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Ruby 2.0 (en)

Ruby 2.0 (en)

Ruby 2.0 at Waza 2013 (English version)

Yukihiro Matsumoto

March 01, 2013

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  1. Powered by Rabbit 1.0.4 Ruby 2.0 Chief Architect, Ruby @

    Heroku @yukihiro_matz Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto
  2. Powered by Rabbit 1.0.4   Dec 1996 1.0 Aug 1997

    1.1 Dec 1998 1.2 Aug 1999 1.4 Sep 2000 1.6 17/143
  3. Powered by Rabbit 1.0.4   Aug 2003 1.8 Dec 2007

    1.9.0 Aug 2010 1.9.2 Oct 2011 1.9.3 18/143
  4. Powered by Rabbit 1.0.4 New Hash literals {:foo => 1,

    :bar => 2} as {foo: 1, bar: 2} 58/143
  5. Powered by Rabbit 1.0.4 New features in 2.0 Keyword arguments

    Module#prepend Enumerable#lazy Refinements 63/143
  6. Powered by Rabbit 1.0.4 New features in 2.0 symbol array

    literals to_h conversion method UTF-8 by default Dtrace / TracePoint 64/143
  7. Powered by Rabbit 1.0.4 Keyword Arguments Named optinal arguments No

    specific order Descriptive Easy-to-remember 66/143
  8. Powered by Rabbit 1.0.4 Keyword Arguments in 1.9 def log(msg,

    opt = {}) level = opt[:level] || "ERROR" time = opt[:time] || Time.now puts "#{ time.ctime } [#{ level }] #{ msg }" end 68/143
  9. Powered by Rabbit 1.0.4 Keyword Arguments in 1.9 What if

    you want to combin with arbitrary number of arguments descriptive exceptions pass nil as a valid value 69/143
  10. Powered by Rabbit 1.0.4 Keyword Arguments in 1.9 def log(*msgs)

    opt = msgs.last.is_a?(Hash) ? msgs.pop : {} level = opt.key?(:level) ? opt.delete(:level) : "ERROR" time = opt.key?(:time) ? opt.delete(:time) : Time.now raise "unknown keyword: #{ opt.keys.first }" if !opt.empty? msgs.each {|msg| puts "#{ time.ctime } [#{ level }] #{ msg }" } end 70/143
  11. Powered by Rabbit 1.0.4 Keyword Arguments in 2.0 def log(msg,

    level: "ERROR", time: Time.now) puts "#{ time.ctime } [#{ level }] #{ msg }" end 71/143
  12. Powered by Rabbit 1.0.4 Keyword Arguments in 2.0 Simpler More

    descriptive API Easy to read Easy to write 72/143
  13. Powered by Rabbit 1.0.4 Keyword Arguments in 2.0 log("Hello!", **opt)

    You can pass existing hash as keyword arguments 73/143
  14. Powered by Rabbit 1.0.4 Keyword Arguments in 2.0 def log(msg,

    level: "ERROR", time: Time.now, **kw) puts "#{ time.ctime } [#{ level }] #{ msg }" end You can get keyword arguments as a hash Unkown keywords do not raise error 74/143
  15. Powered by Rabbit 1.0.4 Keyword Arguments in 2.0 Summary Easy

    API More descriptive Rails prefer keyword arguments 75/143
  16. Powered by Rabbit 1.0.4 alias method chain class A def

    foo; puts "foo"; end end class A # reopen def foo_with_bar foo_without_bar puts "bar" end alias_method_chain :foo, :bar end A.new.foo 79/143
  17. Powered by Rabbit 1.0.4 alias method chain def alias_method_chain(target, feature)

    alias_method "#{target}_without_#{feature}", target alias_method target, "#{target}_with_#{feature}" end 80/143
  18. Powered by Rabbit 1.0.4 alias method chain problems many public

    methods spilled out accidental feature name conflict adding same feature set to classes 81/143
  19. Powered by Rabbit 1.0.4 Method combination from CLOS(CommonLisp Object System)

    to extend existing methods confugurable via MOP 82/143
  20. Powered by Rabbit 1.0.4 Module#prepend Methods added by #include comes

    after exisiting methods #prepend put them before to wrap methods 87/143
  21. Powered by Rabbit 1.0.4 Module#prepend class Foo def foo; p

    :foo; end end module Prepend def foo p :before super p :after end end class Foo prepend Prepend end Foo.new.foo 88/143
  22. Powered by Rabbit 1.0.4 Module#prepend Summary Extending exising methods No

    method name conflict Package features in a module 89/143
  23. Powered by Rabbit 1.0.4 Monkey Patching Open class Reopen existing

    class/module Adding methods Replacing methods 92/143
  24. Powered by Rabbit 1.0.4 Refinements module R refine String do

    def foo ... end end end "".foo # => error! using R "".foo 103/143
  25. Powered by Rabbit 1.0.4 Selector namespace No one knows Smallscript

    Smallscript still alive? Very complex 105/143
  26. Powered by Rabbit 1.0.4 Functional programming wannabe Immutable data Pattern

    matching Lazy evaluation Function composition 112/143
  27. Powered by Rabbit 1.0.4 Lazy evaluation What if we had

    lazy version of enumerating methods 116/143
  28. Powered by Rabbit 1.0.4 to_i and to_int to_i for explicit

    conversion to_int for implicit conversion 127/143