fail •

    66% of projects go over budget • 33% go over schedule • 17 % under deliver value
  2. 3 Yann Larrivée • Consultant at FooLab • Specialize in

    project rescue • Twitter: @ylarrivee • Email : [email protected]
  3. 4 Presentation objectives • Identify project threats early • Reduce

    the number of failures • Reduce stress, anxiety, headaches • More time with your family
  4. 6 Objectives - Signs • Stakeholders don't agree on business

    objectives • Goals are not communicated • Goals are not understood • Poorly defined goals
  5. 7 Objectives - Solutions Ask these questions: • What are

    we trying to accomplish? • Why are we doing this? • What are we trying to improve?
  6. 8 Objectives - Solutions • Get stakeholders to agree and

    sign a contract • Kickoff meeting to explain the goals • Print the goals on a poster hang them in your office • Communicate them to all team members
  7. 9 Deadline - Signs • Deadline too tight • Trying

    to make a project fit • Working overtime • Deadline is too far
  8. 10 Deadline - Solutions • Use simple solutions & technologies

    you master • Negotiate the delivery date • Plan time for the unexpected • Prioritize features based on objectives • Negotiate deliverables based on objectives
  9. 11 Progress - Signs • No demo within the first

    month • Missed demos • You don't even have demos
  10. 12 Progress - Solutions • Weekly release and demo •

    Request developers to give development URL • Follow the GIT commits • Yellow-flag task at 50% of completion time • Red-flag task at 75% of completion
  11. 13 Team Spirit - Signs • Pointing fingers • Poor

    or no collaboration • Negative attitude
  12. 14 Team Spirit - Solutions • Break negative conversations •

    Change the focus to solutions • Meet team members with negative attitude • Remove bad team members • Get to know your team members
  13. 15 Communication – Signs • No one ever reports problem

    • People provide excuses for the road blocks • People forward you to the documentation • Languages • Timezones
  14. 16 Communication – Solutions • Find the root cause •

    Have someone bilingual • Re adjust your schedule • Talk one on one to get the real information • Pick up the phone!
  15. 17 Focus – Signs • Methodologies & Architecture • Tools

    and framework • Adding cool features • Gold platting • Last minute changes
  16. 18 Focus – Solutions • Plan time for R&D outside

    of your project • Focus Delivering value, not feature • How does it bring us closer to the objective?
  17. 19 Documentation – Signs • 50 pages+ novel style documentation

    • No documentation • Poor technical and functional analysis
  18. 20 Documentation – Solutions • Plan time for analysis •

    Centralize all documentation in source control • Keep it straight to the point • Write readable code
  19. 21 Quality – Signs • The ghosts problem • Endless

    bugs list • No time for quality assurance • No time for performance testing • No time for security testing
  20. 22 Quality – Solutions • Have staging and product ready

    env • Determine mission critical components • Write test for mission critical components • How many users at peak hours • Have QA before each demo • Use a pen testing tool
  21. 24 Metrics – Solutions • Level of business success •

    Level of quality • Level of performance
  22. 25 Presentation take-away • A project fails one day at

    a time • How does it bring us closer to the objective? • Plan for the unexpected • Don't underestimate the power of beer
  23. 26 Questions? Twitter: @ylarrivee E-mail: [email protected] Website: foolab.ca You see

    many of these warning signs in your project? Get advice from an unbiased external source.